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Columbian Gold 72


Well-known member
Hi Nexus
I bought CG72 from Mike and I bought CG72 and Coljam from TSC, which is supposed to be original legit JGL stuff from the time of their collaboration. I only get the seeds, I cannot receive the goods in their original packaging
And btw I have received in my mail a newsletter from TSC and they have made a repro of CG72, so it is available again

The seeds I received from Mike as CG72 and the seeds I received from TSC as CG72 are not the same. TSC seeds were in perfect shape and lighter colour and not exactly same size. Mike's seeds their outer skin was peeling and they look different to an untrained eye
I asked at TSC if they knew what Coljam version is this one they sold me and they didnt know there were two versions, so they dont know

I germed 3 seeds from Mike and 3 seeds from Coljam TSC without knowing I might get the same and I got same result, got 2 healthy plants from each out of 3
In vegetative up until they sexed, they looked the same. I grew them in 20 lts pot. Yours look like a branch/cut of the plants I had, they get big.
Indoor under COB lights the female reached just 2 meters, they behave different indoor and outdoors
The males loved it ourdoors. Beautiful males. I pollinated my grow with them. Very nice plants and they were the ones to remained green confined in their 20 lts pot more than any other variety I ever had. I just gave them water. Other varieties under this conditions here yellow fast

The female I got was from Mike and the other 3 were males. By the way it is my favourite smoke from what I have gotten so far
All males reached 3 meters outdoors.

The female in summertime after 14 weeks of flowering showed purple bracts. This fact makes me think that what I got from London is the same strain I got from TSC as Coljam. Next year I will run a confirmed second Coljam version from another official source so I will confirm what it is the stuff I grew this year.

I hope it helps


Well-known member
@yesum @funkyhorse

Thanks for the reply.

I'm still a bit on the fence with this one.

It definitely shares some traits that yesum mentioned. The leaves definitely did fade yellow towards the end of flower and on the top third of the plant there's barely any leaf and it's all thin, little, single blade ones.

That said structurally it seems to more resemble funkyhorses and it did get some purpling or magenta on the pollen sacs and petioles.


Could there be any possibility you or TSC switched your ColJam and CG'72 by mistake? That would mean you were growing both Cg'72's instead of both ColJam?

In any case it's good to hear you got something you liked from Mike's stock.


Did your Cg'72 exhibit any signs of purpling or magenta?

Whatever mine is it looks super colorful and interesting enough to try again.




Active member
Hello, I placed an order years ago in alchimia of cg 72. The packaging is the same. Although it's not hard to fake haha


Well-known member
There is always a possibility of someone messing up along the cannabis chain and it would not be the first time it happens, thats why I like to source the same thing from two different sources in order to compare and be sure. When in doubt like in this case, the forum is a great tool to check and find out


Active member
Christalin of USC said regseeds has had CG 72 two or three years

read that the other day @ opengrow forum

they were sent legit USC packs


Well-known member
Yes, Cristalin said the same in overgrow:

Nov '19

@Zion our seeds are available on ******'s shop, Alchimia or regseed , begining of 2020 we will open our own website

I tried buying from these distributors but they are very problematic
I bought a few packs from Alchimia and my packs are safe at their fridge 2 years already and my money is hot in their pocket
The dutch distributor in order to send certified post with tracking number he forces you to buy mycorrhiza and cannot receive it because mycorrhiza needs customs clearance

When I contacted Mike from Regseeds the only strain they had available at that moment was this CG72.

Getting USC seeds from their official distributors has been a very difficult adventure for me


Well-known member
Looks like a great potential stud N7. Love the structure of that plant.


Usc CG72 gold male from reg seeds

View Image


Planning to hit up an Ace Malawi in a few weeks with this one so would be nice to know what I got on my hands.




Well-known member
Looks like a great potential stud N7. Love the structure of that plant.



Thanks F2F!

I had the pollen stored in the fridge for around a year and just recently tried to pollinate the Malawi. Unfortunately it looked like it didn't take. Hopefully I find at least a few in there come harvest time. Will have to freeze the pollen next time. Just started a few more CG '72's so hopefully can find another.





Well-known member
Cracked 6 CG '72 seeds by Snowhigh. Will check tomorrow as they will be over 48 hours. Hope it is different than the USC version, which is nice btw, just want something different.

How's the Snowhigh '72 CG going? Noticing much difference to the USC version?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ The plants stayed short and the leaves are not very narrow. I flipped to flower this past Wednesday and will know more on the structure soon. I trust Snow so these may be a variety that is slightly different in looks but still CG '72.


Well-known member
This is Mike CG72

The description of the plant I have it is explained at the new USC site, I copy from there:
"This F1 cross between the Colombian Gold strain and the Jamaican Lambsbread grows tall and fir-shaped, developing long internodal distances. It is extremely vigorous, growing really tall even during the flowering period. It is ripe in 14-16 weeks of bloom, yielding up to 600gr/m2, offsetting the long flowering stage.
The aroma is complex and intense, ranging from fruity notes reminiscent of lychee to spicy and Haze hints, depending on phenotypes.
The effect is highly psychedelic, electric and very intense. It is followed by a strong physical relaxation feeling, very pleasant and balanced."

