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wow :D is that all of it now? :D looks like a few months worth of smoke! hehehe :D awesome!


stoneshaper said:
here is the rest of the harvest pics!

not too many, i was in a bit of a hurry, still took me until one in the mortning, all in all 13 hours.

just to make sure ppl see the pics without swapping back to the previous page :D


good thinking bone bro. we need to support our criminal excile scandinavian political refugee brother!

this one for shure would have turned bLack if not harvested

CONGRATZ stonesharper, you did a great job over there!
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you mean black :D?

its a nice plant for sure - love the colours on it.

im glad the results got this good :D


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Damn! Thats a great personal sized harvest, can't argue with that! This is what i like seeing at ICMag, good folks providing for themselves, no BS.

I'd nail ya with some rep if it would let me. Good luck with the dry/cure process!


hi guys!

all in all just under a pound! could have been so much more though if it wouldnt have been for the weather this year, the cold june and july was the killer.

got to say too that having frost damage sucked since it cut down the plants natural protection against molds and within days there was botrytis on several of them.
luckily it was mainly on the stems, only a few buds had been infested with it.

All in all a mold loss at about 2 grams, not bad at all.

seven packed jars of bud, each jar a one litre mason jar with a wide mouth.

until i get me pic uploaded, happy harvest!

oh yeah, I would sincerelly like to thank each and everyone of you guys that gave me support and advise over this last season!

Thank you!

until next time, happy harvesting!


You will not be forgotten
congratulations on the nice harvest, going to be some very fine smoke and hope to see you back in action again next year. puff er easy :wave:


Old School Cottonmouth
what you gotta do with them bears is find the biggest one. and wrestle it. let the others know whose boss of the woods.

j/k I've never seen a bear in my life.

just saying happy harvests.


ICMag Donor
Man how'd I miss this! Happy harvest, stonesharper!!!! Sorry to hear frost and mold stopped your season a little short.... Looks like some excellent smoke though! :yummy:


just a few pictures.

there you go

hope you guys enjoy those!
the flavour has now developed quite well, the sweating really does the job on making it smooth and bringing out the stink! the flavour differs from plant to plant or depending on stage of maturity when harvested, all in all i have three distinctly different flavours, one haschy/liquorice flavour, one cool mentholy piney turpentine and one smooth sweet thick with a hint of citrus, kind of nice never knowing what the joint is going to taste like with the combinations, I should say that there is a bunch of smaller buds with just smooth smoke and not much flavour, even though they have a stinky smell.

the smell is dairly potent, a film can opened up in a car stunk it up in less than a second. Ive had a lot of comments on the smell. I think the flavour and smell will continue to develop into something amazing
the turpentine and peppery smell mixed with citrus peel when twisted. with a underlaying heavy honey dew melon skin smell.

that took a lot of sniffing to determine! And you know what every day the smell in the jars turn a little bit more sweet and citrus smelling still with the heavy honeydew melon peel smell and turpentine, just a little less sharp.

happy harvesting to those who havent yet!


oh yeah those big jars are one litre each and have about fifty five to sixty grams each, jam packed with buddalicious yummyness! the little jar has a mix of earlier harvested stuff that im trying to smoke before i digg head first into the better stuff.

well the better should get even better as it matures without oxygen in the jars now when its fully dry


The thought occured to me to keep the nice foot long colas intact, just for the beauty of them, but ended up cutting the buds of the stems so that they would easier fit into jars and during the third sweat i mixed it all up even more than before so now I just have this goodie mix

one part of the flavour that i forgot to write down was the sage taste, different all in all.
Oh man I just smoked one of the ones that have been sweating for longer and wow.
thats some flavour, intenser bur sweeter, smell was stronger etc, Im sure something has to go bad soon with all this awsome pot and not having work a little extra to pay for the usual quarter pound, it is like being in a blissfull state of pure worship to jah and love for the earth, I havent felt this stress free since I paid of my tax debts!
Its a good feeling

Since I have asthma Ive allways had problems with smoking lower grade herb, the badly flushed commercial crap fertilizers they use in their fiberglass grow mediums, YUK!
It really is important for all of us to try to smoke nice organic well flushed herb, there will be less heavymetals and other poisons in there, less irritants etc

I can smoke a big spliff of this stuff and not cough, which means a lot to me, I do use a small pinch of tobacco in my joints, virginia and preferably lightly toasted before adding it to the joint, still no cough. cigarettes make me cough.

so I stopped smoking cigarettes, except for the pinch that is :)