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Colorado Growers Thread

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6 total plants for both, as I understand it.

Per person 21 and older per household. Section 3-


Denver passed a civil zoning ordnance limiting households to 12 total & 6 flowering, but I doubt it'll pass constitutional muster. Extended families living under the same roof are increasingly common, the economy being what it is- Parents, grandparents & adult children, even another generation of small children is not terribly uncommon.

You may be entirely correct that a med recommendation adds on top of that. Certain aspects of A64 remain untested & undefined in a court of law, the exact definition of terms being imprecise. That's true of outdoor cultivation, for example.

An adult couple with 6 indoor flowering plants & 6 more in veg are def within their Colorado rights, in any event. Home possession of any amount that's grown on the property is also legal. They're conditionally within DoJ guidelines, as well-


Colorado offers personal growers a unique opportunity. Just grow in complete anonymity. Hold to plant count limits. Accept no compensation for bud passed to other adults. Never leave the property with more than 1 oz in possession.

Colorado authorities are powerless to prosecute anybody who does that. Federal authorities have been instructed to do the same.

We breached the wall of worldwide cannabis prohibition. Our politicians are powerless to turn that around. It's an enormous victory we're just beginning to understand, the Stalingrad of the Marijuana War, a turning point in History.

recent guest

Arguing that a64 only benefits the wealthy is like arguing that the Citizens United decision protects free speech. Sure there are wealthy people who are going to become wealthier from it, no legislation will pass anywhere in this country if thats not the case, but taking away one more excuse to lock up the poor and minority population is a tremendous boon for those members of the 99%.


I have been hearing from local friends of this old uk strain popping up in Pueblo called Santa Maria. Has been recommended to drive past over 100 other dispensaries on the 3hr drive to Pueblo to pick up a sack of this stuff from one of the few dispensaries in pueblo. I could not get the name of the exact center but figured a few phone calls would narrow the search pretty quickly. It's supposedly speed/ecstasy herb in effects. What little info I found on the mag here corroborates with the story I have been hearing locally. Anyone in pueblo have some insight regarding Santa Maria's existence/unique effects?


Active member
Arguing that a64 only benefits the wealthy is like arguing that the Citizens United decision protects free speech. Sure there are wealthy people who are going to become wealthier from it, no legislation will pass anywhere in this country if thats not the case, but taking away one more excuse to lock up the poor and minority population is a tremendous boon for those members of the 99%.

Indeed. We grow with a total lack of paranoia, share with others on a casual basis. I'm very much old school, still exercise no small amount of discretion, but that's because of rippers rather than the law.

One of the under appreciated aspects of legalization is the real opportunity for improved community relations wrt LEO's.

What stoners have never really understood about cops is that, for many of them, it's nothing personal- it's their job, and they take pride in their work. Just like a lot of other professionals. They function in a semi-military organization, mostly follow orders. When the orders change, they just go along with it, particularly when it makes the job easier & less complicated.

Legalization does that in ways we have yet to even begin to appreciate. It heals one of the most divisive social issues of my lifetime & provides positive opportunities above and beyond just getting high and/or making money. Everybody gets to be a little more honest & a little more open, a little more accepting of each other, even people who did not favor legalization. They're mostly accepting it so far, kinda holding their breath, waiting for the boogeyman to appear. He never will, of course, certainly not if things continue as they have so far.

It's def a work in progress, but there's no way other than forward. We burned the bridges behind us with A64.


Active member
I have been hearing from local friends of this old uk strain popping up in Pueblo called Santa Maria. Has been recommended to drive past over 100 other dispensaries on the 3hr drive to Pueblo to pick up a sack of this stuff from one of the few dispensaries in pueblo. I could not get the name of the exact center but figured a few phone calls would narrow the search pretty quickly. It's supposedly speed/ecstasy herb in effects. What little info I found on the mag here corroborates with the story I have been hearing locally. Anyone in pueblo have some insight regarding Santa Maria's existence/unique effects?

