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Compact SOG with CFL's

I too want to start a perpetual harvest. I have a 400w hps and I stagger the harvest to every 4.5 weeks with the cheese, but harvesting a plant every weekend sounds like a lot a fun. I get impatient near harvest time and this seems like the perfect way to be satisfied every week. Seems like alot of work though, cutting clones everweek, and mixing different nutrient formulas for plants at different stages.

You are a true master of your craft Dr. I have learned a few things from your efficient micro grow. Keep up the good work


as far a Borrowing Ideas ...
PLEASE do !!
If what I have put here helps just a few ppl stop paying for their Meds
then it has achieved my Goal


So glad to hear your up and about dude. This thread kept me going through a long time of waiting to start my first solo fully organic grow. It inspired and amazed me, gave me ideas and made me think.
Im now in month 5 and starting to get some decent bud come out of my straight to flower clones.
I have had issues and cried into tissues but i'm there now and finally not paying for my "meds".
Without people of vast experience and patience, like yourself, I think I would have given up and gone back to buying a quarter every coupla days...
Thank you, good Dr.
Keep well
Plantsman :joint:


New member
Man this is a truly beautiful technique and this thread has been very educational for me who's beggining with a small cab and CFL grow....

Thanks alot Doc

cuticle nipper

New member
Whoa i feel so honored ... the Great Doc answered me directly the first day i actually joined icmag...after lurking for couple of yrs...n e ways this method and many more from so many great minds works...even combining ideas works wonders..i am a newb...but shiet pumpin out one zip trees with a coupla econo 150's and a few 42ers in a closet is amazing...especially w/o any knowledge but ic knowledge and a will....theres a way..btw wtf is a ph meter i aint got one hahahah not even a thermometer..just buckets and trees and light ..thanx doc u keep the redneck country going strong...for free lol still too sketchy to post pics so gimmie another few yrs...lates


Just Call me Urkle!!
Cuticle - you're funny and ph meter tells you the ph of your water or soil depending the type and VERY important if you have bad water and just helpful all around.. I still don't have a ph kit yet but I need one cuz I've had my nutes lock out and fuck up a whole crop and ruined my perpetual setup!!! I'm just now getting back on track thank GOD that Flora Nova and my tap water work GREAT with no ph up or down...


First post, found Cannagraphic because of Dr. Bud. Of which, and i know many growers are VERY anti-LED, but i've been researching for the last year, and because of my unwillingness to spend $300 on a array/not being able to find electronics for a reasonable price/lack of one specific electric engineering knowledge i haven't been able to find any light that will grow plants taller that 2'. HOWEVER, because of the Dr. here, i'm going to try out his method with what i have. I'm probably not going to start that grow for a minute, but when i start, i'll keep everyone posted. Oh, and i want to thank you Dr. Bud, you basically saved me from waisting a couple Hundy :D


so please dont anialate me for asking this question. i would like to begin a stealth micro sog with cfl's is there anyway this can be done without a mother? not all possible by seed, im aware 12/12 from seed can create somewhat similar results.......

any thoughts?
Seedswill work good depending on the variety. An auto flowering strain or somthing close to a pure indica will grow stout.

If you have any friends that grow, ask if you can just get more clones every harvest. Or if possible, I would suggest getting a small mother cabinet, because seeds and clones get expensive over time. Also with one mother, you become more experienced in feeding that particular strain, as opposed to growing somthing different time.
Good luck Keep It dank


Just Call me Urkle!!
From my experience pure indica is NOT what you want for this style of growing. Maybe from seed it's different but I know that when I got the SR71 Purple Kush I was stoked to give it a run due to being a indy I thought it would be perfect for this style. But When I grew her out to 7" and saw her finish at 10" I was quite disappointed when eveything else I ran would go from 3"-5" and finish out at 16"-21" with 3x's the yield I got from the PK so I would look into a nice hybrid IMO...


New member
Hello Doc, I have a tip for you that I believe most don't know the power of. You can easily add about 90 trace elements in a perfect ratio to your soil and/or nutrient mix. All you need is some good living SEA SALT! I don't know if you will be able to find what i'm talking about in any regular grocery store, try an organic market. Celtic Sea Salt, would be one of these living salts. There are probably others like at seaagri.com but celtic sea salt is good b/c it is harvested out of the ocean and sun-dried (very important). It is grey in color, unlike most other "sea salt" or table salt (which is inedible compared to living mineral rich salt). I also recommend that you add this to your diet as well, i take a pinch and add it to my water and it blows gatorade away. It's super hydrating, your plants will thrive on it. I think you should add it to your nutrients as a soil amendment would probably wash out quickly with your watering method. You can try it out with a foliar spray before you go and dial it in to your nutes. Take one part water and stir in as much salt as it will take in roome temp. This should give you the exact ratio of natural seawater; then dilute 9 parts regular water. Use as fertilizer, spray, hydro... fantastic for vegetables as they will thrive, produce more and provide dozens of other minerals which simply aren't present in MOST of the soil on land. I would recommend your sick friends also try switching to a living salt, it gives plants invincible immune systems and is incredibly healing for people as well. Our blood basically IS seawater! A table salt free diet might be good, but you will die without electrolytes. We absolutely need electrolytes to live and the BEST come from the sea as it just like our blood. blood transfusions have been done in Japan with seaweed and water.


So I've been searching for 20 oz soda bottles but couldn't find any. I was going to pick up some gatorade 20 oz bottles because I've seen them used in this thread. Right next to it I found wal-mart's clear american water beverage. Its 20 oz and has a nearly identical size to the gatorade bottles, but a smoother more simple bottle design.

Anyways, my question is since the bottle is clear will this affect the roots and plants in any negative way?


Well-known member
So I've been searching for 20 oz soda bottles but couldn't find any. I was going to pick up some gatorade 20 oz bottles because I've seen them used in this thread. Right next to it I found wal-mart's clear american water beverage. Its 20 oz and has a nearly identical size to the gatorade bottles, but a smoother more simple bottle design.

Anyways, my question is since the bottle is clear will this affect the roots and plants in any negative way?

those will work just fine
People need to avoid buying bottled water...it is being
Look into it


New member
Awesome, I don't know if you think im just advertising or something, but i'm not. Sea salt is a really good thing to add to your soil and im a lil dissapointed that people keep ignoring me when i bring this up. I don't know if i sound like a salesman but i think that what is people think because im so enthusiastic about it. Its a big fucking deal that sea salt can do so much for your plants and the web of life in your soil. there are more trace elements than rockdust... rockdust amendments to soil is absolutely legendary, but sea water/salt/minerals/weed is even better. i just dont get it. someone please reply to this post.


New member
I'm pretty sure that salt lake utah would be a viable source. All bodies of water probably have slightly different mineral compositions but i think the most important thing is that it is totally unrefined and sun-dried. If its for consumption you don't want the salt to have touched anything metal as it degrades the salt.

Jonny i checked out the site that you posted but i couldn't find sea salt there, it seems to be only dietary supplements (tablets, liquids). there is a really good article there http://www.traceminerals.com/trace.html which explains the importance of salt minerals from the sea.

when i first learned about this technique, it was about dr. murrays hydroponic farm in florida where he used only sea water as nutrients. i believe now that it was diluted with regular water, but i do not believe that he added any NPK. Dr. murray said that due to the presence of all of the other trace elements, only the small amounts of these things in sea water is enough for the plants to vigorously thrive. I think the availability of all the other elements reduces the need for large amounts of NPK (just np & K is like us living on gruel).

some good products are


http://www.seaagri.com/index.html (10 lb $25 S&H included)

my favorite salt for consumption is Celtic Sea Salt which can be found in organic markets, or online. I add a small pinch to my water, vortex it, and now your are drinking liquid consciousness. it is SUPER hydrating. also, your vegetables will eagerly absorb these minerals and feed them to you. a plant grown with the salt minerals is a hundred times more nourishing and a hundreds times better tasting, it will also keep much longer after being picked and most plants will be disease and pest free.

edit: oh yeah sorry doc for going off topic but i think this is pertinent to this style of growing, plus this thread is already just oh so inspiring.
Dr. Bud Greengenes you are my hero I have researched over unity power generators off grid living wood gas bio-diesel running a gen. on ethanol to try and find a way to grow indoors with out paying a high light bill but you are proof it can be done.
Keep on keeping on
And thanks for the inspiration

Dang dude, people have been doing this for as long as the sun has been shining, wind has been blowing and the stream has water to spin the genny. Takes a few bucks to set it all up, but once you have it going it pays for it's self very quickly.

Happy to see others doing and now being taken a little more seriously what some of us have been doing for years.
I use that same celtic sea salt....im not ignoring you jqueen :D....

I use 20oz dr pepper bottles that come in 6 packs, you can find them all over, ive seen the mountain dew ones too.

my dr greenbud cab is almost done :D


Well-known member
I'm not ignoring U
I'm pretty sure that my plants get Plenty of
Sea Salt
From the 100's of Lbs of Seaweed and Kelp
in My
Compost Pile.....:bongsmi:
DrBud .......like "Puff the Magic Dragon" lives
By The Sea

I can hear the Waves crash from my front Door
We take alot more from the Pacific Ocean
than just
:joint::joint: Salt :joint::joint:
But...TY for the info