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Colorado marijuana prices see huge drop, drug cartels reeling

No, but I don't see them going for $50 a pound either. Look at tobacco. That stuff has to be dried and cured. There is a lot of hand work involved. And it goes for less than $50/pound.


When you grow crops on a large scale the cost per unit volume drops. You make a profit by making a small profit on a huge volume.

No one is making beer at home and selling it on the market for a profit.

Tobacco is an industry that was created via slave labor. Not my first choice as a business model, personally. Today it is an industry subsidized by the government.

You seem to be advocating big corporate farming of cannabis, which I don't. I would prefer that small professional farmers grow my cannabis, and I feel that they deserve to actually make a living at what they do. Like everyone else. But hey: some people eat at McDonald's every day and are satisfied with that.

I think the microbrewery model is actually a perfect one. Small independent growers producing their own brands and maintaining high quality, offered as an alternative for discriminating smokers who aren't satisfied with budweiser-quality crap weed produced on a mass scale just to keep prices down.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
50$ a pound, you are stark raving mad. First you can't compare indoors to outdoors. And you forget to factor in your little greenhouse isn't going to produce more than a few grand, maybe, and have you priced soil, and amendments? It will never happen my friend. The plant it in miraclegrow soil and water it theory you are thinking does not result in the same cannabis we here at icmag prefer.

Good laugh though!



if it smells like fish
no, that's delusional. you cant even get a pound of weed trimmed up for $50.

ever try growing?

yeehaw...couldn't of said it better.. maybe a new market for cheapasses .. untrimmed weed, guess your final weight...lol...all sales final if you come back you become compost..


Tobacco is an industry that was created via slave labor (straw man). Not my first choice as a business model, personally. Today it is an industry subsidized by the government.(Not subsidized, prices are artificially propped up by restricting acreage.)

You seem to be advocating big corporate farming of cannabis, which I don't. (I am not advocating anything. You were the one who brought up the $0.10/ lb strawberries. Guess what, those strawberries are grown commercially and sold at the market price.)
I would prefer that small professional farmers grow my cannabis, and I feel that they deserve to actually make a living at what they do. Like everyone else. (People in hell would like ice water too. Who cares what you would like? If it is legal, ganja is going to be cheaper. If you can make a living at the market price, more power to you, but no one owes you a living.) But hey: some people eat at McDonald's every day and are satisfied with that. (Y que?)

I think the microbrewery model is actually a perfect one. Small independent growers producing their own brands and maintaining high quality, offered as an alternative for discriminating smokers who aren't satisfied with budweiser-quality crap weed produced on a mass scale just to keep prices down.(The craft brewers are making a good living, but they are not putting Budweiser out of business either. The fact that we can buy Budweiser and lots of other types of beer off the shelf at reasonable prices keeps the price down on even the finest hand crafted beers. No reason to get all pissy and mad at me just because I mention the reality of the market.)

Don't shoot the messenger.


Active member
you cant even get a pound of weed trimmed up for $50
^ yes, using some traditional cannabis processing methods. I've used a hand rub technique followed up by a little scissor work on some lower end outdoor grown and then released it to the market for "dirt cheap".

the high end product that goes for high end prices will be grown, harvested, processed and even sold in a different manner than low end product.

if the market gets as competitive as I suspect only prime colas off prime plants will be go to the high end class. the rest will be mass processed in some manner. this is already being done for centuries in the tobacco biz (cigars being a great example).

low end cigar tobacco gets machine processed. high end cigar leaf gets aged for years, sold to cigar companies in lots and then these cigars are rolled out of the best leaf, best parts of the leaf. even the byproduct off elite high end aged cigar leaf gets rolled into "sandwich cigars" which are trimmings mixed with whole leaf, or rolled cigars that don't pass "elite" criteria are sold as "seconds" before being aged again. big market for both.

there will still be a market for high end product. there will be a market for lower tier product. there will be "affordable" alternatives.

it would be a mistake to artificially assume "elite" cost of manufacturing, aging, processing and then distribution costs for the low price tier alternatives.


Active member
^ yes, using some traditional cannabis processing methods. I've used a hand rub technique followed up by a little scissor work on some lower end outdoor grown and then released it to the market for "dirt cheap".

the high end product that goes for high end prices will be grown, harvested, processed and even sold in a different manner than low end product.

if the market gets as competitive as I suspect only prime colas off prime plants will be go to the high end class. the rest will be mass processed in some manner. this is already being done for centuries in the tobacco biz (cigars being a great example).

low end cigar tobacco gets machine processed. high end cigar leaf gets aged for years, sold to cigar companies in lots and then these cigars are rolled out of the best leaf, best parts of the leaf. even the byproduct off elite high end aged cigar leaf gets rolled into "sandwich cigars" which are trimmings mixed with whole leaf, or rolled cigars that don't pass "elite" criteria are sold as "seconds" before being aged again. big market for both.

there will still be a market for high end product. there will be a market for lower tier product. there will be "affordable" alternatives.

it would be a mistake to artificially assume "elite" cost of manufacturing, aging, processing and then distribution costs for the low price tier alternatives.

