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Compact SOG with CFL's


Bro ....you are "Looking Good" Mang'.....and as far as my 21 gram cut ...it was a two headed Beast....after you learn to get them to finish where you want.....then it's SOG 102....

learnin' to make a two headed beast out of your gurls....that is where ya can get a nice increase in yur yield.

Note that it is not a two stemed plant it only splits to make 2 top colas...two stems takes up to much room....we only want one stem w/ 2 top colas
This is a "Sweet Sativa" done this way.

don't know how to get the pic in here but it's post #77 in his next level thread.
Any of you guys had success with trying to do this? I'm trying now but, any advise from those succesful and staying silent would be nice. Dr?


Just Call me Urkle!!
I'm thinking about turning on the ol Micro cab but I want to upgrade it a bit and make it a flood and drain system with it's own res that way it wont be a pain in my ass watering every one of them. Also I want to do a SOG that's not perpetual for once and see how much I can pull now that I have my nutrient line and strains down I think I can do some damn good growing in there now!


I have personally seen CFL's produce 42Dry grams on a 18" Supercropped, hardly fertilized, poor farming techniques, new grower in happy frog soil( asoil i would define as mid to low grade soil ) 18" is height estimate as i said SUPERCROPPED! On a straight plant under 5000lumens per sq ft, with adequete soil and no branching decent care, 15-20 grams should be no problem under cfls. I think alot of people hate that they bought a hps system to realize, they could of grabbed a few cfl's at home depot and got same results. All this talk about DOC being full of shit about yields is rather off the mark. 7-21grams is his claim and it does not in my humble opinion appear to be bs! a 18" plant SHOULD PRODUCE AT LEAST THAT MUCH! He makes great use of his space, sounds like great technique, im positive i could get these results on any strain out there and im kinda of an idiot when it comes to farming. Alot to learn here people pay attention or keep crying bs and grow with your hps 24" away reducing your lumen strength 75% usually in wrong spectrum to boot.


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don't know how to get the pic in here but it's post #77 in his next level thread.
Any of you guys had success with trying to do this? I'm trying now but, any advise from those successful and staying silent would be nice. Dr?

Almost there Doc!! :jump:
We will see what this Bangi Haze yields as I plan to post pics. This is 4 days short of 2wks


This quote to thuder is what I think everyone is missing.
Bro ....you are "Looking Good" Mang'.....and as far as my 21 gram cut ...it was a two headed Beast....after you learn to get them to finish where you want.....then it's SOG 102.... :listen2:

learnin' to make a two headed beast out of your gurls....that is where ya can get a nice increase in yur yield. :jump:

Note that it is not a two stemed plant it only splits to make 2 top colas...two stems takes up to much room....we only want one stem w/ 2 top colas
This is a "Sweet Sativa" done this way.



Almost there Doc!! :jump:
We will see what this Bangi Haze yields as I plan to post pics. This is 4 days short of 2wks


This quote to thuder is what I think everyone is missing.
Good lookin out for catchin this, i've read this thread back and forth and missed the importance of this post many times. It has been my exp that the majority of ones yield with this system is from the top cola, sometimes as much as 75%, producing two top cola's should be very fruitful.
At what point did you top that girl? I've got a LA Woman clone in flower that just stopped stretching, seems like the perfect time for it....thoughts anyone?
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I dont think they're revegges? A good buddy of mine dropped off 12 clones he picked up which are said to be PK. Three of which where much smaller, and had begun to bud. I chucked them in my little PC case, and the others went into my 250w cabinet. They all show very tight iternode spacings, shoots popping up in the oddest places(in the 250w cab) but most leafs only have (1) leaf. Some two. Most one. The PC case clones are swelling up super fat(those pics are old), and it smells dank so Im not too wooried about the single leaf.
Re-reading and catchin' up with this badass inspirational thread.

Dr. Bud, Fender, Anti, Tilt...you guys are the shit. I've picked up more great ideas here from you guys than a decade of plant killin' could have provided.

I'm still workin' on finishing the builds but I ended up using H.O. T-5's behind glass for top, end and side lighting. Thanks again to F.B. for the tree starter pot supplier. I'm racking them in sets for each week's plants. It may end up making me nuts but the idea is to leave all of the lights fixed and put risers under each rack to keep everything reasonably equidistant from the top lighting. That way instead of moving lights to the plants and messin' with my light venting I can just put different height riser blocks under each rack as needed. Each rack sits in its own tub for flood & drain / ebb & flow or whatever you wanna call it watering. Idea here is to not have to do visits at a regular interval. Habits and patterns make LEO's job too easy.

