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Colorado Growers Thread

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2 Legal Co

Active member
Bottom line....... without the $s from the U.S. to run the U.N.,,,,,, there would be no U.N....... so if we can get the congress to understand that we do vote... we will continue to carry the day.

I think it's what we could call 'Veto' power.


^Fortunately permanent security council members like the United States actually do have veto power ;) So, the UN really can eat a bowl full of dicks.
Sounds a lil low ;) Elite cuts not making their way down to the springs?

Working with quite a few cuttings right now from Rocky Road Remedies, any experience with them being as you're in the same city?

Highly recomended by our dispensary owner, but unknown as far as i'm concerned, right now the only things looking truly nice are the Sour Diesel, the Mauii, the Ogre, and the Hashberry, other stuff from them includes Purple Elephant, Golden Skunk, Casey Jones, Durbin Poison, Grape Ape, but other than the 4 listed nothing currently standing out, hopefully once we get them all harvested and into jars we'll have more keepers than those 4.

no i havent. I've never bought clones from a dispencery. alway's picked up my strains thru friends. ben running most of my strains for atleast 4 to 5 years.

recent guest

^Fortunately permanent security council members like the United States actually do have veto power ;) So, the UN really can eat a bowl full of dicks.

Yeah but Eric Holder is going to announce the federal governments position on this "relatively soon" according to NPR. Call me a pessimist, but I'll bet you my whole stash that its not going to be a positive position.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Yeah but Eric Holder is going to announce the federal governments position on this "relatively soon" according to NPR. Call me a pessimist, but I'll bet you my whole stash that its not going to be a positive position.

Don't for get to be vocal to your elected Representatives. Get after them. We need the Change in Federal Statutes, to be safe. Especially after Obama leaves office, cause the 'memo' won't be any good then.

Tell the Tea Party'ers, that States Rights are at risk, and the DEA needs to be included in the 'Budget Cuts'. lol

If you have a Dem for congress; tell them to do the liberal thing that we sent them there to do. :biggrin: And don't forget to tell them the DEA is Way Overfunded.

And no matter which party they belong to; Tell them to leave my guns the Hell ALONE.


no i havent. I've never bought clones from a dispencery. alway's picked up my strains thru friends. ben running most of my strains for atleast 4 to 5 years.
I'm not talking about clone retail, but w/e, your long version of no and my long version of "k".

recent guest

Hey FoCo were you aware that Colorado is not actually a rectangle? Yep. Just heard it on the radios. It follows longitudinal lines, and the earth is a sphere so the bottom of the state is longer than the top! Its really the emerald...quadrangle.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
The UN can eat a dick.
:yeahthats :laughing:

so ya.... that being said....
a64 task force just finished it's suggestions, colorado is moving forward with 64 implementation, democracy is illustrated by the will of the poeple in action here in co, how can anyone come out against it?

wtf did the un have to say about spain legalizing herb? and portugal legalizing EVERYTHING

once again:

The UN can eat a dick.
:laughing: you literally stole the exact words from my mouth.

So, the UN really can eat a bowl full of dicks.
this one gets the blue ribbon tho


Hello guys and gals,
I was wondering what you all thought prices are going to do in our fair state? I have been thinking they are dropping every 2 months....considering time to complete a cycle but will bottom out after this first summer with 64 going.

-Free growing with summer coming. Takes lots of money to get up and going inside unless you have been but summer is going to change all that.
-Not as hard as it use to be. In the past we had to adapt and customize everything but now everything is made for what we do.... making it easier for newbs to jump in and be successful.
-Lots of seed companies and no one scared to use them.
-Idea has caught on..... if you are not doing it, you know someone who is.

With all that being said.... there will be a huge flood of crap onto the markets and the price will rebound but it will take its toll at first. Since, other states are still illegal, it will artificially support the prices... since it will not be a totally free market.

What are your thoughts?



I see it being pretty much the same as now, tons of cheap crap with quality product at more sustainable prices, i'm guessing indoor A+ is going to hit 2k/pound, maybe just slightly under, but not much, with the cheap stuff going as low as $800/pound, I hear lots of stories of people yielding mountains of mid to low grade and having nowhere to unload it, given the yields they claim they could still do well at that rate.


we need to start a community that instead of competing.. worksked out of topshelf buds. together to keep this business alive..
Hong Kong and more Hong Kong bho!






