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Colchicine....What's your opinion?



You don't think that somewhere some of these guys have messed with this stuff? I know people who have,but they have not the means to tell what they are....I'm sure they are out there somewhere yet lay unidentified.....I guess you have the means to tell...have you checked some of this stuff out?

I think people have tried, like you did, and they might have succeeded but there is no way to tell, like you mentioned (unless what I wrote is carried out). I certainly don't think any breeders have succeeded because if they did I think they would have shouted it to the heavens (and we would know about it).

I have not tested cannabis for polyploidy, but I guess I could. Anyone have a Wally duck foot clone they want to send me?



I have been writing a factual report on HortaPharm BV for a while now, it's still in progress but once it's done I hope it will shut them down in terms of Sativex vis a' vis their sugar daddy G.W. Guy of GW Pharmaceutics who licensed Sativex to Bayer Drugs (the worldwide disturber of Sativex). I will send my paper to Dr. Grinspoon once it's done for his hopeful proof-reading and input; then I will send it to a magazine who already wants to print it!

I will also send my paper to Bayer Drugs in the hope they will stop distribihng Sativex and I will also send my report to a few respected international journals and also CNN, BBC, etc.

P.P.S. David Watson is known to all of us here at IC...


Living with the soil
I think people have tried, like you did, and they might have succeeded but there is no way to tell, like you mentioned (unless what I wrote is carried out). I certainly don't think any breeders have succeeded because if they did I think they would have shouted it to the heavens (and we would know about it).

I have not tested cannabis for polyploidy, but I guess I could. Anyone have a Wally duck foot clone they want to send me?
If they have been successful,I don't think they would say anything if they were smart...this is controversial shit. People get bent,and freak out when they hear the words genes, human manipulations,mutations,etc. I would personally keep my mouth shut if I released a monster on the public.


I speak italian if you need some translations on certain parts.. too much of a lazy stoner to do 90 pages though.

Hell yes!!! I will buy the paper and send it to you. Would you mind translating the "conclusions" section? (it could be called "results and discussion", etc). That way you should only need to translate a page or less. But, if you feel up to it and want to read the whole paper and translate what you think is important (along with the conclusion section) that would be SOOO great! You would be doing the whole cannabis community a HUGE favor!

Thanks so much for the kind offer!


If they have been successful,I don't think they would say anything if they were smart...this is controversial shit. People get bent,and freak out when they hear the words genes, human manipulations,mutations,etc. I would personally keep my mouth shut if I released a monster on the public.

Yea I see your point, but that is because most people don't have a clue about mutagens, etc. I for one would make it a major selling point, hundreds and even over a thousand % increase in cannabinoids? Why NOT tell everyone?

Once I succeed in this matter I will make tetraploid seeds and send them to anyone who want them for free! :)

P.S. You wrote about breeding then mutating, but you should do it the other way around. That why you can see and choose what traits you want because the traits will be different in a tetraploid. For example, I plan to try and breed a different colored bud, yield, growth, chemotype, etc.

There are great books around on the topic of breeding with tetraploids, it's large field of science.

Did you know carrots are tetraploids? And many all crops we eat are tetraploids? Many crop plants are tetraploids for decades and no one seems upset. For example, the carrot was purple originally, but once breeders muted it to a tetraploid and some were orange the breeders thought an orange carrot would sell better so they breed the tetraploid orange carrots...and that is why today carrots are orange ;)


I have my breeding plans already formed, all landraces and the final cross will be C.indica (ie. indica) crossed with C.indica indica (ie. sativa), thus providing true F1 hybrid vigor (from two unrelated species of landrace cannabis drug biotypes):

(Thai 4n x Nepalese 4n) x Afghan 4n


Living with the soil
Yes, I did know there are a lot of crops and plants that are.....nobody even knows or cares. This is kind of like religion in the way that people believe different things and have different values placed upon the things that have a firm position in their lives. The world is flat and I'll tar and feather you for even thinking it is round! To the chemical grower crowd the tetraploid would be the latest rave,all the kids would be growing the beasts. Just need a good name to send it to market with and the trendy train will carry it off into oblivion...selling itself...making you stinking rich. This is where the question of ethics (which includes the organic mindset)comes into play for me.....Environmentally,economically,etc.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I think this stuff is really cool you guys got me looking into all of this and I'm finally starting to understand it. There seems to be a lot of varieties of wheat that are tetraploid's. Now i also understand why seedless watermelons are seedless, due to triploidy. I may not be as knowledgeable as you guys but this stuff seems like some A+ experiments. I really like the idea of tetraploidy, it really can expand the plant we know today.


