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Colorado Growers Thread

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One day you will have to answer to the children of
-Not as hard as it use to be. In the past we had to adapt and customize everything but now everything is made for what we do.... making it easier for newbs to jump in and be successful.
First: This convenience has a price, and for those that it is a necessity and not a convenience...Well, tough times ahead for them.

Second: Successful at yielding a good looking end product yes, but successful, no.
It takes a lot more than just growing them to be successful, and the leaning curve is a lot less forgiving at the lower price.
So the same dopes that would have been taken by the Police in the day, now succumb to competition today.

What I've seen. I mean, how many Trustifarians are running a shop today? And they had bankrolls to start with. Many people can make it halfway when they have support, it's making it the other half on your own that's tricky.

The opening of market barriers will help the Newbs with a passion that don't mind apprenticing, like any skilled trade, but those that are just too lazy to have a job??? Watched many people in the last three years that growing pot is just too much work now, and not enough payoff.
Colorado cannabis has been in the capitalist marketplace for years now and that cut throat competition is serving the customer well. Shops that expand and grow tend to have solid high grade bud grown well and with love, other shops go out of business or get shut down due to regulations and violations of medical law by the shop.

The more competition the better and cheaper a product we the consumers will get. This is the basic concept of capitalism the economic system all Americans and most of the world lives under.


Active member
Colorado cannabis has been in the capitalist marketplace for years now and that cut throat competition is serving the customer well. Shops that expand and grow tend to have solid high grade bud grown well and with love, other shops go out of business or get shut down due to regulations and violations of medical law by the shop.

The more competition the better and cheaper a product we the consumers will get. This is the basic concept of capitalism the economic system all Americans and most of the world lives under.

I disagree. The shops that are expanding and growing are not producing "solid high grade bud grown well and with love". Nothing grown in a 100k warehouse is grown with love. It's grown with greed...

Tho I do agree with your comment about competition. Why do you think the big dogs ($$$) established Vertical Integration? To weed out their competition. When caregivers could sell their extra meds to shops was when there used to be quality meds grown with love available to the public. This explains why 95% of the jars on the shelves of MMC's is garbage these days

I also forgot to mention that most warehouse weed is also treated with harmful pesticides and fungicides in flower


Well-known member
I disagree. The shops that are expanding and growing are not producing "solid high grade bud grown well and with love". Nothing grown in a 100k warehouse is grown with love. It's grown with greed...

Yea, It's tough to love every plant the amount she needs in a 100k room, unless zoned to several growers. Lots of commercial hydro setups that yield big and pretty, but taste and effects lack. There are a few shops that still keep a microbrew mentality, though, and have a few smaller rooms each run by a different grower. I've seen love there baby, true love! :) ... Happy to know a few that use natural living organics even. Then there are others with <=$150 ounces meant to serve a different clientele.
Well if anyone is not happy with the meds on the shelf, take that as a sign to hook up a HPS and do it yourself. My fav shop keeps great product!! Green Werkz by Sloan's lake.. Love that place, All girls too.. :p Dank nugs.. I like to see how much better mine looks but damn you cannot beat those $175 Oz of Sour Maui,.. the tuffalo Durban was insane last time I went in.. Colorado is packed full of weed I do not think that we have a LACK of any kind of KIND.. It may be for some that there is TOO MUCH TOO CHOOSE FROM? lol

blazed out by now..


High country cat herder
Some home grown is gonna be A++, most is gonna be schwag. Even the schwag was grown with love, just no education, equipment, or give a shit to do it right.... Then there's the warehouse grows!

While certainly they can't put as much "LOVE" into each plant as we do as individual growers, the grower/s are doing as best as they can with what they're given....

For "US" it's a hobby,.... for "THEM" it's a JOB!!!!!

2 Legal Co

Active member
It's a Hobby... NOT a Job!

It's a Hobby... NOT a Job!

Each one teach one........was never more true than today..........:biggrin:

And if it is a JOB..... well it does add to the definition of Entrepreneur.... in a double jeopardy, kind of way.
Certainly not a job I'd be applying for!


ive been in denver since november. its pretty cool, but i hate the city life. i really want to get to the mountains.

how do i go about finding a straight landlord? i have my red card.

PM me if you have any ideas or a rental, haha.

2 Legal Co

Active member
ive been in denver since november. its pretty cool, but i hate the city life. i really want to get to the mountains.

how do i go about finding a straight landlord? i have my red card.

PM me if you have any ideas or a rental, haha.

Tis the season to go to the Mountains all right. Probably Not the season to go looking for a rental however. People get proud of Mtn. property this time of the year. Didn't use to be that way. Now the summer is way popular. Lots of snow birds.

Good luck in your search.:)

I'll be heading that way in a little while, myself.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
The more competition the better and cheaper a product we the consumers will get. This is the basic concept of capitalism the economic system all Americans and most of the world lives under.


wana compare to the tobacco companys?

Products that are tainted and manipulated - pumped full of chems and insectacides.

Most despensarys carry "good enough" - it's good enough for the un-picky or bargain shopper.

Prime organic is cheaper than it was, too, true. But some still seek prime.