Yep. Modern farming & processing techniques have yet to be developed for drug cannabis. Like alcohol, the paradigms of prohibition no longer apply in a legal market.

Folks seem to forget that only black market pricing ever made indoor cultivation profitable.


ICMag Donor
All of a sudden I as reading about tulips, and I said 'Whut?':biggrin:

Might, could, maybe happen like the Tulip fiasco. Hopefully prices level out instead of continuing to decline.

There will ALWAYS be a market, be it rec, med or black market. With flood of product, prices dip. Just don't careen off a cliff.


And if grown outdoors christmas tree style? No manicure, just come pick your own and take it home for $100?
I and many more can deliver an outdoor grown plants that will yield a Kg or two when cleaned and dry. You do not need electricity any more then electricity is need to grow the best grapes for wine. It is the sun and earth. You are maybe thinking how you can maximize your profit per gram or OZ or pound, that is not how the average farmer thinks, he is thinking of a return per acre, and is lucky to see a good return year after year, that is the real world.
You live in a world created by the price supports of the illegality of the product, and that is gone.
I have grown quality Cannabis, so I do know how it works, I was growing quality Cannabis before anyone used lights or clones. Organic in the ground.

It is obvious that you have never successfully grown "quality cannabis".

The cost of electricity used to produce one pound is more than $50.

Never mind the cost of equipment, nutes, water and labor.

How about trimming? Have you ever trimmed a pound of "quality cannabis"?

Personally, I won't trim a pound for $50. That would be less than minimum wage for me.
And if grown outdoors christmas tree style? No manicure, just come pick your own and take it home for $100?
I and many more can deliver an outdoor grown plants that will yield a Kg or two when cleaned and dry. You do not need electricity any more then electricity is need to grow the best grapes for wine. It is the sun and earth. You are maybe thinking how you can maximize your profit per gram or OZ or pound, that is not how the average farmer thinks, he is thinking of a return per acre, and is lucky to see a good return year after year, that is the real world.
You live in a world created by the price supports of the illegality of the product, and that is gone.
I have grown quality Cannabis, so I do know how it works, I was growing quality Cannabis before anyone used lights or clones. Organic in the ground.

Too true
Farmers of legal crops in many areas of US make a living by being profitable one year out of every four


Too true
Farmers of legal crops in many areas of US make a living by being profitable one year out of every four

The farmers I've known in nd have a ton of money do whatever the hell they want, take crazy vacations, drive around their fields in GPS guided multi million dollar tracktors, and also drink alcohal like its water.

Obviously not the case in every state but those guys don't struggle In ND.
From my view, as MJ is legalized and people figure out its just a plant and it ain't rocket science to grow, peeps will just grow there on. If you've just been around the scene for only 6 years or so, like moi, you have seen how the industry has grown. Look at all the choices in the grow light space. Look at how many new breeders have popped up. Seed banks are everywhere. Nutrients are big business. The marketing is insane.

One could easily set up a decent closet micro grow including nutes for $250. $65 for a 150 HPS on eBay. Bucket $3. Perlite $8. PH meter $12. Maxibloom powder and PH up $25. CalMag optional $15. Fan $10. Scrubber/duct fan $100. A couple of seeds maybe $50 on the cheap.

I am interested in seeing what happens to the prices after the fall in Colorado. It's just a feeling, but there could be a lot of weed available after the fall harvest.


And if grown outdoors christmas tree style? No manicure, just come pick your own and take it home for $100?
I and many more can deliver an outdoor grown plants that will yield a Kg or two when cleaned and dry. You do not need electricity any more then electricity is need to grow the best grapes for wine. It is the sun and earth. You are maybe thinking how you can maximize your profit per gram or OZ or pound, that is not how the average farmer thinks, he is thinking of a return per acre, and is lucky to see a good return year after year, that is the real world.
You live in a world created by the price supports of the illegality of the product, and that is gone.
I have grown quality Cannabis, so I do know how it works, I was growing quality Cannabis before anyone used lights or clones. Organic in the ground.

Up to the user what their medium is. Organics does work great for growing big outdoor trees. People do need to step back and realize that cannabis is different then beer hops, tobacco growing, fruits and veggies. Cannabis is a medicine and until people start understand that instead of just seeing weed prices will drop. People now are seeing how this one plant might be something like penicillin. That's a big game changer and it is coming. I think once we open up cannabis and see it's entire medical properties prices will raise again. Native Americans where growing cannabis way long ago before well you know...

Here is one of them Christmas trees you where talking about.



