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Come back in grow after one 12/12 cycle


New member
What STRAIN are you growing? critical mass
What was the establishing technique? clone
What is the age of your plants? one week (+rooting time that i don't know)
What PHASE are the plants in? grow
What size bulb are you using? 600 watt HPS


i've had a prob with my timer this morning and my clones didn't recieve the 18h light but only 12h.

I am at grow + 6 days (not including the rooting periods of the clones) and now one day of bloom. So my question is:

can i come back in grow. If yes, will there be an impact with only one bad cycle ?

or should i stay in bloom ? with only 6 days grow, i presume that the harvest will be consequently lower.

Thank's a lot for your attention


just one day at 12 hours? you'll be OK going back to 18/6
Good Luck

What he said.

I've had to play around with my lighting before - ran into issues and made calculated adjustments to get them back on schedule over a few day period. It takes longer than a day or two in most cases to trigger the plants to switch cycles.