Living with the soil
I think this stuff is really cool you guys got me looking into all of this and I'm finally starting to understand it. There seems to be a lot of varieties of wheat that are tetraploid's. Now i also understand why seedless watermelons are seedless, due to triploidy. I may not be as knowledgeable as you guys but this stuff seems like some A+ experiments. I really like the idea of tetraploidy, it really can expand the plant we know today.
It's really just a matter of what I just mentioned. Will it be accepted by the anal organic mindset? I admit it,I'm pretty anal about what I put into my body,that's why I grow as organic as I'm able to understand.
It's cool you are exploring this BB,the world needs the bravery of youth to get some shit done sometimes. Keep reading about it and you'll definitely start seeing it in a different way. I would just make sure to hold on to those organic values you have.


One thing to think about:

Both OMRI and NOP cover orange tetraploid carrots...so if it's good for OMRI and NOP I assume most 'organic heads' will think it's OK (not that OMRI or NOP are the final word, but it is what people consider organic authorities). It's how the carrot is grown, not the number of chromosome sets that make it organic.



If anyone who is well known (ie. trustworthy) is growing the Wally Duck foot variety and wants to send me a few clones or leafs I can see it is indeed a tetraploid as some people over the years have suggested.


Living with the soil
If anyone who is well known (ie. trustworthy) is growing the Wally Duck foot variety and wants to send me a few clones or leafs I can see it is indeed a tetraploid as some people over the years have suggested.
This will pretty much determine any suspects........that's if this secondtry guy is unbiased and ligit........U know I'm kidding secondtry.
This would be interesting,now all we need are some brave souls to send them to you.


Damn you found me out!!!

I am not unbiased at all! I work for the man! ;)

mad librettist

Active member

If smoking cannabis or extracts grown from a plant whose parents where mutated with colchicine is dangerous than GW Pharmaceutics THC spray "Sativex" would be killing people or making them sick by the thousands! And I assume David Waston would be dead by now, or very ill as I am sure he as smoked his mutated cannabis flowers...

I think monsanto could use your services.


I think this stuff is really cool you guys got me looking into all of this and I'm finally starting to understand it. There seems to be a lot of varieties of wheat that are tetraploid's. Now i also understand why seedless watermelons are seedless, due to triploidy. I may not be as knowledgeable as you guys but this stuff seems like some A+ experiments. I really like the idea of tetraploidy, it really can expand the plant we know today.

+1 :)

And I really agree with this: "I really like the idea of tetraploidy, it really can expand the plant we know today".

I thought about selling the seeds I will make (it will take me about 1-2 years to make the final version) but I will for sure send tons of freebees out to you guys! I wouldn't mind making a bunch of money for all my effort and time and studying tho!

First I will cross a female Thai 4n by a (masculinezed [sic]) female Nepalese 4n. I will take that F1 and self it to the S3 to S5 (selfed generations). Then I will cross the female (Thai 4n x Nepalise 4n) with a (masculinezed [sic]) female Afghan 4n. I will take that F1 and self it to S3 to S5 (depending upon when I see stabilization of traits); I won't go past S5. Once I have the S3 to S5 all female (Thai 4n x Nepalese 4n) x Afghan 4n I will give the seeds away and maybe sell them considering my variety should be WAY better thna most all others in terms of cannabinoids and yield...and much more unique (colors, bud and leaf size, seed size and color, etc).

Anyone want to suggest a name for the variety to be???



I am going to use micropropagation (agar, etc) to grow hundreds of seeds (each time) to choose from a large parental pool. (but that's another whole topic I dont' want to get into right now).