Which native Americans were growing Cannabis way long ago?
There is no proof of any Cannabis in the Americas pre Columbus, no pollen, no seeds, no fibers, while in Asia and Europe and Africa there are lots found thousands of years old.
Cannabis is a medicine to some and a recreational drug to many many more. I hope prices continue to fall, the price supports from it being illegal will soon be gone everywhere, get used to prices more in line with tobacco, hops, veggies, fruit. Cannabis will be grown in many ways just like food is today, some 100% organic grown Bio-dynamically and some at farms that just fertilize the ground with chemical fertilizers and plant away, like most food grown in the USA, it is the consumer that will decide what they want to buy, and most American consumers go for price in general not high quality organic quality. The same will be true with Cannabis, most will be mass produced mid quality. Unless you grow your own the way you like or pay more to have it done for you.
Look at wine, cheap bottles for a few bucks or the very very best for hundreds of dollars per bottle. Your choice.
But it still will be much cheaper, like your plant for $100, it is really not hard to do, I have been doing this for 50 years now, I see the future.

Up to the user what their medium is. Organics does work great for growing big outdoor trees. People do need to step back and realize that cannabis is different then beer hops, tobacco growing, fruits and veggies. Cannabis is a medicine and until people start understand that instead of just seeing weed prices will drop. People now are seeing how this one plant might be something like penicillin. That's a big game changer and it is coming. I think once we open up cannabis and see it's entire medical properties prices will raise again. Native Americans where growing cannabis way long ago before well you know...

Here is one of them Christmas trees you where talking about.

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Which native Americans were growing Cannabis way long ago?
There is no proof of any Cannabis in the Americas pre Columbus, no pollen, no seeds, no fibers, while in Asia and Europe and Africa there are lots found thousands of years old.
Cannabis is a medicine to some and a recreational drug to many many more. I hope prices continue to fall, the price supports from it being illegal will soon be gone everywhere, get used to prices more in line with tobacco, hops, veggies, fruit. Cannabis will be grown in many ways just like food is today, some 100% organic grown Bio-dynamically and some at farms that just fertilize the ground with chemical fertilizers and plant away, like most food grown in the USA, it is the consumer that will decide what they want to buy, and most American consumers go for price in general not high quality organic quality. The same will be true with Cannabis, most will be mass produced mid quality. Unless you grow your own the way you like or pay more to have it done for you.
Look at wine, cheap bottles for a few bucks or the very very best for hundreds of dollars per bottle. Your choice.
But it still will be much cheaper, like your plant for $100, it is really not hard to do, I have been doing this for 50 years now, I see the future.

Are you for real? That's what Native Americans are known for man. They have found pipes in Native American dig sites, sorry if you're misinformed. Not only that we destroyed almost everything Native American after we killed them all... The very best wine for hundreds of dollars? Try 10k for one bottle, that's some top shit. Glad you have been growing for 50 years. To say 100 bucks for a cannabis tree like that is ridiculous. Sorry to say you will be long gone if that does happen in say 200 years. Again you are still comparing Cannabis to wine, veggies and fruits. Cannabis is a medicine and people are starting to realize this. Only time will tell, we shall see. :tiphat:


So please find one archeological finding of Cannabis found in the new world that is pre 1492, I have been at this a long time, but hey you are obviously a well informed guy that can find the references in a few minutes so please post a link to them? In the mean time I will post one that I published a decade+ ago on the subject written by my friend Robert Clarke who's new book Cannabis Evolution and Ethnobotany also agrees with what I say.
But I do agree on the pipes, that Native Americans used for tobacco pre 1492 that is well documented and confirmed by GC/MS testing the pipes. No Cannabis or Cannabinoids ever found in the Americas pre 1492. And I still stick to my $100 pick your own Cannabis tree, sorry if you do not have the vision to see it can be done. We will have to disagree, I have been through this before like when just after 1996 I predicted the price would fall by half or more, everyone said not for my special Cannabis.... well it has, and that is just the beginning, prices will fall until Cannabis is a normal crop that the real price is controlled by supply and demand, not an illegal crop with a price support from the illegality.
BTW I know there are thousands of dollars bottles of wine but I do not drink and why mention them? When was the last time you drank one?
Please list a reference to pre-1492 Cannabis in the new world......
And not from high times, from a peer reviewed journal.

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So what are you fellas doing these days in Colorado?

I'm out East now so I'm still doing the old school rules.

No purchases over 10k, no voluntary income tax on monies earned, etc.

Are you guys paying taxes and spending money open?

Crazy world, we've gotta be the only entrepreneurs in the world longing for the day when we can pay our full share of income tax. lol.
The farmers I've known in nd have a ton of money do whatever the hell they want, take crazy vacations, drive around their fields in GPS guided multi million dollar tracktors, and also drink alcohal like its water.

Obviously not the case in every state but those guys don't struggle In ND.

I'm sorry about my lack of clarity, some farms that are very profitable in the long run don't turn a profit every year, think about a card counter who plays a hundred hands, they lose money on most hands but walk away a winner at the end of the night, and in legal farming you need to consider crop insurance and commodity futures



Current american cannabis regulations are criminal, promoting small business and crushing innovation.

Quality cannabis SHOULD be going for under 50$ a pound.

Haters gonna hate but that's economics.

My 2 cents peace

How does one produce quality cannabis for $50 a lb? I'm all ears...