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Colorado: Are there ANY Dispensaries/Products NOT using Azadirachtin?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is, as far as I'm concerned, azadirachtin poisoning. Those of us who have found this truth know the personal hell it can cause. I'm looking for places or products which state they specifically do not use azadirachtin products.

Are there any in Colorado? Have you seen anything of the sort?
Would love to hear it.

Thank you


Active member
I've had good luck with Golden Leaf in Steamboat. I'm not sure if it's totally free of aza, just that I haven't noticed any CHS symptoms since I started shopping there. I'm a fairly heavy user vaporizing 2-3 grams a day for treatment of glaucoma and have switched sources a few times due to CHS symptoms.

This seems like quite a gap in the market and for years I've been planning on opening up such a shop. Just haven't met the right people yet.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Thanks, I'll look them up. I'm about to start calling around and putting up a list.

Anyone happen to know the "plan most likely to succeed" for getting aza off the allowed pesticide list for Colorado?


ICMag Donor
NEEM is toxic and that's why we don't use it.
"Neem oil has widespread use in Indian subcontinent due to its many bioactive properties. Azadirachtin, an active ingredient, is implicated in causing the effects seen in need oil poisoning".

Dispensaries/grow facilities throw a lot of pesticides into their grow effort, as well as additives. After seeing the list from 2 purchases made when CO first became legal (one near Pueblo, the other in Denver), no thanks!!!

That's why GROW YOUR OWN is essential to your health/well being, or buy organic.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Many peeps believe neem to be "organic!"

NEEM is toxic and that's why we don't use it.

That's why GROW YOUR OWN is essential to your health/well being, or buy organic.

I can't even imagine smoking something I didn't grow, anymore. I have no idea what kind of shit they might have sprayed on it these days....
Or something my longtime friends grew would be OK too...


Active member
Many peeps believe neem to be "organic!"

Well it is, if its organic neem.

Neem has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years, neem oil is toxic to ingest but great used topically for skin issues if you can get past the smell, but neem leaf, stem, leaf extract etc.. can be bought in pill form. It is used as a blood cleanser, anti fungal, anti bacterial and even a form of male/female birth control among other uses.

However, just because something is organic does not mean it should be smoked or even eaten.

I am dead set against spraying anything on flowering plants. Any neem applied should be used in veg only. And if it was applied to produce it should be washed.

Yes neem is better than spraying something like forbid etc.. but it should still be used with the end user in mind. This is the reason why I wouldnt smoke anything I didnt grow myself, common sense is not commonly found in todays world, anything can be dangerous if you dont think about the proper way to use it.


ICMag Donor
It's how its applied. Still toxic, even at low level is harmful...getting into cellular tissues and lingering. And who has the studies of smoking Neem sprayed buds and the outcome?

CHS, I see "caution" and other terms when entering "chs"...droplet type pesticide but even Google is perplexed.



Agree w/ Bud Sr.- only a handful I'd smoke with knowing they grow "clean" and not rely on a lot of additives. You can taste the difference for sure.

Anyway, do your research when buying commercial cannabis....(jumping off the soap box).
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Active member

/SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ ... 13, including 2 fatal, poisoning cases due to neem seed (margosa) oil, a traditional remedy in India and Malaysia, /were reported/. Five to ten milliliters of the oil given orally to children against minor ailments caused vomiting, drowsiness, tachypnea with acidotic respiration, and polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, and encephalopathy developed within hours of ingestion. Seizures, associated with coma, developed in some cases.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
CHS Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome

Aza causes inflammation of the intestines which leads to symptoms similar to chron's. In extreme cases it leads to cyclic vomiting. The pain from the gas in the intestines is intense.

I'm sitting here looking at a tiny ball of resin, last clean meds I have.

Crappy time to not have something in flower.


Autistic Diplomat in Training

/SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS/ ... 13, including 2 fatal, poisoning cases due to neem seed (margosa) oil, a traditional remedy in India and Malaysia, /were reported/. Five to ten milliliters of the oil given orally to children against minor ailments caused vomiting, drowsiness, tachypnea with acidotic respiration, and polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, and encephalopathy developed within hours of ingestion. Seizures, associated with coma, developed in some cases.
I went and read the full page... this shit has nearly zero testing, all of these side effects and it's legal? Just, wow.


Well-known member
I only had to use azadirachtin once to take out a persistant broad/cyclamen mite infestation years ago, I couldn't understand why folks would have to use it in their pest programs?! After settling on an essential oil regime, with spinosad, years ago and following a basic IPM..I don't have pest issues anymore and spray my girls once as they go into first week flower for the last time and otherwise only vegging plants and any cuts get sprayed. For a plant outside I water in with a light dose of spinosad at end week 2 flower and one can observe insects not getting affected four weeks later when UV has broken down the spinosad but that is normally late enough to take care of larvae hatching etc.. Garlic/canola is the oil base of the spray. One must use a wetting agent with oils and never spray in the day or more than once a week otherwise theres a chance of leaf burn. With a spinosad systemic once a fortnight is just right to not let anything get a foothold.. Mold I only spray for the other week with an organic spray on vegging plants only. In flowering it is only ever down to environmental control and keeping airflow up and humidity..Outside BT is also used in AAC brews.

But back to this stuff and "dispensaries", why do it along with other poisons if it is not needed..I'm all for eco options but if those turn out to be bad then time to change to other eco options. People will spray all sorts of horrendous things with not a care in the world. I see all sorts of poisons that should be banned available on shelves in supermarket being marketed to housewives, spray this on your fruit and roses,, spray this on your paving, dust this into your carpet..Horrendous persistant chemicals that are endochrine disrupters and nerve poisons and great for your kids and resident wildlife (or was resident). But back to dispensaries and commercial weed and crazy spraying programs making up for bad growing, it doesn't even make economic sense to poison your patients considering safe options available, nevermind the ethical considerations, I don't get it. Nevermind additives and PGR's..
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Active member
My friends are getting all psyched for legal herb here in Massachusetts. But truly high-quality 100% organic is many years away. Until there's 3rd party enforceable OMRI standards and regs people will take shortcuts. Even today many apple and tomato growers lie about being 100% organic. There's actually very little enforcement and monitoring of pesticides in the US, probably one reason why we're in the midst of a cancer epidemic.

If you want something done right, do it yourself. Start a garden. Buy a book on it! I am fanatically against chemical or systemic pesticides. I'll use Gnatrol, that's it. Any other bugs invade, there 2 options - predatory insects or cut down. I don't smoke or vape other peoples' weed anymore. I'll politely turn it down and offer some of my own. I've got too many health problems to take a chance.