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Colombian Gold x Grapefruitbowl



Hi folks

Two of my favourite strains are BSC Colombian Gold, just a beautiful sativa, takes 12-14 weeks indoors, love the sandalwood peppery taste and the mellow smily high, my fave daytime toke, average (f not a bit below) yield, airy buds but lots of frost for a pure landrace sat:






And Grapefruitbowl by Sunshine Seeds, a 4th generation cross of Purple Maui and Sweettooth #3, 60/40 sativa/indica. very compact with no stretch, sativa dom high, very frosty, dense nuggets, great yield and super tasty, very fruity:





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Being two of my favourites, and both being stable lines, I decided to cross them by using my selected Colombian male clone to pollinate a clone of my treasured Grapefruitbowl mother. I figure that the Grapefruitbowl's lack of stretch, very strong, thick stems, high density buds and sativa high make it a good candidate for crossing to ther Colombian.

Here are the two best individuals I have selected to make the F2s, this is certainly a very vigourous F1 cross as these plants are unusually large and well developed for 27 days under 160w of coolwhite fluoro tubes, certainly much bigger than pure Grapefruitbowl would grow in that time.

First up is the male, this is the Grapefruitbowl pheno and very stocky, with broad leaves, looks quite a lot like the Grapefruitbowl mother but with added vigour, he looks a bit droopy as I'd let him dry out prior to repotting:



And here's the female, she is the Coilombian pheno, has thinner leaves and is taller, but still quite compact, stockier than the pure Colombian and with noticeably thicker stems but still shows the characteristic red wine striping of the Colombian on the stems and petioles:



And here are the two before and after repotting from 1 litre to 3.5 litre pots:



They are now 3 days into flower, I plan to make F2s and will be cloning the female as she looks like something I'd like to grow as sensimilla as a clone. I also plan to backcross to the Colombian and as I have both male and female Colombian clones I have options.
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Beautiful BH! Thanks so much for posting those pics of our colombian gold. I think people have the impression that our colombian gold is mostly indica. We really appreciate your pics and grow report and the hybrid sounds really yummy. Hopefully this will show how great of a breeding plant the bsc colombian gold is. I can't wait to see the finished product.


Hi zam

Thanks for stoppin by. I love the BSC Colombian Gold, have a treasured mother and a selected male clone 'father' too, I have 5 clones going now, just put a couple of them into flower. She will also grow well in DWC. She seems pure sativa to me, I'm getting to know her inside and out now, nothing ever said indica to me. She looks more indica in veg, but that soon changes once you flip em into flowering. Also, quite a lot of sativas look indica in veg and only start to express their sativa trraits in flower.

I'd say the BSC Colombian Gold is 100% stable, never had any variation in mine and all the hundreds of seeds (before I knew BSC was re-opening) I sent out to folks turned out the same, everyone whos grown and smoked it loves it, and I intend to be growing and smoking it for as long as I can. I'm preparing to pollinate one of my CG clones with Blueberry pollen in a few weeks, be interesting to grow those out and compare to this Grapefruitbowl cross.

Some more pics of various CG grows:

A couple of clones (it's the easiest to clone strain I've ever tried):



Assorted budshots etc:








Can you say foxtail?:

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Cheers orange. Thanks BSC for making these classic genes available.


Cheers mate, hope they give you as much pleasure as they have me, I can definitely recommend cloning your best female and growing the Colombian from clone, diesn;t need much veg and will make the wait much less, then again, I don;t mind wating 12-14 weeks, but then I'm a sativa loving freak/masochist who has a couple of 24-weekers flowering now.

Only things I'd like to improve about the CG are the yield - some more density to those buds would be nice, a little less stretch (although it's not all that stretchy for a sativa) and a shorter flowering time, I'm hoping the cross to Grapefruitbowl will help in these aspects. Some careful selection among the F2s and hopefully I can retain the Colombian high and taste, a backcross is always a possibility as I have the parents in clone form.


Sorry for the lack of updates to this thread, been having a few problems here, but getting back on track now. These pictures are from the 30th March so a week ago, I'll take some pics tonight and show you how they are doing, but for now, here is how they were a week ago:

Well turns out I misread the sex of the two plants and the Colombian pheno I thought was female turned out to be male and the shorter Grapefruitbowl pheno turned out to be a female. Both are lovely plants though and I'm going to make F2s as the two strains look to have blended nicely together if growth , structure, vigour and overall looks are anything to go by. I eagerly await smoking the female.

