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commercial vs home grown


Active member
I'll tell you what Ive seen more than 1 -25000watt plus comercial grows and there putting out some killer smoke .IMO the industry has adapted to the needs of its clients.
But if your in a non med state thats a diffrent story


A plant being healthy green does not mean you should delay harvest..that's absurd. When it's done, it's done, regardless of how well you time your "flush".

I grew out some Blue Himalaya auto this summer and shared it with some Spaniards after announcing that is was just my homegrown. Well, we all know homer sucks, right? We smoked and and about 45 minutes later the dude came over and basically said wow, killer homer. Ya think? And that was an auto that I did a half-assed job on like most of my grows.... Homer is the best when produced by experienced growers, but it can be respectable through luck in novice hands, I am living proof.
I started to realize recently that very few smokers care about the quality of their bud as much as I do. With this in mind, I try my best to "educate" people by showing them what good bud is. I've never had a person see quality bud and say something negative about it, but if they did I would say "cool." That's it. Those two words would cover every fuck I have to give about their opinion when it comes to bud.

I've noticed that everyone wants to believe that the bud they have is "the best." I've even found myself getting prideful and not giving props to someone's bud when they were bragging so much that it pissed me off.

Something I say to people who comment negatively about the eye-appeal of buds: "When you stick your weed in your pipe, you do smoke it or look at it?" =) haha


dry trimming will cause ur buds to smell an taste better.. no matter what u do .. if u try to trim wet u will have that hay smell ... need to slow dry then trim guys.. it works.


Active member
Hmmm, wonder why just 1 joint of mine will stink out a whole room just sitting there in the ashtray, unlit then???...

(BTW, I trim fresh, always have, always will. Pix R worth 1000 words)


O ya...

Commercial = expensive, and usually not top notch.

Homegrown = Cheap and Effective.

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I really want to smack some people sometimes. Has anyone her had people complain that homegrown buds don't look right because they haven't. Been vacume sealed and smuggled in a car tire. "That weed looks funny" is said about glorious sour bubble nugs. That same weed is but into a sandwich baggie and kept in a pocket for a week the same person says "wow that looks dank". I really really want to smack these people sometimes. Same people that will pay 400$ a zip if it's called kush or og even though it is completely different than the "kush" or og that the guy had last month.

Someone make me feel better about myself and restore my faith in humanity.

You know, I've been running into the same exact thing....I even did an experiment. Hooked one friend up with nice, fat, uncompressed nugs one week, guy comes back a week later and I hook him up with the same exact stuff, but only compressed..basically took some nice nuggets and sat on them than dried them out.

He came back the next week and asking for the stuff that had been compressed..he thought it was "commerical/imported" and was of much better quality than the uncompressed stuff (again both bags were the same..only difference was one was not compressed)


Active member
I was actually surfing today and came across an article on curing that actually had a step that described putting it into a plastic bag and rolling it to give it that compact look.


Active member
When I smoke I only smoke my own. Because I know what desired effect I will get. That it was properly flushed and cured. And it is smooth and taste is good. I smoked with a friends last month that he said was good stuff and it tasted like dirt and chemicals. Also mixing op mj just screws up my high or stone. Some people will buy and smoke shit. Sorry I will not anymore.

Pain :bigeye: