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oh well,

I forgot to write this in the previous post, it seems like the autumn rains have started.
out of 14 four with sunny breaks promised, lets hope the next fourteen after will be better for the last bit before harvest( off course it might come earlier or later, weather deciding in both cases)

Im worrying about botrytis, but havent seen any signs yet. The plants are swelling fast and I noticed today that a lot of them have bright purple red leaf stems and some larger leaves have one inch long purple areas towards the tips, cold average temps for the last four days and the same is predicted for the next few weeks, I bet there will be a lot of purple.

we shall see

I hope it all goes well!


hey bro :D

attics arrent ussually that humid, since the heat from the houses normally pass thru the roof. with sufficient ventilation (in take fan and extraction fan) it should be ok, but if u are worried, just connect a dehumidifier to a hygrostat, and when humidity is too high it automatically kicks in.

i got my dehumidifier on 24 hours a day, and it gives me around 6-8 liters of distilled water a day, that i in turn recycle in the feeding water of the plants, mixing it with 50% of tap-water. the fact dihumidifiers use as much electricity as one grow light - its best to try to be economic in all ways. :D i save about 2 euro per 5 liters of distilled water i get out, and i get around 30 x 5 liters a month = 60 euro saved :D

all in all i think it sounds like a great idea with the grow in ur friends place.. i think u should definetly do it!

just pay his electric bill for the lights :D

i really hope ur outdoor isnt going to get mould, but if there isnt any insect shit inside the buds, or dead plant material, its really not so propable. the most common reason for botritis is the worms that eat plant material leaving debris and dropping behind.

the bigger the buds are - the more bound they are to mould, because of the humidity inside the buds accumulating. next year, top ur plants - u get smaller buds - but less risk for mould.

anyway - i think its all going to great :D



forgot to say the purpling is because the plant needs P (phosphorous) and its normal in cold temps as u sure know.

also since i know you did add flowering nutes the other day, it should be all fine.

see ya :D


most nights lately have been below ten degrees celcius but above five, definetly a part of the problem.
It seems like this could be due to more restricted fertilizer uptake during colder nights, perhaps phosphorous in particular. I know a lot of strains that are better indoor go purple in colder climates outside, especially if harvested later. i guess the cold boosts anthocyanin production.

the red stems are either extreme nitrogen deficiancy signs or phosporus deficiancies, i think its nitrogen since ive gradually cut down on it but still gave some the last time, just an eight of the usual dose, a lot of the leaves are going whitish pale but still firmly attached and not drooping, sure to come of later.

today i noticed a few turned hairs on the buds. The buds are now bigger than thumbtips(from three to four centimeters tall and a little less wide) After seing some pics from somebody elses nycd grow indoors, it looks like mine is a different feno, but anyway, I now know they could do for quite a bit longer, they seem to be able to go pretty big, and the buds were apparently pretty dense, which i hope mine will be too.!

take care buddies


ok - the coloring is definetly temp induced - neat - hope for as much colour as possible - the potency will be the same im sure, only thing is the cold can make the buds a bit smaller.

if u got ur first brown hairs now, there should be another 4 weeks left maybe - so there is a lot of time for the buds to fatten up if given the oportunity.

all is cool runnings in other words :)




at this stage if i would harvest now i would stll get about a pound, with fattened and bigger buds in 4 weeks - who knows how much it will be, i often lie in bed at night wondering and worrying about getting ripped off.

this other day i found fresh ATV tracks close to my area of grow. I had to investigate and found that parts of the trail had been cleared, i freaked thinking it might be in preparation of removing my plants!!!!!!!!!!

but most likely not. this is a pretty cool island after all.

If it wasnt for the rainy autumns....

peace brothers and sisters


hehe - i guess you have to camp out there a bit more often!

really hope all rippers die painfull deaths! :bashhead: :cuss: :spank:

hope it all goes well.

also keep an eye on look out for law enforcement officers, civilian and etc now when its getting crucial.



