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Compact SOG with CFL's



1 liter Fiji Water bottles are like 3" squares, but deep. The best option imo.


Active member
Getting here late but damn if you can do a lb in such a small space with so very little wattage...I'd love to see what you could do with a mid sized to large HID!

K+ comin at ya!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
duble G's
Howzit brother..?? Hope its good and that yer weekend rocked... Thought id stop by and see some goodies as well as read the good info.. bbl peace..



Gr8fulDen & Mk3Jetta: It was believed that light was bad for the roots, but several people, including DrBud, have grown in clear containers. They say they haven't seen a difference. What would be nice to see is a comparison grow. Maybe 8 containers clear and the other 8 opaque all the same strain. It would be interesting to see the results.

I garden other plants too, some plants it matters if roots get light, others it just doesn't seem to. The amount of people growing in clear containers with good success gives lie to the statement that you need opaque pots.



I have a few plants in clear 2 liter bottles and they are kicking ass for sure,
I need advice: I believed the label and went with the assumption that my ak48 needs 8 weeks of flowering, so i started putting in 4 clones every week, and now I got box full of clones and at least 1 week left on the most developed batch.
Do I harvest them anyway and put in 3 clones so I can eventually have weekly harvests as I planned originally?
perhaps just wait on the next clones so the most ripe can finish,
if you need to adjust your days, maybe put new clones in every 8 days, instead of 7 or how ever you got it set up. you'll add basically one more week, if it takes more than 8 weeks.
I garden other plants too, some plants it matters if roots get light, others it just doesn't seem to. The amount of people growing in clear containers with good success gives lie to the statement that you need opaque pots.


Like i've said before, when i started my bottles were clear and they developed a lot of algae. It only grows on the surface (in soil or soil-like medium) of where the light is shining so i never noticed and detriment or slowing of the plant growth. Sure it looks sick but the only malady i can perceive is that they rob some of the nutrients. I have since painted the bottles black then white or silver (i like the silver best for really blocking the light and reflecting a little more back to the plant). As for my clone chamber the pics show it is slightly opaque but more clear than most people (myself included) would expect. I had little problems with my bubble cloner with a nice black/white paint job, but have had no problems (except my own slackerness) with my foglonner. I put a few new clones in a couple days ago then yesterday, over 24 hours after putting them in, i checked to see that one of them had not been getting fog (was changing placement of fog-heads around... long story) and was completely limp. I moved the clone and fog-heads to appropriate locations and the cutting has bounced right back with no real signs (yet:) of abuse... I am high and rambling...
perhaps just wait on the next clones so the most ripe can finish,
if you need to adjust your days, maybe put new clones in every 8 days, instead of 7 or how ever you got it set up. you'll add basically one more week, if it takes more than 8 weeks.

Yea, it may take longer in your set-up, especially if your new to it. I have a bagseed mum that seems mostly sativa and takes much more abuse in the bonsai cutting than my Cannatonic mum who is listed as a 50/50 sativa/indica (3rd place CC-Sativa Cup). The bagseed, i've simply named Alpha, seems to be much more comfortable in the small box i've poorly built and the Cannatonic seems to object. Alpha takes a little longer to flower but outproduces in volume over-all (granted these are both small volumes). All that said the smoke of my Cannatonic still blows Alpha away. They have different sacramental purposes... once again i digress...


One of my mazar's is growing in a clear 7/11 slurpee cup and even though the roots are seen there is no sign of algea or slowing of growth.


New member

This is my first ever post on this forum. i am a first time grower from the UK and this thread has inspired me to have a little dabble at growing in 2 X 4 draw chest like the one pictured below



one will be used for vegging, one for flowering.

I was planing on getting 250w blue envirolite Cfl for the veg one and a 250w red one for the flowering one would that be any good?

Now I have read a lot of the early posts on this thread but it is a trawl to read all 50+ pages (although they are quality) so have a few questions if people don't mind answering them it would be fantastic (sorry to spam up the thread as a newbie)

1. The size of the bottle is lost on me being a uk man would a 500ml vending machine size bottle be ok for the sog method. (with the neck chopped off obviously)?

