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Coco problems. Flush maybe ?

I have a thread over in the infirmary and I dont seem to be getting any answers.


Really worried about my plants.
They have only been veging for a month.

They are a really light green color instead of the usual dark green and im not sure what should be done to fix the problem it has been going on for a few weeks now and im starting to worry more and more.

I was thinking about flushing the plants but im not sure what ph to use and how much water do i give the plants to completely flush them.

The plants are in 11 liter pots and I was told a ph of 5.5 is good to flush with.

When feeding I use a 5 liter watering can to mix the nutes. 10 ml coco A and 10 ml Coco B and 10 ml canazhmys.

I then give the plants 2 liters of nute water each.

I dont seem to no what im doing wrong.
If any of you coco gurus can help I would be very thankful.

5,5 is a bit too low for coco but still your plants look fine. Whenever i have a problem with nutes foliar feeding always helps. Mix a half strenght solution of what you are feeding now and spray it all over the plants(do this when lights are out) If it is a nutrient problem this will fix it and the plant will love the shower.


I think it's a combination of things, first your humidity is very low - 30% is too low and could make the plant close it's stomata. Which will in turn keep your pots heavier for longer as the rate at which they are transpiring water is extremely slow, Once they get bigger it won't be such an issue as they will increase the humidity level themselves. I have had plants with the same leaf curl when young and RH is low. I don't think it's Mg/ Ca deficiency.

Your pots were quite large for the seed plants to be in at this stage, with coco the amount of medium needed is far less than when growing in soil. I know people always say coco cannot be over watered but this is usually in relation to pot size & root growth in those pots. You would have been fine with those plants in 4L pots up till this stage. This way they would have made a shit load of roots before transplanting them into the 11L pots and dried out more often.

Because your pots are drying out slowly (big pots, small root structure on plants) you are feeding less. As dewd above says they want nitrogen! IMO. You need to feed them more often with less water - for instance if your watering 1.25 liters per plant every 3 days then split that up into everyday (divide by 3) this will give them daily doses of nutes and keep them watered well.

Also raise the humidity by slowing down the fan or running on timer if heat & smell don't get to much of an issue this will help them pick up the pace and transpire the water quicker - should mean higher humidity and quicker growth.

BTW - do you water until there is run off/return coming through the pots drain holes?

Do not flush them with plain water, if you need to flush do so with a 1ml/ L coco A&B nute solution, only if you have not been watering until run off/ return or the EC coming from the run off is very high - over 2.2 in the case of your plants.


Not too sure as I'm not familiar with the dosage of whatever product your using (Canna I think)

I usually take a clump of coco off the top and squeeze it in my fingers to test how moist the coco is. If theres water on your finger tips then theres water in your coco. Just let it go with less water and look for signs of drooping from dryness.

Did you wash your coco out?




It's iron. I'm positive of it. IF you are following the canna instructions it's iron. Canna nutrients supplies no iron, coco has no iron, so unless you add it someway or another then your plants get no iron.

Cal-Mag plus was suggested to my by the guy at the hydro store when I started growing in coco. They had a display to show the effect is has on plants. They were growing red and white kale. The plants that did not get cal-mag+ had yellow-green new growth, while the ones with cal-mag+ looked lush and green.

I'm no slouch. It's iron, I assure you.


Hmmm no iron in the tap water out there??? I'm starting to not dig Canna so much lately.

Looking at your plants, they seem perked up and well texturized. I'd consider an iron deficiency and this dude says you don't have any in your nutes so there ya go...


I usually take a clump of coco off the top and squeeze it in my fingers to test how moist the coco is. If theres water on your finger tips then theres water in your coco. Just let it go with less water and look for signs of drooping from dryness.

Sorry dude...but this is bad advice. Letting your coco get anywhere near a dry stage is asking for trouble. Coco binds nutes....and when it starts to dry out...it will release a shit load of nutes.

Stay wet. Run to waste works. You can water every day as long as you have proper drainage...and no ill effects will result. I grow in hempys with coco....water every 2nd day. Never a moisture related problem.


