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Colorado Medical Marijuana Analytical Lab


I think this is a great idea, but $70K is gonna be a tough pull in today's nascence of Colorado MMJ. So little research exists on how each ingredient in Cannabis is effective for what types of ailments. So my call to you sir, is to create your market... Begin researching what each compound is and how it can be medicinally beneficial. Then begin educating on why these numbers REALLY matter. Right now, patients have no idea what's really in their buds, and blindly attempt to alleviate symptoms with a strain that potentially has no affect on said symptoms. Then you certainly will have a market when patients can come to you and ask what the best strains are for headaches, appetite, glaucoma, etc... Caregivers will need those kinds of stats if patients become educated on these compounds. Good luck, my scientific friend. I'd love to see this type of service succeed.

Bumble Buddy

Active member
I have no clue on the business prospects of cannabis testing however this type of testing is greatly needed. I generally avoid smoking anything (especially hash) that I am not sure of the source due to potential contamination. Some mold toxins, pesticide residues, and hash adulterants are extremely nasty stuff and the cannabis community is quite unaware of this on the whole.

I imagine the market for this testing would be many times larger in CA than CO. I live in a wholly nanny-state, I would travel out of state to get testing done.

One thing I wonder about in terms of contamination are fibers, especially those made from synthetic materials like carpets... is there testing for that? I suppose it might require a standardized form of mechanical counting under a microscope and individual fiber analysis?

The testing of cannabinoids is also very interesting, a field of study just bursting with possibilities, testing for terpenes/flavinoids/alkaloids etc.. also just as important IMO. Are you able to do terpene/flavinoid analysis veta?

It'd be great if this service got off the ground if a database of constituents of cultivars could be generated.


Just wanted to thank everyone for the input. Looks like there is a very good chance it is going to happen as I have linked up with some good people. Details are being worked out, but I can safely say you will see a analytical service, and probably certified product in the very near future. I will let everyone know once we are up and running, and give you full details as they evolve.


I would be interested if I didnt have to get it up to Denver for analysis.

Call me too lazy to drive up there, but I guess I'm lazy.
I feel med growers could really benefit with this.


It looks like we will be accepting samples via private courier or possibly mail/fedex. Keep in mind the amount sent will be less then 500 mg, and it will be sent as medical samples.

terpenes/flavinoids/alkaloids are all possible, but will not be part of the standard package at first.

contaminate analysis will probably be available from day one.


You should look into either california, or being able to do California samples. I know I would get a few done from my personal stash and if a couple dozen others decided to you would be in business, if a couple dispensaries got involved I am sure you could sustain a business. it will be hard because of laws going intra state like that but, if others do it already then maybe the Federal approval is worth it.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
It's funny how the title explicitly says COLORADO, and peeps keep mentioning Cali. If he wanted to do so, he could, obviously he's focused on CO. Seriously...

veta, what are the charges going to be for a testing?


We are talking about how to server other states. It is definitely something we want to do, but the logistics need to be worked out. Transport of samples is a big snag right now, but there are alot of ways to address it.

First things first is to get a lab up and running, I am confident that just servicing CO will keep the light on. Once it is established we can expand our range and services.

I am shooting for a base price in the 40$ a sample range, but until everything is in place I can't gaurenty a price. It's one thing to work a price out on paper, and another to base it off a running system. We hope to offer a range of services so prices will vary.


I wouldn't even considering coming here if I was him. Small community even here in detroit, and we're all broke around here (for the most part)


New member
yes yes yes

yes yes yes

If anyone here can help me gauge what interest the colorado community might have in an analytical laboratory that specializes in cannabis quality control. I am a biotechnology researcher with 10 years of experience in analytical methods. In the past I have provided quality control services on a limited case by case basis for producers, and recently I have been asked to provide these service much more regularly. As I currently can not provide regular testing in my current setting, it has been suggested to me that the larger provider community would be very interested in utilizing such a service, and that it might be viable as a stand alone business. I am looking for any feedback from the community that I can get.

