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ain't it the truth Jbomber79...and if it "all about the patients" why are they so concerned about their stock price and making money!
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Active member
Had a great time at Redrocks last night with Bob Weir & the Avett brothers. Rained a little for the opening, turned into a beautiful night with the music, the view out over the greatest civilization the world has ever known, full moon peeking out from behind the clouds to the southeast & lots of happy people, stoners & otherwise.

What the Avett brothers might lack in finesse they make up for with enthusiasm & their joy of playing with Weir was obvious. My skinny little Deadhead spouse danced herself to near exhaustion.


Active member
Had a great time at Redrocks last night with Bob Weir & the Avett brothers. Rained a little for the opening, turned into a beautiful night with the music, the view out over the greatest civilization the world has ever known, full moon peeking out from behind the clouds to the southeast & lots of happy people, stoners & otherwise.

What the Avett brothers might lack in finesse they make up for with enthusiasm & their joy of playing with Weir was obvious. My skinny little Deadhead spouse danced herself to near exhaustion.

Sounds like a beautiful night on the Rocks and with the full moon rising must have been awesome.

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Active member
Rude awakening when I went down to take a look at the girls this morning.

This 4 Corners Kush which has been the star of my tent went to hell over the last 18 hours. Most plant tops have gone limp and are leaning, with one completely tipped over

Here's where it's at:

Plant is at 75 days overall and 21 days into 12/12 and flowering beautifully. Have been using soil mxi only, no additional nutrients until I gave them a worm tea last Sunday.

Soil is FFOF/HF in a bag to bag mix, a little bone and blood meal, dolomite lime and EWC. That is then mixed with about 30-40% super chunky perlite. It has been in this mix and loving it for at least 60 days.

Things were looking dry yesterday (Saturday) morning, pots were light so watered with garden sprayer, this one got .75 gallon in a 7 gallon pot. Not even enough to run out the bottom which is my usual practice because I was short on time.

Only other "additive" is about 10 drops per gallon of liquid BTI for gnat control.

All other plants in the garden look fine. Room temp is about 80 and humidity is generally about 40% but spiked to about 55% after watering.

I don't have a Ph reading, (I know I should, but no dough for a meter at the moment) had two kinds of strips but some are too old I guess and some were aquarium ones, didn't seem to notice any change on either strip, but wasn't too worried as they have been growing fine.

Soil this morning is moist but not soggy. Just about as light and moist as if you would find it in a new bag.

Pot only has one drainage hole, so wondering if maybe got smothered somehow. Pulled it back from light a bit and putting on a rack to allow more air.



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Active member
Pic from a few days ago to compare.

Edit: As I am looking at this myself I see leaf tips pointing down. Could this be nitrogen overdose because of the worm tea? I have seen that a little bit on all the indicas in the garden but it would come and go. Worried early but they seemed like they were doing fine.


Active member
I'm interested to know wtf happened here.. I have seen this in veg, it might be that your tea has some dead spots? I think that was my issue I wasn't aerating my tea properly and one day everything was good and the next tops where bent over and leaves where droopy...

I hope you can bring these ladies back bro.


Active member
Not that I'm any sort of expert, but it looks wilted, like it's dry or something has happened preventing proper uptake of water. It also looks larger than the others, so it'll use more water, particularly if it's closer to the light.

What's the heft of the pot compared to other healthy plants? That should provide a clue, anyway.


Active member
I'm interested to know wtf happened here.. I have seen this in veg, it might be that your tea has some dead spots? I think that was my issue I wasn't aerating my tea properly and one day everything was good and the next tops where bent over and leaves where droopy...

I hope you can bring these ladies back bro.

Curious what you mean by dead spots in the tea? Do you mean while brewing or after I applied and while it has been in the soil this week? Was aerating like a mofo while brewing, so can't see it there.

I added a support for the worst top, pulled it back to the edge of the light and elevated the bottom of the pot so it can get more air flow underneath.

Just starting to develop really some dense tricomes; definitely want to save this lovely lady.


Rude awakening when I went down to take a look at the girls this morning.

This 4 Corners Kush which has been the star of my tent went to hell over the last 18 hours. Most plant tops have gone limp and are leaning, with one completely tipped over

Here's where it's at:

Plant is at 75 days overall and 21 days into 12/12 and flowering beautifully. Have been using soil mxi only, no additional nutrients until I gave them a worm tea last Sunday.

Soil is FFOF/HF in a bag to bag mix, a little bone and blood meal, dolomite lime and EWC. That is then mixed with about 30-40% super chunky perlite. It has been in this mix and loving it for at least 60 days.

