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Colombian gold micro. Flowering time: 22-26 weeks. Direct 12/12


Well-known member
i always thought it turned yellow(gold) from drying the plants in the sun,i could swear that i read that quite a long while ago.


donut engineer
Here's some Sensi Star that could qualify as "gold". Reportedly, this was caused wholly by a genetic predisposition. Nothing was done to the plant itself outside of normal growing.

Let me say that I'm well jealous of those colombian beans. My girlfriend is from Cali, and promised me to pick up some punto rojo or similar seeds before returning, but that promise will only go as far as the availability of genetics when she's there :(

Owl Mirror

Active member
i always thought it turned yellow(gold) from drying the plants in the sun,i could swear that i read that quite a long while ago.

Yeah, I heard that too.
In one of the links I provided above it talks about that practice.
If I remember correctly, it said it had no effect on the color but, did have an effect on the type of high. The sunlight converts the THC into more CBD, giving a more couch lock effect.


Well-known member
I agree with owl mirror: Sun only affects the high. And not for the best i recon! :)

The golden color is - according to my logical sence- achieved by letting the plant die while still in the ground. Either by braking bark from the stem or by splitting it, or by letting them dry out.

If you wait for 5-6 days after the last time you've watered them, you can harvest the entire plant, hang it upside down. (dry as slowly as possible) Upside down for 3 weeks. Then trimm the buds and let them slowly ripe. After 6-8 months of riping, the Chlorofyl in the leaves and calyxes will be almost completely gone.
The combination of these factors is -to my beliefs- the best tip to make'm that golden color.

This doesn't only work with C.G. or A.G., but for several other plants. Have had C5 Haze that was completely golden.

It is in certain genes of the plant. You can only try to trigger the reaction.

If I reach my goal of 100+g under 150W, I can store 50g away for a year. Can smoke 25g while waiting for the next round to complete and can give 25g to friends of mine :D Everybody happy: Me, my friends, and future me :D

only gonna need 25g to smoke while waiting, because i have trainwreck, a.m.s, white rhino and white widow that are one month away from harvest.
They are in the same cab as the Colombian Golds. But the CG's are my pride and joy for now. I'll post some pics next week of all the plants and in the cabinet, aswell as the cab itself :).

Thanks for following this thread!


Well-known member
Ok, ok, no pressure :p

Here Are some more pics!

This is the main cola from the White Widow


Here we have 4 plants (indica hybrid) vs 2 Colombian gold. Look at how big those 2 Bitches got!
The 4 indicas are seeds from The Greenhouseseedco.
They are 'bout 4 weeks younger than the Colombians.

Here we have an inside-look:

Ground-zero, the stems:



I'd trim some more of those leaves just to create better air circulation and allow more light to lower budsites.

The plants look great man!!!


22 - 26 weeks flowering time?!?!? DAYUM.... Old, Exotic strain?

The long flowering time has me subscribing to the thread.

Keep up the great work!

Owl Mirror

Active member
thx brah!

I'm cutting back 10-15 leaves every 2 days now. hope they'll like it :)

Unplugging the plant from the energy source doesn't bode well for it's health.
That is exactly what you are doing by cutting off 10-15 receptors each day.
Maybe it's just me but, I can't understand what you profit by pinching, twisting and trimming those bitches like that.
I can't imagine you gain many more bud-sites for all the extra efforts.
Is it because of the type of lighting you are using that you train these plants to grow like that ?


Bro good luck & respect for your project. There are not many growers with plants over 15 weeks not even in big places :D
Bro Owl is right, leave leaves where they are, they will drop alone when their time will come and give plants some light nutes when they will need them if not you might have problems in late flower. Check my sign im in 27th week of flower and i had some problems as i gave plants just water.

keep them green


Active member
Unplugging the plant from the energy source doesn't bode well for it's health.
That is exactly what you are doing by cutting off 10-15 receptors each day.
Maybe it's just me but, I can't understand what you profit by pinching, twisting and trimming those bitches like that.
I can't imagine you gain many more bud-sites for all the extra efforts.
Is it because of the type of lighting you are using that you train these plants to grow like that ?

I was under the impression he was trying to keep the thing from taking over his house?

Owl Mirror

Active member
I was under the impression he was trying to keep the thing from taking over his house?

Yes, I understand. I guess that old quote about "ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag" might apply to this growing technique.

I'm not a fan of pinching and pruning as a means of forcing production.
I just posted some pictures in my new journal of two plants.
I don't believe I would get any further production by restricting the height and spreading out the branching in to a low canopy.


Some things are just unnatural ;>}


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Your name sounds familiar, your grow sounds familiar.Hummm :chin: interesting but strange very very strange :D :wave:

Care Full with the big N

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Goodluck. Im aswell am trying my hand at some pure sativa hybrids. 22-26 weeks is making my project 14-16 weekers seem like childs play. I dont know if this has been asked but do you have any plans to cut light cycle to 11/13 to help them finish faster?

Owl Mirror

Active member
ok... but it seems arbitrary. I'm not a fan of exercise as a means of getting in shape.

I'm not a fan of not growing because you don't have tons of space.

LOL, I don't have a ton of space either.
Recreating nature in a box isn't easy, regardless of the size of the box.
I don't mean to appear to be ripping on the grow, far from it.
When you pinch and prune, you need to expect more leaves in a tighter space.
That often leads to an overcrowded, unhealthy environment.
Seriously, I don't see the benefit in growing inside a 2x2x2 box.

Kinda like having a bonsai kitten



Well-known member
Hi everybody!

Time to explain mysef :p The thing is that I don't have a real lot of room to grow in. So I have to somehow delay the growth a little bit. Don't ya guys worry now about me takin' away to much leaves.
I simply take away the lower ones that don't get any light anywayz. I don't wat to remove 'em all at once :) . But you'll be surprised how many leaves those bitches got!
So they won't mind at all.
I'm also not doing this for the entire period of the grow. Just now 3-4 weeks, and then we'll see how it goes.

Hi elmanito! Nice to see you here! Purpose of this thread it to show my little big grow to the enitre world :) ;)

owl mirror: I agree man, but sometimes (when the well-being of the lady is in danger!) you'll have to go to your outer-limits to contain them and keep them healthy.Btw, those kittens in a jar is a horrible pic man! just jaw-dropping! :D

Lasko: Let's check your grow ;)

DMS: hell yeah man, oldskool sativa bitches :D