It's iron. I'm positive of it. IF you are following the canna instructions it's iron. Canna nutrients supplies no iron, coco has no iron, so unless you add it someway or another then your plants get no iron.

Cal-Mag plus was suggested to my by the guy at the hydro store when I started growing in coco. They had a display to show the effect is has on plants. They were growing red and white kale. The plants that did not get cal-mag+ had yellow-green new growth, while the ones with cal-mag+ looked lush and green.

I'm no slouch. It's iron, I assure you.

If it is iron...and I'm not gonna dispute that. Why not add molasses to your nute regime. It has the iron needed as well as Cal/Mag and sugars. Nothin but good stuff and costs very little.


He says he in the UK, then chances are that he has between 0.3 - 0.7EC water without anything added... I don't use cal mag, that's for when you have under 0.2/0.3 EC water or RO water. Canna has stated that they make their nutes for water that is around 0.2-0.3. In the UK in most city's the water is between 0.5-0.7 outside of city's where water is considered soft it is usually circa 0.2-0.3. Both these ranges will probably have the required Ca/ Mg Canna assume your water source has in it.

I checked your vid out they look alot bigger but I see your having the same issue with tip curling, it can't really hurt to try a cal-mag additive to see if resolves the issue as has been suggested but while doing that I would try and raise humidity and water at least once daily not letting the coco dry out at all.

Squeeze your pots sides and look down them under the light to see how your roots are filling the medium, if you have roots hitting the bottom that's a good thing they are white which is also a good thing :) The ones that have come out are only doing so because there is water left in your tray they will dry up soon and others will stay inside the pot filling the medium up.


Sorry dude...but this is bad advice. Letting your coco get anywhere near a dry stage is asking for trouble. Coco binds nutes....and when it starts to dry out...it will release a shit load of nutes.

Stay wet. Run to waste works. You can water every day as long as you have proper drainage...and no ill effects will result. I grow in hempys with coco....water every 2nd day. Never a moisture related problem.

If it is iron...and I'm not gonna dispute that. Why not add molasses to your nute regime. It has the iron needed as well as Cal/Mag and sugars. Nothin but good stuff and costs very little.

Sorry dude but he needs to learn what wet and dry coco is. If you knew anything you would understand that water water water isn't awesome for coco. Its already been scientifically proven that increased water in coco reduces yield.

So again, just squeeze the top layer of coco in your finger tips, then you can feel how moist it is. Once you get a grip on what dry and oversaturated coco is you'll know whats up with the waterings.

And could you come off more like an arrogant prick?? I'd love to see your shit random dude with 9 posts who just popped in here.


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Sorry dude but he needs to learn what wet and dry coco is. If you knew anything you would understand that water water water isn't awesome for coco. Its already been scientifically proven that increased water in coco reduces yield.

So again, just squeeze the top layer of coco in your finger tips, then you can feel how moist it is. Once you get a grip on what dry and oversaturated coco is you'll know whats up with the waterings.

And could you come off more like an arrogant prick?? I'd love to see your shit random dude with 9 posts who just popped in here.

Do you know where inquiring minds could find said scientific documents?



Canna took down their pdf, but I can probably get it from them, the thread and research are still valid.

And then you have this retarded theory thrown out: "oh no too little water causes build and which leads to burn or whatever". Never once have I seen a sick or burned plant in coco from high salt build up due to under watering. Fucking ridiculous unproven crap. You can always tell which growers not to take information from... I can underwater my 4 foot trees and its completely fine. They actually prefer less water. I have insanely vigorous growth and every single leaf stands up on end.

And for your reading enjoyment:



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Canna took down their pdf, but I can probably get it from them, the thread and research are still valid.

And then you have this retarded theory thrown out: "oh no too little water causes build and which leads to burn or whatever". Never once have I seen a sick or burned plant in coco from high salt build up due to under watering. Fucking ridiculous unproven crap. You can always tell which growers not to take information from... I can underwater my 4 foot trees and its completely fine. They actually prefer less water. I have insanely vigorous growth and every single leaf stands up on end.

And for your reading enjoyment:


Thanks for the links! :tiphat:

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