Dunno if they have it in Pueblo, but I have seeds. Hard to find, finally got 'em from an alien. (hint)

As I understand it, the strain originated with a cut from Brazil, passed around in Holland & elsewhere. Spees Cees outcrossed it, then back crossed it to the mother many times to develop the seeds currently available. Or so I've read- I wasn't there.

Google will give up some info, I'm sure.

He put a lot of work into it, which piqued my curiosity. I also have some of his other genetics to try eventually, Double Fun & No Mercy Special.

Sometimes, I just like to try things that are different. They may turn out to be more commercial that gourmet, but there's only one way to find out for sure.


Thanks for the info jhhnn. If you get around to working with her I would love to see a thread on that. I think a lot of people would. Not a lot of info on the mag here. I heard spees cees worked her to an F8 sounds like lovely sativa. I hope to hear/see more about this lady in CO

2 Legal Co

Active member
Wow!!!! We need to get the word out somehow, in Denver......

Two more fires in Denver, with butane being used for BHO. It was reported that it was not illegal unless there was 'damage'?

Too many laws already. Tough way to strengthen the 'Gene Pool' though.

On a more cheery note; My little spring run is done, so I'm getting ready to move for the summer. This latest cold snap is a bit of a bummer to deal with however. Tomatoes and Pepper already out, so it looks like I have to cover them.

Looking forward to getting back up to the mountains.


Wow!!!! We need to get the word out somehow, in Denver......

Two more fires in Denver, with butane being used for BHO. It was reported that it was not illegal unless there was 'damage'?

Too many laws already. Tough way to strengthen the 'Gene Pool' though.

On a more cheery note; My little spring run is done, so I'm getting ready to move for the summer. This latest cold snap is a bit of a bummer to deal with however. Tomatoes and Pepper already out, so it looks like I have to cover them.

Looking forward to getting back up to the mountains.

Yet another good reason not to live in cheap apartment housing...

I was thinking about sticking my chiller out on the windowsill, glad I didn't yet- I still need the heat!

Where ya moving to for the summer?

I thought I was going to have more trouble cooling bare bulbs, but Noooooo... so why bother with sealed and vented at all?

Vertical grows are cool! And they manage their own temperatures pretty well, too.


I make bho outside on decent days. Hundreds of times now. I've never had a problem. If its not illegal to make unless there is damage. Outside is the way to go. Not in a doorway or garage. Outside. Stay safe. One.


I've been to south park once, it was nice and peaceful. Went a bit further to Jefferson I believe, that place was really nice. Had a great lake up there, very calm waters. Best camping trip ever. Damn, I miss that now, lol.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Mostly fish the stream, and sometimes Antero... ..

Mostly a long rod and a fly. Fishing not a real priority now that I've got a place up there.
'It'll be there tomorrow' is a common phrase. lol

2 Legal Co

Active member
You're talking about the one in Salida, I was speaking of BV. I have heard, "It's coming in on the truck Wednesday" all the time as well.

I suppose I could have been talking about the 'new'/moved, one on the north end of town.:biggrin: .... but then, neither Howard, nor Texas Creek...... have one. lol Ya know what i mean. Nor Nathrop either!

Have the reservoirs turned over yet, or are they still solid ice? Antero Spiney and 11mile

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I suppose I could have been talking about the 'new'/moved, one on the north end of town.:biggrin: .... but then, neither Howard, nor Texas Creek...... have one. lol Ya know what i mean. Nor Nathrop either!

Have the reservoirs turned over yet, or are they still solid ice? Antero Spiney and 11mile

I haven't been there since last summer so things very well might have changed. Can't speak for the reservoirs but I would imagine they have some ice floating around still.

2 Legal Co

Active member
I haven't been there since last summer so things very well might have changed. Can't speak for the reservoirs but I would imagine they have some ice floating around still.
lol You have much the same frame of reference as I. Did take a day trip up, a month or so ago.

Got a bit of 'pucker factor', on South Park roads. Blowing snow packed to ice,,, and a strong crosswind. Just hate that drifting, weightless driving. lol

Looks like winter is hanging on this year. Oughta be a lot of run off too...... can't imagine what, or if, the Caddis/Mother's Day Hatch will be.

Do you spend the summers up, or do you just go 'trippin'.
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