Same for beef, wine, cars and homes.

Those that buy "Good Enough"get the pink slime burger stuff.
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wana compare to the tobacco companys?

Products that are tainted and manipulated - pumped full of chems and insectacides.

Most despensarys carry "good enough" - it's good enough for the un-picky or bargain shopper.

Prime organic is cheaper than it was, too, true. But some still seek prime.

Same for beef, wine, cars and homes.

Those that buy "Goon Enough"get the pink slime burger stuff.

My rebuttal is you have not heard of American Spirit or i'm sure countless other smaller tobacco companies.

I also know for a fact that some of the licensed medical warehouses grows employ college trained horticulturalists, some with masters degrees.

What we should all be able to agree on is that in CO the possibilities and choices are near endless. Go to this store or that store, or that great grower friend of yours, or CL, or just grow your own. You can even get your used gear and clones right from CL TOO! LOL


Active member
What we should all be able to agree on is that in CO the possibilities and choices are near endless.


And like any other industry... when any joe schmoe could write a house loan, the industry exploded with loan writers.

When it became difficult again, lots of 'so-so' loan writers were out of a job. Can still get a crappy loan from some high name places and some quality loans from a few solid small shops.

Cars, art, cheeseburgers... it's all the same. Always a few bucks for the guy that's all about quality.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:
Tis the season to go to the Mountains all right. Probably Not the season to go looking for a rental however. People get proud of Mtn. property this time of the year. Didn't use to be that way. Now the summer is way popular. Lots of snow birds.

Good luck in your search.:)

I'll be heading that way in a little while, myself.

Been in the MNTS for the last 2 years now.... best time is during winter. Have a friend moving into a rental in my area soon. It's very possible, just be upfront with people. It also helps to have 1st & Deposit in cash upfront before anything happens. Summer is prime for summer rentals, so if you snooze that long it could be tough because it's not the easiest to secure a place for your growing.

Lastly, my old landlord told me one of the best ways is to put an AD in the local small town papers saying what you are looking for up front... you might luck out :artist:


Active member
American Spirit is owned 42% by the second largest Cigarette Company British American Tobacco.

I'm still gonna roll with the tobacco thats in my backyard.


I was talking in generalities not specifics......

I was talking in generalities not specifics......

Hello guys and gals,
I was wondering what you all thought prices are going to do in our fair state? I have been thinking they are dropping every 2 months....considering time to complete a cycle but will bottom out after this first summer with 64 going.

-Free growing with summer coming. Takes lots of money to get up and going inside unless you have been but summer is going to change all that.
-Not as hard as it use to be. In the past we had to adapt and customize everything but now everything is made for what we do.... making it easier for newbs to jump in and be successful.
-Lots of seed companies and no one scared to use them.
-Idea has caught on..... if you are not doing it, you know someone who is.

With all that being said.... there will be a huge flood of crap onto the markets and the price will rebound but it will take its toll at first. Since, other states are still illegal, it will artificially support the prices... since it will not be a totally free market.

What are your thoughts?


Depends on who you are in the food chain on what the view is.....
I am a medical patient and past caregiver. I still assist others to get up and running when requested but not a professional like some or like some others WANT TO BE.

Long time ago you had to build your own stuff from scratch and adapt all the equip to your specific task if you were inclined to participate in our Craft. I remember cutting my own hoods and using duct to vent them before you could really get anything like that around Colorado. My first hood I had to drive all the way to one of the 3 hydro stores in Denver and then cut it up. I still have one and laugh when I come across it. Hell one of the first old Hippies I learned from use to boil water and dip the plants roots in there then hang them upside down to "force the THC out of the roots and up into the buds". LMAO Shit I was working out of books that suggested using "birth control pills or aspirin in the water" to induce "sex changes". Mind you that old Hippie was the best fing grower in my county.... least that anyone knew of....

Just saying with all info available on sites like this, nutes and equip built for what we do, seeds coming in the mail to your "own" address...... stuff like that. It sure as hell is much easier than before all that.

So when I say easy... I mean you have a fing hydro store in pretty much 50 miles from anyone or ordering off the net. I been doing this before the net and even when it came you couldn't use your bank accounts to buy anything...... think sometimes either people forget or were in diapers when the old days were here.

If you are a patient or small consumer things are great! A grower looking to make money... maybe ok. Someone wanting to live the dream and do what they love..... not so much. Most of the big people were in the black market well before Medical or got their business from one of those..... They are going to regulate it so hard only the big boys or those with backers are going to be able to jump through the hoops. Maybe good maybe bad but as long as the small consumer/small caregiver are able to do their thing, it is all good with me.

I was just wondering what everyone thought the price was going to do...... that is all. You are putting your own circumstances to it and coming up with crap not me. Since all the old seasoned "neewbs" became the "master growers" it is difficult to get just good conversation going without a frigging debate. Still some good people here but really miss the spirit that was on OG....... hell maybe I am just getting old and not up for the dick comparison contests anymore...... LMFAO Thanks to those that answered that know the difference. (Like SooperSmuf for instance)

Too funny!:tiphat:

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