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Coco vs Rockwool Grow


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I have a few trays o coco drip going but was gifted some clones so I think I am going to do a rockwool drip system to compare too. Any thoughts on the Hugo blocks? Can I grow 24" plants in them drip irrigated? Or should I go 4" block to a slab with drip? Doing 16 per 4x4 under 1kw HPS. House & Garden nutrients. Cheers


Active member
Man, if I had posted this in the coco forum there would be 30 replies and twice as many opinions. Interesting.
the best yields I have seen are 9 plants per light, 8 inch pots filled with rockwool cubes. Watered when the lights come on once a day. Plants are pruned to have 4-6 main leads and trellised. 2lbs all day errr day.

Wendull C.

Active member
Yes. The hugo blocks will hold a 24" plant. Yes, they do well drip irrigated. I like to run 5.6 in rock wool and 5.8, 5.9 in coco with a little fluctuation based on runoff p.h..
Sounds like a good side by side.


Active member
Well, for years, I did 16 per 4x4 in 5 gallon pots with either Sunshine/ProMix hand watered. Pretty regularly would get 1.75-2 per light. These would finish between 24" and 32" fairly bushy. I have never really done the strong pruning to just 4 leads.


Active member
Yo, NetPro....Do you think there is a reason to go from clone to the 4" blocks? Could you just go to the 6"? How many are you doing per tray?


Active member
This plant is about 5 wks in, it will most likely yield about 3 oz...maybe a bit more. The coco is fine and all, but I see no real advantage over rockwool and my next round is already vegging in Hugo blocks. However, drip is AMAZING!


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Active member
I have a few trays o coco drip going but was gifted some clones so I think I am going to do a rockwool drip system to compare too. Any thoughts on the Hugo blocks? Can I grow 24" plants in them drip irrigated? Or should I go 4" block to a slab with drip? Doing 16 per 4x4 under 1kw HPS. House & Garden nutrients. Cheers

Slabs or Hugo, that is the question! Well you are doing 1 per sq ft which doesnt require a big root system. I say for sure go Hugo! 4+ oz off a Hugo no problem. So if your doing 16 under a 1k, a 4x4 would prolly be enough to get ur 2+ elbows! But they tend to tip easy.

the biggest cube was 4x4 and I did the (3) 6 ft trays w 2 slabs, 12 plants total (2 per slab)1k HPS w mover, 7'x5' footprint scrogged. Slabs are much harder to deal w since they need to be presoaked, drained, drain hole cut, cube holes cut, etc...


Active member
I have went with Hugo's we shall see how they fair. I have a nice trellis system, so pretty sure i can keep them from tipping over. I will be moving the first of them into bloom next week.


Active member
i know people that did over a lb off one plant that was double stacked hugo block on drippers.

With enough space and good conditions you might get close to to an elbow w just one hugo. I got over 8 zips off a plant that I threw in a reused chunk of wool that was ripped off a slab. Wasnt even coverd, just bare shredded wool and I wasn't even going to keep the plant, but wanted to live, so...


Active member
I have been having some issues with my Hugo vegging plants. I was handwatering them, the first few tables did great. Then I lost a bunch and some just sort of slowed waaaay down. It's like they haven't really put out roots, but they show signs of overwatering if I water them and show signs of underwatering if I let them dry out. Thinking of building a drip system for the veg or just going to coco....I did 4 tables of coco and found that, once they are nicely rooted they rock! The perk of coco is I can just toss it into my garden vs having to go the landfill with all the Hugo blocks.


Active member
I think they just need to get a lot drier than one would think
When I did RW I did both continuous top feed and timed feeding. And the continuous was not a dripper, it was flowing.

Have you checked runoff? Did you condition the RW before use? They say RW needs a 24 hour soak in conditioning solution, which is one of a few reason I went coco. Although I am gonna do a Hugo or granulated in one of my airpots.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Ne updates brotha.... Im liking coco more and more daily just seem to be happier plants... I'm sure there's some secretes to watering rw... I been dunking the cubes maybe once a wk and they doin ok... But not up to my standards
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