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Ted Nugent calls out Obama


Go Ted call 'em like you see 'em! :rasta:


The U.S. Secret Service is looking into a violent rant by "Cat Scratch Fever" rocker Ted Nugent in which he denounced President Barack Obama and his top advisers as "evil" and urged National Rifle Association members to help "chop their heads off in November."
"I'll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," Nugent said. "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?"

Nugent, speaking at the organization's annual gathering over the weekend, praised NRA members but warned that if they did not "get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil, America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of."
"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him," he said.He also denounced the administration as "criminals" and said a Democratic victory in November would mean "we'll be a suburb of Indonesia next year" — an apparent reference to Obama's boyhood time there.

Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary told Yahoo News: "We are aware of the incident and we are conducting appropriate follow-up."
And a spokeswoman for Mitt Romney, whom Nugent has endorsed, distanced the campaign from his remarks.
"Divisive language is offensive no matter what side of the political aisle it comes from. Mitt Romney believes everyone needs to be civil," Andrea Saul said by email.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Ted would have you locked up for life for smoking cannabis. Texas can keep that fucking piece of shit.
He likes to talk about freedom though, go figure.


Fuckin moron, and not much of a musician either- kind of the Sarah Palin of Rock...

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Don't get me wrong, here in Michigan we love our guns and grass. Don't know what scared him away from the healing herb.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i read yesterday that he shit and pissed himself for 10 days to avoid the draft....


When I was young there was always that one guy in the neighborhood who would do anything. He'd jump his bike off the biggest ramp you could build, he'd be the one holding the firecracker the longest or letting it explode in his hand, crazy pranks on you or his younger brothers or sisters, and always acting like they know everything you know the one who you couldn't stand to come around but it was funny to watch and talk about from afar. Well that is who Ted Nugent reminds me of and how he was able to maintain a music career even at all is beyond me :rasta:


Active member
Ted Rocks!...the lunatic fringe!
But he is absolutely right in this instance. We need, as a Nation, to rid ourselves of the current administration, all of them. They are destroying this once great Nation.


Its funny how people think that getting rid of this president is going to some how change the whole system! While Obama might not be your favorite, I am very sure that voting for the other clown isn't going to change the system or change anything for the better. The rich take care of the rich and the poor get shit on. Its been this way since we where monkeys. Oh and Ted is a joke. However even if he is, he has a right to speak his option. I am just going to chose to not listen to him.


Well-known member
Fuck that chickenshit CHICKENHAWK. Dude shit his own pants to avoid the Veitnam draft, but he's all good with going to war. I guess war is good as long as he doesn't have to do the fighting.

He admitted it in a fucking HIGHTIMES interview no less

His words have ZERO merit. FUCK TED


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Fuck ted nugent.while i respect his style..he has become one of the ignorant people..bet he has a bumper sticker that says "dont blame me i didnt vote for obama" haaaa


Did I miss something? Obama took all the guns away already huh? I can't sympathize with either party, but blatant fear mongering is a true turn off.

If we could give both this guy and Al Sharpton a quick stint in jail to humble them out we might start seeing less crazies on the street.


New member
Stranglehold was one of my favorite rock songs of all time. Ted should STFU. It's his right to say what he wants, but it is my right not to listen to/ pay for his music. And if your livelihood depends on people giving you money for your music, it's probably not a good idea to alienate 1/2 of them. Just my .02.


Active member
i like ted . his tv show was classic. making them city folks kill and eat a chicken was priceless. that guy knows how to have fun and enjoy life. suprisingly enouygh he aint a druggie drinker like the rest.


ICMag Donor
Ted Nugent= Biggest Douchbag In The Universe

And as for his anti-drug position, Gypsy will tell ya that back in the day, Teddy was a skinny ass speed freak. I hate that he made a pile of money making music that was full of drug references and got that denero off of the very people he looks down his nose at today.