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Colorado Growers Thread

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rather large bust north of town yesterday in a rented house
220 plants, pounds of magic mushrooms
lots of fire arms
20 something young married couple who moved here from Kansas to grow pot
They claimed they were care givers for 5 patients but couldn't produce any type of paperwork

220 plants for five patients??? Sounds like they need to brush up on their math skills

Tip from a neighbor who noticed suspicious activity at the house

When ever I read something like this I always look for what tipped off the cops and try to learn from it so as not to make the same mistake

should have stayed in kansas Toto! 220 would be bad enough, but pounds of boomers and guns ..... not a position i would want to be in! ouch
Anyone know if there is a single club in the Boulder area worth checking out? My friend said there literally isn't, but he's a totally pot snob.. thanks!
I haven't gone full blown Carl (Bill Murry) in Caddy Shack yet
but I'm getting there

I'm in the shower looking out the window at the back yard
and I notice how healthy and full Lucy is looking

then I see.......


I went running out of the shower
and damn near went into the yard
to get the little hoppy fuck off my girl

caught myself at the last second realizing I needed some shorts first


Gotta love my wife out there with one of my flip flops in each hand
squashing grass hoppers yesterday.

The stakes just went up as Lucy and the Diamonds
(her back up singers) are starting to flower


Near as I can tell...when the plants are young they will chew on the stems themselves and can hurt the plant. Then there is a stage where they eat the fan leaves pretty good...not sure that hurts too much. Now they just like to hang out without eating much of anything.

Carl Jr had a KBar after them yesterday morning (he claims that is when they are most active). I did not ask exactly what he was up to with that knife but...If he goes to putting their little heads on toothpicks or something like that I am out.

It has been fun to watch how various bugs move in and out. We had a bunch of those bad ass little hopping spiders for a while, then they disappeared. Then we had a few mantids move in for a while...but not long.

Its quiet now...almost too quiet. :skiiing:


Natalie J. Puffington
It has quieted down a bit out here as well, Samuel.... :chin: ...It only makes me suspicious!
Hopefully the g'hopper plague out your way, will begin to cease soon too, Dragging Hooks.

It is amazing how it cooled off yesterday; Labor Day certainly seems to have brought the end of 90*+ temps. and the end of summer to Colorado.
Summer usually hangs on a while, back in VA...
I wake up every morning worried that the sweet little hummingbirds have left me! I'm hoping that the Anna's might stay...

...And while I'm not much of a cold weather girl, let's hope it gets cold enough this year to kill off all of those damned Pine Beetles!!!
It makes me so sad to see how they've spread and blighted some of CO's most amazing landscapes...
Does anyone know anything about the pine beetle fight? Have they figured anything out yet or are we just waiting for the cold to kick their little asses?
Global warming sure has been advantageous to those prolific little bastards!! :mad:

Anyways, I hope you all had a fantastic summer!...On to harvest season! Hooray! :yay:
Take care, neighbors;
Wishing you all fruitful harvests!
Found one of Sierra's (RIP) claws while cleaning out my truck
and had it made into a necklace
keep a little bit of her close to my heart


the stone is Tektite
Tektites are fused glass that are formed during an impact of a meteor with layers of rock on the Earth's surface

Been there, done that hahaha


High country cat herder
Who did the knotwork? I have a good deal to learn, tho lately it's been the wife who's taken up the weaving and knots.... :eek::

getting some downward leaf curl?!
Never had anything like this before
Rather than wade though a million threads
I come straight to the experts

using nutes at 1/2 strength like always

only on one plant, everything else is doing great

any thoughts?


Low Humidity

Low Humidity




No worries as near as I can tell. Grown around 4500 ft or so. 100 gallon smart pots



getting some downward leaf curl?!
Never had anything like this before
Rather than wade though a million threads
I come straight to the experts

using nutes at 1/2 strength like always

only on one plant, everything else is doing great

any thoughts?

Good soak with some good compost tea should clear that right up. The good stuff (AACT). Not 'shit tea.'
I'm thinking it got too much water when it rained the other day
First time growing in containers outdoors
every other time has been right in the ground

perking back up after two days of sun
actually looking quite healthy this morning

live and learn......

Since the heat broke my cucumber plant is going crazy
all summer long I'd get one or two a week
right now there are five on it


Just one cucumber plant in a three gallon pot,
I'll make a real raised bed garden next spring
The yard(s) were such a mess when we moved in last spring
I didn't have enough time to get the lawn right and make a real garden


Harvest tomorrow night.
Full moon tomorrow night.
Harvest moon tomorrow night :jump:

The One x Blue Moon Rocks
Day 67
Living Organic Soil



Technically full moon Monday at 3:27 am.

Here is a test nug I trimmed last night.



anyone out there read the farmers almanac? any guesses on the first frost date?
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