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Could have attended, chose not to, much happier in the shadows counting money than I am on a stage, attendees, stop by the PuffnDabs booth and say hello to my boys, they're sharing space with my friend's new MIP, they should have shatter no one can match besides perhaps top shelf extracts.


High country cat herder
Wish I hadn't slept on the Cannabis Cup tickets for the event in Denver this year :( Anyone else going to be attending on 4/20?

Wish I smoked! ;)

It's an event I'm always curious about tho, and if I indulged I'd be there like white on rice!

GABF is my poison tho, and yes I bring a DD! :tiphat:
Could have attended, chose not to, much happier in the shadows counting money than I am on a stage, attendees, stop by the PuffnDabs booth and say hello to my boys, they're sharing space with my friend's new MIP, they should have shatter no one can match besides perhaps top shelf extracts.

Would like to try some of that shatter, where at? I do enjoy me some TSE.


Would like to try some of that shatter, where at? I do enjoy me some TSE.
Currently you can try my product at Ganja Gourmet on Broadway, White Berry is what we have in stock from TSE right now, but a new batch is brewing that includes Maui, Sour Diesel, Hashberry, Ogre and Skunkberry which (don't hate me if they're late!) should be on the shelves by next Friday or so, Monday if the boys at TSE are busy (and I suspect they are), the shatter from my friends will be on the shelf around the same time, and in the same flavors, please compare and let me know what you think!

It's too bad that you couldn't have made it in a few weeks ago to sample some of the Smurphberry Jam shatter, it was absolutely amazing, and though the boys at TSE initially marked the Dynamite as being the best, the SBJ won out over time with sheer potency and smoothness. Our next Smurphberry Jam harvest is unfortunately not until the middle of May :badday: But in the meantime the Sour D should make some amazing product, it's not the phenotype more commonly found here in CO, which finishes in 62-65 days, it's a longer flowering and stinkier pheno that our owner's friends in CO Springs gave us, just three clones mixed in with 120, but it has turned out to be the most solid strains we've received.
Currently you can try my product at Ganja Gourmet on Broadway, White Berry is what we have in stock from TSE right now, but a new batch is brewing that includes Maui, Sour Diesel, Hashberry, Ogre and Skunkberry which (don't hate me if they're late!) should be on the shelves by next Friday or so, Monday if the boys at TSE are busy (and I suspect they are), the shatter from my friends will be on the shelf around the same time, and in the same flavors, please compare and let me know what you think!

It's too bad that you couldn't have made it in a few weeks ago to sample some of the Smurphberry Jam shatter, it was absolutely amazing, and though the boys at TSE initially marked the Dynamite as being the best, the SBJ won out over time with sheer potency and smoothness. Our next Smurphberry Jam harvest is unfortunately not until the middle of May :badday: But in the meantime the Sour D should make some amazing product, it's not the phenotype more commonly found here in CO, which finishes in 62-65 days, it's a longer flowering and stinkier pheno that our owner's friends in CO Springs gave us, just three clones mixed in with 120, but it has turned out to be the most solid strains we've received.

Waiting for my renewal to show up... checked out your FB page, will stop in someday and mention icmag. If there is something worth interest, special batches etc let me know via pm ;) I've bought oz's and oz's of TSE shatter and budder...saw them posting about the secret cup and would love to sample some better stuff. Most of the oil I find in the Boulder area is almost wet still, really weird taste unless you leave it to dry out for a week boo.


Waiting for my renewal to show up... checked out your FB page, will stop in someday and mention icmag. If there is something worth interest, special batches etc let me know via pm ;) I've bought oz's and oz's of TSE shatter and budder...saw them posting about the secret cup and would love to sample some better stuff. Most of the oil I find in the Boulder area is almost wet still, really weird taste unless you leave it to dry out for a week boo.
Ouch, sounds like their process hasn't evolved to the level it has here in Denver yet, TSE is starting to have competition from several other companies who are getting in on the shatter bandwagon, though none of them can match them for quality, besides my friends ;)
Wifey and I have tickets to the HTCC in Denver.. As corporate as it is, I love that major America is part of this canna culture trend.. Yea!!

Check out New Riders of the Purple sage J.G. first band... Do IT:woohoo:
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