Because my racks & their respective tubs are all adjustable for height I went a little weird on the watering...hope it doesn't come back to haunt me. Each tub has a 1/2" bulkhead fitting near the top rim that is plumbed back to the main reservoir as an overflow. The bottom of each tub has a 1/4" drain with an over-sized debris screen to keep it from clogging. This also returns to the reservoir and has a ball valve in it to adjust the rate of drainage. Then there is a supply hose that passes through the side near the bottom as well. The supply pump is sized to pump a lot faster than the 1/4" will be able to drain, and the pump will run on a preset timer for however many minutes is necessary to completely submerge the pot media for a minute or so. Once the pump shuts down the tub drains empty again. Two central heated and insulated reservoirs will feed everybody from a series of different stagger timed pumps. I figure this should make it easier to monitor the condition of my nutes, temp, E.C., Ph, etc.

The racks are split in half and hold 2 1/2" x 10" pots so if the outside rows start getting out of line with the inners I can switch'em around by just picking up the pot support collar holding the pots and reverse them real quick. Sound more complicated than it is and I'll put some pics up after it's all together and green. Nuthin' growin' in them yet but I really like these pots. They have vertical ribs to keep the plants from growing into the circle of death and keep encouraging them to grow down thereby making full use of the height of the containers. Like all of the rest of this, sounds cool but we'll have to wait and see what it produces.

Also decided to split everything into different cabs to allow for different characteristics (gonna try to work with six different strains). Each flowering cab (there are two) has a bubble cloner compartment underneath with H.O. T-5 overhead. A third cab is Moms on bottom and re-veg on top, both with T-5's overhead, sides and ends. I'm already thinking that another Mom/veg box is gonna be needed to keep up with the clone demand but for now it's just a wait and see how the re-veg works, etc. The only bitch so far is that access is through a lift up hinged side panel that houses a glass light lens, a 2'x4' 8 tube light fixture, a layer of foam insulation, an inner and outer skin of ply...it's effin' heavy. So now I need to add a couple of assist pistons to help keep my nuts where they belong. Maybe junk yard hatch back lifts?

Don't know if you guys have ever used them but


200 mm 12 VDC fan that runs at 700 rpm, moves 110 cfm and is 19 Dba on the noise front at full speed. $20 on Newegg. At lower voltage/speed it's even quieter. I've used them on computer builds and they're great, so I thought I'd try a couple on my ventilation, carbon trap, humidity control manifolds. Trying for low velocity high volume air exchange. We'll see how well it all works together.

One last thing to say about all of this crazy ass discussion about yields. Other than the well worn point that the good Doctor has a tremendous wealth of experience and academic knowledge to draw from, and he's working with a specialized strain that he has developed specifically to meet his needs, what real friggin' difference does it make? If ya like what ya see and read be grateful that a lot of cool people are willing to share their knowledge and experience, I know I am. Nobody really gives a good shit what your "H.O." or A. Hole O. is. If ya think it's all B.S. well good for you...now piss off and let the rest of us who are interested read on.

Treat it like talk radio or cable news...if ya don't like what you're readin' or hearin' then just turn it off or change the station /page and by all means STFU.

Dr. Bud, hope all is well with you and thanks again.
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heyz !!

DrBudGreengenes what else can i say than THX

just got to page 47...will finish the rest laters :D
this thread is in my top 3 already (wont tell u the others :p )
the thing that everyone learns after the first weeks of their MJ Growing, is that there is nothing compared with the experience of growing urself, smoking ur own stuff and u will also realize that you will need years to research/experiment/grow if u want to improve ur own garden.
The fact that some of the ppl here and over the internet are sharing their years of xperience with all the new growers is a huge growing factor in the community we are sharing and a decisive factor in choosing ur own grow style(imo there are as many as growers - is impossible for 2 ppl to grow the same way).

i wanted to say more but it already sounds like i am trying to kiss someones ass or something...

one more thing i want to say Respect ur elders
Can't quote the post but I thought that he also said that he reveg's two or three times before he notices any serious decline, and that either the second or third was often the most productive harvest for that particular plant. Again, my recollection may not be 100% but I'm pretty sure that his experience was something along those lines.

Anti, don't recall if I've ever thanked you for your contributory efforts but if I didn't I've been remiss. Thanks! You and Doc have been a tremendous inspiration and help.


Originally Posted by basspirate
is it true that reveg's don't yield as well as the original..even if you take clones from them?

The Doc has said that his reveg moms when reflowered tend to yield better. (perhaps because they have more sites?)

A reveg starts out with a big ole trunk that's much better than a clone or seedling for filling the plants needs right away.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
A reveg starts out with a big ole trunk that's much better than a clone or seedling for filling the plants needs right away.

Truth. My AK47 mom (watch her birth to first harvest in my cab thread below) currently has a stem about an inch in diameter at the moment. If I were to flower her I imagine she'd yield impressively.

Hmm. Maybe I should throw her in the new cab when it gets built. :)