First up is the male, he is the Colombian pheno, much taller than the other one and stretched a lot more, but not as much stretch as the pure Colombian. I am going to use him to pollinate the female and make F2s, then I'll grow out aa many of the F2s as I can fit in my space to make selections. I'm also going to use his pollen on a Colombian Gold clone I have in flowering to make a backcross. The Grapefruitbowl tends to be dominant in crosses and I want to try to retain as much of the effect of the Colombian sativa as possible so this male should be a good choice for a backcross as I want a Colombian dominant seedline.







And here's the female, she is much shorter and stockier with broader leaves, definitely resembles the Grapefruitbowl mother.







Here's the CG x GFB lady after 21 days of 12/12.






I removed the six lowest branches as they were small, four of them became clones:


This lady has strong side branching, much more than the Grapefruitbowl, this is a trait inherited from the Colombian:


The way the buds are forming on short stalks from each node is similar to the Colombian, but the buds themselves are cottonball like clumps like the Grapefruitbowl, the nodes are much tighter than the Colombian:



Some closeups of the top bud:





Hi folks

Been a while since I last checked this thread, not been online much lately, not since the 420 Cup. I just want to say many many thanks to all the kind folks who have offered there support via pms and for the kind words, it is very much appreciated.

Luckily I entrusted the two ladies that were bearing seeds to a friend's care while I was away at the Cup so they survived the destruction of my garden.

One is the AF Purple Skunk x Mighty Mite that has been pollinated with an Af PS x MM male, I'm trying to lock down the AF trait for outdoor growing here in wet cold Northern England.

The other one is the F1 Colombian Gold x Grapefruitbowl lady I pollinated with a CG pheno CG x GFB male to make F2s. She is at 45 days and definitely leans towards the GFB side, she had very little stretch and the buds are nice and frosty and dense just like the GFB, her leaves are noticably thinner and show the CG influence however. She is definitely not exhibiting enough of her CG genes so that is why I chose a CG leaning male to make the F2s.

I used the same CGxGFB mamle to pollinate a CG clone and make a backcross, but sadly that clone has been destroyed. Luckily, a friend who lives nearby still has a clone of tha CG that I gave him a while back, so I will eventually find a good F2 CGxGFB male and do a backcross. I had rooted three clones from this CG x GFB F1 female (I removed her lower branches to allow most effort to go into forming the main top cola) and was goign to pollinate one of them with my CG male I've kept for a couple of years alngside my mother collection, but sadly he was lost along with my mothers and clones.

I had just sexed the Colombian Gold x Zamal.Haze seedling I had, the one that 'volunteered' by growing in the soil of the Zamal/Haze mother after the seed fell from her, I had uprooted it and repotted in its own pot and had vegged it for 30 days, I had prune and supercropped it into half a dozen of more tops and it was looking really nice, looked to lean a bit to the Zamal side as the leaves had the colour of the Zamal rather than the very dark colour of the CG, and the stems were bright green like the Zamal whereas the CG has purple striping. It was a female and I was going to pop er into flower when I got back from the cup, but sadly she was destroyed. I still have some of those beans CG x Zamal though and some Colombian Gold as I had them in the freezer for long-term storage.










muddy waters

Active member
hey BH, i was glad to hear that all is not lost.

but man it hurt to read that that 'volunteer' seedling bit the dust... on the plus side though now you can focus more of your energy and cabspace on developing the CGxGFB (or is it GFBxCG?) line... btw nice pics in the last post but i couldn't figure out which F1s they were


Hi guys, thanks for checking in. Muddy, the pics are the same CG x GFB F1 lady as the earlier posts, she has filled out a lot.


Herbal relaxation...

Nice to see that you didnt lose all your plants/projects. That is very intresting cross you got there, I mean they both are. Grapefruitbowl x Colombian Gold -> :yummy: Im very interested in that autoflowering Purple Skunk x Mighty Mite and would love to see how she/he does outdoors!

I wish all the best for your future growing projects and I also wish that you are going to get things solved with your family! You dont see too often guys/gals who are ready to wait 20+ weeks indoors in small space to get some special bud -> :respect:


Hola herb, thanks for the kind words.

Here's the PS x MM Af female, she is a 2 foot budstick, just needs to fatten up and frost up now. That is a 2l bottle for size comparisons. I haven't kept track of how many days flowering she is, but she is about 75 days old and AFed at about 30 days so I reckon I will harvest at about 90 days, a 3 month from seed to weed strain is perfect for outdoors here, shame she hasn't turned purple.








Herbal relaxation...
Yeah, she sure is beautiful. It would be good for it´s height outdoors, quite querilla. That kind of ps x mm sticks would make me happy outdoor grower! (Compared to Lowryder;)