2. the soil mix would be ok with 70% soil and 30% perlite?

4. The plant is vegged in the veg cab until only about 4/5/6inches from the soil line? then moved to the 12/12 flowering chamber where it will further grow with buds and the like?

5. Im a total newbie with strains/seeds/ types etc but I imagine it would be ideal to grow a low rider type strain that has bulky weight on it? any tips on strains to get from a uk seed company.

6. I was planning on getting clones from females so would a good method be to top every plant and clone that way, then chuck the male clones when the first batch show sex in the first flowing phase?

again sorry to spam it up and thanks in anticipation of any responses.


Ioni Botani

I'm new to IC and was wondering if anyone does a SOG style grow with CFL's on a Micro-level?

The reason I ask is Bcuz I do it's 210 watts of CFL's over 27 clones in 2 sq. ft.

The girlz grow in a 16 oz soda bottle filled with my own soil mix...they finish in 9 weeks and Avg. 7- 21 Grams dried per plant and I harvest 3 a week...SOG Perpetual Harvest this is a pic of one of my girlz

Hey there GreenGenes! I too was an avid reader from GC! You generate your power yes? Very nice, the trics look amazing. Glad to see you on here, I'll keep up.


New member
hey doc i was wondering what is a good ratio for NPK for Veg and for flowering. i don't want to casue nute burn to my lil babies i have coming up
1. The size of the bottle is lost on me being a uk man would a 500ml vending machine size bottle be ok for the sog method. (with the neck chopped off obviously)?

2. the soil mix would be ok with 70% soil and 30% perlite?

4. The plant is vegged in the veg cab until only about 4/5/6inches from the soil line? then moved to the 12/12 flowering chamber where it will further grow with buds and the like?

5. Im a total newbie with strains/seeds/ types etc but I imagine it would be ideal to grow a low rider type strain that has bulky weight on it? any tips on strains to get from a uk seed company.

6. I was planning on getting clones from females so would a good method be to top every plant and clone that way, then chuck the male clones when the first batch show sex in the first flowing phase?

again sorry to spam it up and thanks in anticipation of any responses.

1. yes, or better 1,5 l chopped to hold 0,5l of soil mix. You can use bigger containers too
2. The soil has to have good drainage, that's the biggest requirement. I guess that mix is OK
3. you missed no.3
4. yep, but keep in mind that you have to dial in your strain, that is get the optimal height of the vegged clone so it fills the vertical space of your cab
5. you don't want an autoflowering strain for this. You grow from clones.
6. yes, that's one way of doing it .
As for envirolites, I believe that Dr.Bud said something about using more 43 watt cfls because 55w and bigger emit more heat per watt or something. Also, by using lower wattages you get more even light spread over the surface of the cab.
anyone still wating on a pic of docs full operation, the one with 144 cuttings in flower at the same time that makes his outrageous yeilds possible?? or are we looseing sleep over the clear containers 2ft from the light receiving light? no proof no proof no proof, proof of proofs absence isnt always proof of absensce of proof but here yeah i think it is...........:dueling:


Gr8fulDen & Mk3Jetta: It was believed that light was bad for the roots, but several people, including DrBud, have grown in clear containers. They say they haven't seen a difference. What would be nice to see is a comparison grow. Maybe 8 containers clear and the other 8 opaque all the same strain. It would be interesting to see the results.


ive had experience with blacked out soda bottles and clear ones, it all depends on the plant, some dont mind, some do.

its completely subjective to each strain and each individual plant, but in my experience id say its a 50/50, clear bottles are good to check overall roothealth, where as blacked out is almost garenteed to have a stress free rootsystem. (according you know what your doing ofcourse)

just wrap a bottle in panda wrap, tape one flap to the bottle, wrap round then rape the panda to itself, then you can peel it back and check if needbe.:2cents: