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Active member
Young fathers make the best employees. They will work hard and you really don’t have to pay them much because they can’t afford to quit.


Well-known member
Young fathers make the best employees. They will work hard and you really don’t have to pay them much because they can’t afford to quit.


Well-known member
They’re all rapists? Tankie.
Being forced to participate in an exploitative and autocratic system and then striking back isn't authoritarian in my eyes lol. Like I said, is it authoritarian to kill your rapists/captors?

I'm not condoning violence but what other option will people have left when the capitalist system itself is the sole reason why people hate it and both parties will literally support the rise of fascism to stop any sort of anti capitalist movement from taking place.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"


Well-known member
Currently existing capitalism is authoritarian and autocratic and its only getting worse as fascism is on the rise.

The solution is libertarian socialism. Democratizing capitalism and opposing ruling class hierarchies.

Capitalism had a good run but that time is coming to an end. The elites understand this and are preparing for it. Why aren't we?
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Well-known member
is it authoritarian to kill your/your child's rapist?
if you catch them in the act, it is considered self-defense, as it is legal to use lethal force to defend yourself OR OTHERS... if you hide across the street from the courthouse on the roof of Parks-Belk & brain him as they are walking him out to a police vehicle, it is considered a good sho...i mean, cold-blooded murder. they will arrest you, indict you, try you, and quite likely convict you. the amount of time you actually serve might not be considered appropriate in some circles.


Active member
While one isn’t the other, Communism needs authoritarianism to survive much more than capitalism does. As hard as many wish it didn’t, it does. We have a good system if only more would participate. It’s easier to bitch about “the man”. I don't mean sending cash to Bernie or kissing trump/Biden ass.

St. Phatty

Active member
I remember walking with a co-worker, Harry H., between buildings at one of those aerospace company campus type facilities.

He was ranting about Al Gore & Socialism, or something like that.

I pointed out that our government funded facility was a 100% socialist enterprise.

The only thing was, we were making high tech parts of killing machines, instead of building roads or schools.

Fortunately we soon arrived at the meeting room we were walking towards, and we later had a lot of fun working together to use P-Spice (electrical engineering software) to solve materials problems.


Well-known member
While one isn’t the other, Communism needs authoritarianism to survive much more than capitalism does. As hard as many wish it didn’t, it does. We have a good system if only more would participate. It’s easier to bitch about “the man”. I don't mean sending cash to Bernie or kissing trump/Biden ass.
"If only more would participate"

"just vote harder peasants"

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Well-known member
While one isn’t the other, Communism needs authoritarianism to survive much more than capitalism does. As hard as many wish it didn’t, it does.
communism is anti authoritarian lol

We have a good system if only more would participate.

It’s easier to bitch about “the man”. I don't mean sending cash to Bernie or kissing trump/Biden ass.
if this is your takeaway you really aren't paying attention. keep sniffing those neolib farts.


Well-known member
venezuela isn't socialist or communist. they never have been.

how do you guys spend so much time commenting and hating something you dont even understand lol
You completely missed my point. Venezuela voted for socialism in hopes of a better life, they received a dictatorship intead.


Well-known member
"Past communist and socialist countries like the most recent Venezuela"

how did i miss your point? im just quoting what you wrote lol.