A little bit about what I have provided in the past. I have developed a method for cannabinod analysis of samples utilizing HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and GC/MS (Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry). What this means is that I am able to determine the content of THC, THCV, THCA, CBD, CBN, CBDA, and CBC in just about any cannabis material (raw plant material, oils, consumables, and extracts). I use only about 250 mg or material per test (a very small amount) In the past this information has been used primary for strain improvement, but it can also be used to provide characterization and quality control. Other services I could provide include mold and fungus detection and characterization, detection and quantification of the presence of pesticides and residual fertilizers, and bulk sterilization of products.

I have a few questions that will help me determine if providing these services to the community could form a self sustaining business. If you could answer the questions below it would be very helpful.

Would you be interested in any of these services?

As a patient would knowing the content of your medicine be something that you would find desirable?

Would it effect your choice of provider?

If so, which services do you see as the highest priority? I am assuming that cannabinod analysis would be the most attractive based on past experience.

If you are a dispensary or care giver, how many samples a month do you think you would require? A single sample could quantify a whole crop/bake good/extract/etc. In the past people have used this to test new clones and monitor strain production over time.

I estimate the cost of running and analyzing a sample right now to be 35-40$, does this seem like a ok price point?

If not, what do you think is a viable price point? Keep in mind each sample needs about 30 mins of tech time, 45 mins of machine time, plus reagent costs.

Finally would you or anyone you know be interested in investing in this type of business? If so, please forward them this message, and have them contact me at tor.talk(at)gmail.com or PM here.

I am considering offering pre-purchasing of sample analysis, at a significant discount to help fund the venture, is this something you might consider?

If anyone has any other questions or comments go ahead and post them here.

I thank you for your time.

we need that in michigan


Well here how things are looking to break down. The lab will be up and running in 30 days. I got the money today, and the equipment is being purchsed over the next few days. I hope to be taking samples on oct 1. The laboratory is only going to run samples. And we will probably not accept them via mail from the public, as this will expose us to far too much liability. My lawyers just are too nervous about using the mail...

We are going to start a certification service (separate company) for MMJ. This company will pull, prepare and transport samples to the laboratory. This company will verify crop for THC, CNB content. As well as test for Mold/Fungus, water content and the major pesticides. Certified material will get a CoA (certificate of analysis) w/ "best used by date" and certification labels with key data on it. Right now we are looking to make each dispensary a certification provider, or at least ones that want to join the service. Another option is setting up subsidiary offices in each geographic area to act as certification providers. Think of certification proviers as a Notary for the MMJ world.

What this means is that we plan to cover all of CO by the end of October and start in CA by Nov 1, if not sooner. Other markets to follow. If you have a interest becoming a certification provider let me know at tor.talk (at) gmail.com.

If you are in CO and want to drop a sample off for analysis in the lab that will be an option, and we will post a drop box address once we are ready to take samples. (This may also be a dispensary near you....)

Anyway, cross your fingers, we a little luck this is going to become a reality.

Please keep the feedback coming guys, I am open to all ideas, and will listen to anything anyone wants to comment on. We are kind of breaking new ground here, so really everything is on the table. I also want to say that this community is amazing, and I can't believe the number of good people I have meet so far.


I just simply want to sample one thing. don't need all that hype but I'm sure people are going to dig it.

keep us updated



My feeling is there are alot of people like you out there, how probably gorw there own and just are curious. But alot of the patients who go to dispensaries and to have a certified product, (who wouldn't really?) and this is really the only way to do both.

We will be happy to test what ever people drop off. :) I hope that private growers will eventually use the service to gauge there operation over time, and to aid in breeding.

For the large pubic I hope that certification will set some quantitative standards across the state and eventually the country.

pikes peak 69

Active member
Couple of quick thoughts.

Tamper proof containers to drop off.
Other means besides dropping at a disp.
Some disp won't even let you in without signing them as a cg. I do my own but would like this service to reassure my patients, without dealing with a disp.
Roughly where will you be located.
Name of your company

I would be willing to drive to deliver sample to you.
How large of a sample needed
Turn around time to receive info back.

That's all I can think of for right now.

Thanks and good luck with your adventure.

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