Today i chose to give my plants a little bit more air space around them where needed.
In the end only a few were touched but a bunch of branches were cut and trimmed, I also chose to cut down some birthday bud, two colas, and let the satelites keep growing, offcourse its really early and I wont cut anything more unless its needed.

the branches i cut had leaves with powdery mildew, i kept cutting away leafes, but enough was enough, air space was neede, where there was airspace, the plants seemed fine.
i dried one joint in the microwave, it got me and two others stoned and didnt taste bad, a slightly sour flavour, thats all, just fine, but i sure hope the weather permitts another four weeks or so, that would be nice, it would make a huge difference, maybe even double the harvest if i can wait that long, they are only thumb tip sized and have barely got a hand ful of hairs turned, all counted on the whole patch, so miles away from the coke can sized colas im hoping for ultimately. ;)


Mourning the loss of my dog......
I also really like that picture bonecarver! Looking good stoneshaper, I hope the fall is kind to your plants!


You will not be forgotten
Looking really great bro, your ladies are really forming up nicely! i especially enjoy that picture with the lake in the background as well.

Best wishes with the rest of your season and catch you later :wave:


Im with bonecarver and BC with that pic!!! its beautiful! if i didn't have my comp in public so much that would be my background!:)


thanks guys!

yeah its a beautiful spot!

I slept many nights there this summer, its great with the lake view and all..
Im lucky to live in a place as beautiful and diverse as BC is, on my hitch hiking trip i saw some desert again, mountains, ocean and everything inbetween lush and green, except for the okanagan and down south from there towards osoyus and the border.

yeah i like it! It s agreat place for growing herb too!

sorry for having shown a week and a half old pics, here is some newer ones.
i will post them after this post!


i should mention that i have a slight powdery mildew prob, for now since we are closer to harvest than anybody knows im just clipping away the affected leaves when i get there every few days.

once i tried hydrogen peroxide in a very mild solution at budding stage, i didnt notice any bad side effect from it but was told by friends that it might be bad, if anyone has a comment on that i would appreciate that. it worked.

one friend is suggesting macrobiotics in water solution and fight it bacterially by spray application, sound interesting, but how would it affect the taste of the buds? who knows? let me know!

peace all of you!


Hey bro! first of all, many thanks for the great pictures, they bring back memories of BC...

Anyways, regarding your mildew problem, I would suggest that next year you treat your plants with applications of trichoderma as a precaution against this type of problem, with foliar applications from transplant up to early flowering stage. I have never applied foliar treatment during bud stage, never mind close to harvest. It's a tough decision to make, but since they are outdoors, and getting a lot of mist and moisture and possibly rain anyways... it could be ok to give it a try with the biologic alternatives.

Wishing you a boutiful harvest!



i would be very carefull and treat the plants with a sphonge or a cloth, wipeing the affected leafs only - intstead of drecnching the whole plant. the problem would be to get mould in the buds so better be carefull with them

i think a sphonge with H2o2 solution (MAKE IT STRONG!) would dom the trick..

i have saved a few plants this far from root-rot aplying a 50% solution of medical H202 (10 volumes i thinks) and watering straight with that.

the PH change will make it a non-friendly environment for the fungus to live. H202 in it self doesnt affect moulds and fungus a lot though,. not the oxygenation action at least. its more effective against aerophobic bacteria.

spraying the plants with NEEM oil with effectivelly make sure there will be no leaf mould problems.

hope it goes well! :D



hello stoneshaper , im a fellow bc coastal gruella guy and i see your using fish ferts and molasses. have they ever given you problems with deer or bears ? ive had problems this year using organic ferts like alfalfa and bone blood meal .im trying to find the best organic outdoor ferts for next year that wont attract the animals . i was told fish would attract the bears , and would appreciate your input on this thankx in advance.


wow - cant even imagine what a surprise it must be to have a bear in bewteen ur plants for harvest!

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