Except the highly psychedelic part which I think is language used very lightly, the rest including the first picture at their page matches what I have and I am now certain it is Coljam, I have no more doubts after reading this

I grow them the first 9 flowering weeks indoors and the rest outdoors
This is the top shot at day 97

Lower bud shots



Well-known member
Nice looking mystery plant Funkyhorse.

To me the large main cola looks a little like that ColJam pic on the USC site but the lowers look like a denser version of that CG'72 pic on the alchimia site. But definitely your buds looks a lots denser than any of the pics of finished CG72 flowers I've seen.

Tbh I thought Cristalin never had or lost one or both of the parents to make the original ColJam hence the need for a bx.

Now if the latest version of ColJam is really CG80/JLB x Cg72 as Yesum suggests that might explain a few things.

Whatever you got I hope you enjoy it and aren't too disappointed with the possible seed switch.

Personally I hope mine's is really CG72 but guess I won't be too disappointed if it's ColJam either.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I planted one Colombian Gold 72 from Underground Seed Co today which germinated this morning in paper towel. I'm very excited to grow and hopefully, eventually smoke this vintage herb. It will be grown indoors under COB LEDs. I look forward to sharing pics and notes with you all as this grow continues.:plant grow:


Well-known member
Good luck Hempy McNoodle !
I have 6 Colombian Gold 1972 from USC as well, I am in love with the beautiful, elegant pale green sativa leaves of this strain. They had a difficult start in life because of my mistakes but are better now.
Germinated in January. Today the biggest one developed a female flower, I am hoping for males too as I want to keep this strain.


Well-known member
Nice to see a few more people growing the CG 72. It's been out for a while but not a whole lot of grow/smoke reports or pictures on this one.

@ hempy mcnoodle @ achille

Can I ask were you guys obtained your seeds?

Feel free to post some pics too :)

mike tea

cg 2019

cg 2019

Nice to see a few more people growing the CG 72. It's been out for a while but not a whole lot of grow/smoke reports or pictures on this one.

@ hempy mcnoodle @ achille

Can I ask were you guys obtained your seeds?
acquired my cg from world of seeds,2019, start grow late may no problems very productive, large buds, very potent thrive in hot western, Oklahoma weather peace, mike tea sorry no photos future grows in 2020 planned out doors for these, santa martas.


Well-known member
acquired my cg from world of seeds,2019, start grow late may no problems very productive, large buds, very potent thrive in hot western, Oklahoma weather peace, mike tea sorry no photos future grows in 2020 planned out doors for these, santa martas.

Hi Mike,

The World of Seeds (WOS) - Colombian Gold line is a bit different to the one most of us have in this thread.

We're all growing the Underground Seed Collective (USC) - Colombian Gold '72. You can read more about it below:

Alchimia presents here Colombian Gold 72, a Sativa cannabis strain which has been kept by the international community since 1972, and shared by the Underground Seeds Collective as regular seeds.

This landrace cannabis variety has extraordinary vigorous growth, also during bloom, so a short vegetative period is recommended, as well as using different pruning and training techniques to control its height.

Colombian Gold 72 develops flexible branches and has a long flowering period that may take up to 18 weeks, so it is not advised for novice growers.

Our patience will be rewarded with resinous and voluptuous buds, with sweet, fruity and peppery smell and taste, very long lasting. The effect is typical of pure Sativas, positive and uplifting.

Colombian Gold 72 from Underground Seeds Collective features:
Genetics: Colombian landrace
Type: Regular seeds
100% Sativa
Indoor flowering: 18 weeks
Outdoor harvest: December-January
Yields: Average

Some growers have previously questioned the authenticity of the WOS Colombian Gold line. But if you're happy with the end results I guess that's all that matters.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Good luck Hempy McNoodle !
I have 6 Colombian Gold 1972 from USC as well, I am in love with the beautiful, elegant pale green sativa leaves of this strain. They had a difficult start in life because of my mistakes but are better now.
Germinated in January. Today the biggest one developed a female flower, I am hoping for males too as I want to keep this strain.

Awesome achille! I hope you are able to reproduce the strain. I plan on doing that as well in the future. But, for now I will be growing with 3 other tropical / semi-tropical sativas hoping for sensi or lightly self-pollinated (if hermie) this time around.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Nice to see a few more people growing the CG 72. It's been out for a while but not a whole lot of grow/smoke reports or pictures on this one.

@ hempy mcnoodle @ achille

Can I ask were you guys obtained your seeds?

Feel free to post some pics too :)

From San nies (hint: take out the space)

I definitely plan on posting pics:)