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Anybody else renting and happy with it?


New member
"Owning" is an illusion anyway unless you can buy it outright. To the meat of it:

As a former homeowner, IMO it's amazing knowing you will not have any unexpected "surprises" when/if something brakes. You pick up the phone and make a call. Done.

You want to move? Pick up and do it. No selling the house necessary.

If you're somewhat financially savvy, the money "saved"(ie differential between rent-mortgage) in the potential "ownership" of a home can be better utilized on the market.

You can live better relative to the monthly costs. My mortgage would be double what I pay in rent for a similar place. The notion that you are "giving money away" when renting is ludicrous.

If you find the right owner and switch the locks, the privacy thing is a non-issue, even for our occupation.

Anybody renting and happy with it?

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Youngin, youngin..I too feel your relief buddy. Specially in this shit economy with the overinflated prices I hear ya. I was in a crammed condo, living stressed out, constantly repairing breaks and damaged things, basically a nightmare.

Moved, live in a huge house, plenty of room to grow and raise a family, you are preaching to the choir. That feeling of ownership is an ilusion unless you pay 3/4 of the house up front. Rent is not cheaper than mortgage in some areas, but the state I live in, mortgage on a regular small place costs twice the amount of rent let alone the dreaded repairs, taxes, HOA, insurances and bills associated with owning. You feel like a slave and have management companies, mortgage companies and God knows who else sucking your money like a vampire. Make sure you have at least a grand left over each month to dedicate to emergencies like replacing a roof, heater, chimney etc etc etc It never ends, believe me, and if you have a HOA running your community, you can expect a lifetime of nit picky rules, complaints, shit you can't even plant what you want without getting permission by the HOA for that specific garden plant etc. Some HOAs won't even let you make changes to your house that are not in line with the "aesthetics" of the community. I've seen a seemingly nice place seem like hell to live in, like a military base or some shit.

I am so much happier renting, I will only purchase in the future using Cash.
Credit is a trap, cut up the cards, you will be aslave otherwise.

Took me 10 years to learn the hard way, I was stubborn.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
owned one time, in oregon...was nice, but renting is much better for me...


rental inspections would scare me. In michigan we have land contracts. You make payments to the homeowner instead of a bank. No credit checks and you own it no rental inspections.


How about I'm not renting and not happy about it??? Moldy was pretty darn correct in his above statement. I am unfortunate enough to own several places some of which have no mortgage at all yet are full of non-stop pains in the ass. I fared much better when I lived in a chicken shack with an outhouse. Mind you the chicken shack had a basement with 40 amps and a smoking overlord!!......Anyway, the costs of ownership are ridiculous and there are just as many people coming by for something as at a rental. Being a landlord sucks too.I have a tenant who used to be my brother in law. He has a hundred amp shop at his service and still has to call me about a leak under a sink?? Owning is very over-rated but for somebody like me who will grow on and on it's nice to have some private amps where no one can boot you out.... Imagine it..Chaco as your landlord!!! "What the hell is a greenhouse for anyway? Of course you can, why ask!!!"


Active member
yea theres lots of BS things you gotta work on and fix but i sleep much more comfortably knowing that the thousands im spending every month will eventually come back to me in 20-30 years if i ever decide to sell the house or need to tap into the equity.

renting sucks, fucking nosy ass landlords are onto the grow house shit.

i basically contributed a nice fat 24 grand to my ex landlords mortgage and gambling habits last year.


A foot without a sock...
yea theres lots of BS things you gotta work on and fix but i sleep much more comfortably knowing that the thousands im spending every month will eventually come back to me in 20-30 years if i ever decide to sell the house or need to tap into the equity.

renting sucks, fucking nosy ass landlords are onto the grow house shit.

i basically contributed a nice fat 24 grand to my ex landlords mortgage and gambling habits last year.

I'm with you.

In my case, I really can't see the benefit of renting over owning at the moment.I like my seclusion, extra rooms and Beware of Owner signs...

I bought back in the mid 90's and did put 30% down, my mortgage in comparison to the average rental can't be beat.

That might change in the future. Who knows...