Things were looking dry yesterday (Saturday) morning, pots were light so watered with garden sprayer, this one got .75 gallon in a 7 gallon pot. Not even enough to run out the bottom which is my usual practice because I was short on time.

Only other "additive" is about 10 drops per gallon of liquid BTI for gnat control.

All other plants in the garden look fine. Room temp is about 80 and humidity is generally about 40% but spiked to about 55% after watering.

I don't have a Ph reading, (I know I should, but no dough for a meter at the moment) had two kinds of strips but some are too old I guess and some were aquarium ones, didn't seem to notice any change on either strip, but wasn't too worried as they have been growing fine.

Soil this morning is moist but not soggy. Just about as light and moist as if you would find it in a new bag.

Pot only has one drainage hole, so wondering if maybe got smothered somehow. Pulled it back from light a bit and putting on a rack to allow more air.


Looks like lack of o2 in the rootzone. Hard to tell in pics but did she look "shiney" or wet on the leaves when you first noticed?


Active member
Not that I'm any sort of expert, but it looks wilted, like it's dry or something has happened preventing proper uptake of water. It also looks larger than the others, so it'll use more water, particularly if it's closer to the light.

What's the heft of the pot compared to other healthy plants? That should provide a clue, anyway.

It's bizarre. It was perfectly happy, very dry soil at least two inches or so at the top and pot was light before I watered. And didn't even put enough into run out the bottom which is my usual m.o.


Just from the looks of it I would agree with Jhhnn. Looks eerily similar to a plant thats gone a bit too long without water.


Active member
MHBguy are you doing a bottled nutrient combined with an organic feeding routine? Good luck.

Mr Tea, I am not using any additives at all except the worm tea that I gave it a week ago. Otherwise it has been my soil mix and dechlor. water and I have really tried not to overwater.


Active member
Looks like lack of o2 in the rootzone. Hard to tell in pics but did she look "shiney" or wet on the leaves when you first noticed?

Just checked on it again. Leaves have always had a bit of a matte finish on this plant and looks about the the same now, didn't notice anything looking wet.

Thought same thing about o2 so elevated bottom of pot on a wire basket.

Jhhnn: Weighed the pot and it is about 19#, another plant in identical container is 20#, plant is of a fairly similar size.

Could overwatering cause branches to do this wither and fall over thing?


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Pagan Extremist

oh... and a vermicast tea requires a constant dissolved oxygen (DO2) content of 6PPM or better... This is the minimum level required to support aerobic organisms..... bubbles are NO indication of anything


Pagan Extremist
I see 3 options from here....

1 your soil was too hot, and the properly made tea unleashed microbes that made that N into a plant available form... flooding your soil's cation exchange sites with that excess nitrogen...

2 your soil was fine, but your (potentially) improperly made tea was anaerobic, damaging the root zone and displacing aerobes thus damaging the roots further and affecting water uptake

3 you could have heat stress... check your fans and filters for blockages or equipment failure


Active member
It does and yet I am afraid that more water could kill it. :dunno:

Decided that since everything had been copasetic up to this point, and that I had not watered in my usual fashion this time I should see how much more water it would take to get it run off.

It took almost another gallon, so hoping that since she looked thirsty, and apparently was thirsty, she will recover.

Tried it with another identical pot with exactly the same rest result.

Perhaps I took the "don't overwater" school of thought to excess.


Active member

oh... and a vermicast tea requires a constant dissolved oxygen (DO2) content of 6PPM or better... This is the minimum level required to support aerobic organisms..... bubbles are NO indication of anything

Temperature of the room runs about 78-80.

Or did you mean tea temperature? That was just outside temperature on a covered patio, so probably average 80s this time of year.

Probably just stick with water from here on out so I don't tank anything else near the finish line.


Active member
I see 3 options from here....

1 your soil was too hot, and the properly made tea unleashed microbes that made that N into a plant available form... flooding your soil's cation exchange sites with that excess nitrogen...

Would flushing be a potential remedy if this were the case?

2 your soil was fine, but your (potentially) improperly made tea was anaerobic, damaging the root zone and displacing aerobes thus damaging the roots further and affecting water uptake

Hope not, that doesn't sound good or easily remedied.

3 you could have heat stress... check your fans and filters for blockages or equipment failure

This and insufficient water seem most likely now.

Thank you for taking the time to consider and reply. Appreciated.

Same to all who have commented.

Scary when they go south on you, worse in flower, keeping fingers crossed.
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