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Colonoscopy Prep

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Active member
Well, I just drank that nasty drink-shit and for the next 14 hours I will be shitting and smoking a ton of cannabis, in preparation for tomorrow morning's big event...This is my first scope and I just want to encourage other 'men of a certain age' to go get yours scheduled if you have not done so already. Colon cancer is a terrible killer- especially of men- and a lot of times it is preventable. Cheers.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Lost two close friends in the past fiveyears to colon cancer. They were "afraid" to get a colonoscopy. When they finally did it was too late.
I had my first last Spring. The anticipation was much worse than the procedure. Now Im all set for three years before I have to get it done again.
Dont forget about that prostate either.


You can do some superb farts afterwards... truly epic, I didn't go under for mine but it felt like it could burst out at anytime....


I´d say that a gastroscopy is ten times worse, had two of both and it wasn´t that bad. A bit of smoke will go a long way in calming your nerves :)


I thought that the worst thing about a colonoscopy was the crap you had to drink to make you crap!
I have had two done now.
Some nasty stuff!
It's been a few years since I had one.
I am due for another.
Ratz :tiphat:


Active member
Ah the old garden hose up the a$$. Don't puke up the drink or they'll make you drink another. The enema is almost as bad.. Here let's fill your colon with water now pinch your butt together and try n make it to the toilet, wtf?! With my Ibs/chrons I've had most the probes and tests. Anyone saying it's not that bad must have a loose b hole haha. Good luck last time they shot me up with quite a bit of Demerol and it defineatley helped.


Active member
Just kinda back to reality back home here with a few bowls- finally...All went well, thankfully, and I am glad I went and got it over with. Turns out I had two polyps- one upper and one lower that they removed. I am young to have them (44) so I have to go back in a year. Goes to show you don't ever know.
More good news is that the procedure is done with dignity and privacy- at least the place I went to did. You lie on your side with your ass to the doctor- only-while the other two people in the room are facing you...My imagination had me ass-up with a spotlight about 6 inches from my hole and a dozen or so nurses, students, janitors, and passers-by watching along...So, anyway, for the first half hour I had only oxygen flowing in the tube thing in my nose but that changed fast. After I cracked a few jokes I said out loud "I'm starting to feel it" and then I woke up an hour later back in the little recovery room with the curtain around me-foggy from the drugs. Not an unfamiliar feeling.
I am glad that I went. Turns out it could have prevented something potentially serious.


Well-known member
I am glad that I went. Turns out it could have prevented something potentially serious.

That's why we drink that nasty stuff. The first time is always nerve wracking. I'm glad you took care of yourself. Now be sure to increase your fiber and water intake to keep those guts working smoothly.



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Premium user
Lost two close friends in the past fiveyears to colon cancer. They were "afraid" to get a colonoscopy. When they finally did it was too late.
I had my first last Spring. The anticipation was much worse than the procedure. Now Im all set for three years before I have to get it done again.
Dont forget about that prostate either.

How old were your friends? What symptoms did they show prior to diagnosis?


Well-known member
I believe the hardest part is the prep, the cleansing. I remember when I had to have a lower GI when they gave me a barium enema and took pictures, had to cleanse the bowel prior. They gave me this prescription juice, some extract of a bark (I can’t remember what but it was only about an ounce). But boy oh boy did that stuff get the bowels working. You could feel it churning and building up and finally you had to take a crap and gratefully felt relief only for it to start all over again…and again…and again. That was some powerful sh*t.

Glad everything worked out for you Mr.Miner.


Active member
^ Thanks, Les! I appreciate that...and hats off to you for going. It's a lot easier than people make it out to be. And the gas is fucking killer! Haha...Keep us posted when you prep, if you would.


if it smells like fish
I have polyps popping up like mushrooms...sucks but you do what ya got to do....yeehaw...they have it all on a bigscreen tv and computer...its gross lookin to me so I don't look.....I been lucky as I was the first person ever to receive a special procedure so I am in some medical study..its called IRC infra red coagulation..it had been used externally but never inside before...basically a powerfull light ,,that as dr cachay says melts away the growth..i say it cooks it and I wonder if my belly glows while its going ....lol..I have had probably 10 treatments if not a few more...


Active member
Ohh that stuff they make u drink is nasty here..

Colyte I believe....comes in a few flavors.... PICK one that you never want to taste again....

My wife took the pineapple flavored one and now can't stand even the smell of pineapples..

4Liters to drink over 4 hours I believe......


Well-known member
Many worse things in life. Someone has to clean the gear.
Salute to all who drink the magic goo.
Hats off to the Stoned Trout with 10 plus sessions.
Best luck to all for a positive outcome.
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