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COBO'S First GROW !!!!!!


Active member
igohydro said:
Lokin good 2weeks to go,looks like your girlfriend has a green thumb.

No she hasn't.She's moved in with me and is doing her nut for me to get rid of them , Yea Right :pointlaug
Yum, yum.
Lookin' good cobo.

Don't let the missus bully ya! She's moved in with you, and if growin' the ganja's what you wanna do, she should respect that.. or kick her to the kerb.

Be carefull tho... theres loads of sorry stories across all cannabis web sites about women who've fucked up their, (soon to be ex boyfriends) grows. Just type 'psycho bitch' into the search engine!


wow Cobo, nice plants, they don't look like they will be much longer huh?

so you GF looks after them but wants you to get rid of them? that's funny and oh so typical, i'm sure if you let her take care of them for a while she will start to get hooked on growing lol.

anyway mate, great first grow. :wave:


Active member
TheLaydeKillaz said:
Yum, yum.
Lookin' good cobo.

Don't let the missus bully ya! She's moved in with you, and if growin' the ganja's what you wanna do, she should respect that.. or kick her to the kerb.

Be carefull tho... theres loads of sorry stories across all cannabis web sites about women who've fucked up their, (soon to be ex boyfriends) grows. Just type 'psycho bitch' into the search engine!

hmmmmm i will have to take some close up photos of her naked sucking my cock ( im getting to like this camera), that way i will fuck her if she ever thinks about squelling :yummy:


nice update, some of them look a bit early for a flush, but it could be the light.

are you checking the trichome heads to determine ripeness?


Active member
gaiusmarius said:
nice update, some of them look a bit early for a flush, but it could be the light.

are you checking the trichome heads to determine ripeness?

I need to buy a good microscope next week , the bubblegum seems a bit airy , but the other 2 really look good yielders compared to bubble gum. took clones today from mothers and was thinking of putting 2 in each pot for next run, 4 of the heavest yielding and 2 of bubblegum and other one.. thinking a scrog would be better with my lights next time . grow clones to about 12 to 14 inchs and but them in to flower then.


they look great, the yield will be cool. as long as they are propperly ready by the time you chop them lol. just on one of the plants it looked like there was still quite a bit of white calyx hairs. but i suppose in the next two weeks that will change no problem. just check the trichomes before you chop.



Active member
i will in deed . 2 weeks will be 9 weeks in flower but i will leave them longer if i think it needs more time .. hope i get enough to get me through to next harvest .. :woohoo:


Active member
Hey cobo! hows it goin m8? the harvest go ok? looks like youll pull a nice load from those gals :yummy: good job
keep us posted

peace :joint: