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What global warming

Global temp anomaly for April is -1.17

in the northern hemisphere if youve had a shit spring (east coast usa aside)its because the world is getting colder. been cooling for a while now.

but we wont let facts cloud our judgement cause c02 causes the earth to melt.


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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
How long is a while? You know it's funny, you some unknown guy here on a canna site is telling me the Average temp is down and the earth has been cooling for a while and yet I'm looking at March's average on NOAA's website and this is what they have to say.

The globally-averaged temperature across the world's land and ocean surfaces was 0.58°C (1.04°F) above the 20th century average of 12.7°C (54.9°F), tying with 2006 as the 10th warmest March since records began in 1880. Both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres were also 10th warmest for March.


So I'm faced with this dilemma, do I blindly trust and believe the stranger on a canna website or do I trust the people that have been monitoring and tracking this info and has records going back to 1880?

Hmmm, It's a tough call but I think I'm going to have to go with NOAA on this one.


Active member
global warming is nothing about anything getting warm. Persay. winters get colder with global warming.

I believe it stored in the latent heat of water...the oceans, and also how are plants supposed to breathe co2 that is all the way up in our atmosphere.
conspiracy theorist is a derogatory term pretty much. is it used derogatorily? yes okay then it is.

and yes it is totally natural but we're doing something called a conical wobble and when you touch the spinning top the wobble that had before interacts with the wobble we are making.

in other words a wobble is fine and tell it becomes a wobble against itself which is destructive and throw things out of whack instead of following the natural harmonic wobble.

I did not read the latent heat on any site I did not read about the conical wobble I simply know and can apply these things.

to level with you I don't think that we're doing all too much damage but we are accelerating it and it is going to happen much sooner because of this. the global elite would love to have all the technology and the power ...because.......

if you would remember Wisconsin had a glacier acrossed it at one time and the ice caps were extended .
that is ultimately what "global warming" causes.
I believe some groups know the history of the Earth and know what a mind is.

I also have to say on temperature why has our winter lasted tooo long? The angular tilt to the Sun dictates should be warmer and other things should be happening. why? because of the wobble man!
I should note that I was not taught this term looking up global warming. I know it from a mathematical standpoint

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Do I get the pleasure in pointing out that one of the major fears of fracking is methane release back into the atmosphere.

That is almost twenty times worse as a greenhouse gas than CO2.

Now either do your own research or neg rep me or go take your pharma for your blood pressure.

I'm going to take a bong hit.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
global warming is nothing about anything getting warm. Persay. winters get colder with global warming.

Yes, that's the impact of global warming, it causes climate change.

I believe it stored in the latent heat of water...the oceans, and also how are plants supposed to breathe co2 that is all the way up in our atmosphere.

Water is only part of it. They take averages of both water and land masses, it was all covered on the NOAA site I linked to. Plants breath co2 up in the atmosphere by waiting for it to fall. It's heavier then air.

conspiracy theorist is a derogatory term pretty much. is it used derogatorily? yes okay then it is.

Why? Because you say so? Sure some people say that in a derogatory way but that doesn't mean all people who say those two words in a sentence mean it derogatorily. The case you're making basically is that it's not PC to say conspiracy theorist because someone might take that to mean I'm calling them a crackpot because subconsciously they themselves think conspiracy theorists are crackpots. I'm sorry but I'm not going to sugar coat words just to spare someone else's insecurities. Besides, I'll say it again, I referenced conspiracy theories, along with religion and politics as thread that people usually try to get banned because they don't want to see it rather then disciplining themselves to not look at what they don't like rather then trying to conform everyone else to their standards. I never called anyone a conspiracy theorist in this thread.

Apparently though you're still butt sore over that whole Black Ops reference from a discussion that was what 5 - 6 months old?

and yes it is totally natural but we're doing something called a conical wobble and when you touch the spinning top the wobble that had before interacts with the wobble we are making.
in other words a wobble is fine and tell it becomes a wobble against itself which is destructive and throw things out of whack instead of following the natural harmonic wobble.

I suppose you are talking about the theoretical wobble of the earth that has a cycle longer then the existence of mankind to have witnessed one complete turn? The wobble who's cycle is 23,000 years or 26,000 years depending on who you talk to? I'm not sure how you think we've touched the spinning top though? Nuclear testing? I mean meteors have hit us and not changed this theorized wobble so I don't think anything we've done yet will change the wobble.

I did not read the latent heat on any site I did not read about the conical wobble I simply know and can apply these things.

Ah so you fancy yourself what? Some all knowing Guru who just knows things?

to level with you I don't think that we're doing all too much damage but we are accelerating it and it is going to happen much sooner because of this. the global elite would love to have all the technology and the power ...because.......

if you would remember Wisconsin had a glacier acrossed it at one time and the ice caps were extended .
that is ultimately what "global warming" causes.
I believe some groups know the history of the Earth and know what a mind is.

That's more or less the point I made, man isn't the cause but he is an accelerant. Yes global warming causes ice ages and yes, just because it's called Global Warming doesn't mean the earth will just keep getting hot every where. The greater damage man does is in other ways co2 emissions is just one item on a long list of pollutants and toxins we put into the earth, the air and the water every day. Also in our ravenous pursuit of resources we often are reckless trying to get it as quickly as possible destroying eco-systems in our wake. Face it, man is doing a lot of damage.

I also have to say on temperature why has our winter lasted tooo long? The angular tilt to the Sun dictates should be warmer and other things should be happening. why? because of the wobble man!
I should note that I was not taught this term looking up global warming. I know it from a mathematical standpoint

Which term? Wobble? I thought you said you didn't look it up, you just knew it? Whatever, my winter was short. I live in the Mid Atlantic of the US. You could say, roughly where the Nation's Capital is. Been in this area my entire life of over 50 years. Usually things got cold in November and remained cold thru most of March. This year it didn't get cold enough to need to run heat until December and in mid March it was already warming up causing lots of the plants in my yard to start showing spring growth earlier then normal. So I'm not sure how you figure Our winter was too long. Maybe yours was but if anything mine was short and almost no snow.


Active member
no I am NOT but hurt. you are still the same person who thinks people play black ops don't know what is a real black ops situation would entail, but they do. still the same person and I will reiterate that

your logic of projection? Dumb. learn so much psychology instead of just trying to apply it .
case you're making basically is that it's not PC to say conspiracy theorist because someone might take that to mean I'm calling them a crackpot because subconsciously they themselves think conspiracy theorists are crackpots. I'm sorry but I'm not going to sugar coat w
that's the stupidest slapped together s*** I ever heard and I am NOT even thinking that why would you even go there what the hell are you talking about

I am a little displeased. you must learn about phase change and how heat is stored in vapor and how much heat is stored in ... the latent heat of vapor...........not the temperature its self.

Do a simple equation with water and you will see thermal energy is one thing, but it takes so much energy to make steam that when the steam finally turns to water it has so much heat in it that is released through the phase transition of a vapor to a liquid .

conical wobble is a mathematical descriptor has nothing to do with the earth physically wobbling. it has to do with a series of progressive integral harmonics.

and what the hell is it all this I fancy myself s*** ? really you couldn't see that I was trying to tell you that I can see the observable facts and form thoughts independently of dumbass web sites?

I'm done speaking and I guess it's because you're a troll that spins it one way or the other. but not based on logic based on your own internal autistic logic

if you don't think you're a troll in you think I'm afraid of the fact you're a troll

I just don't want a person spinning what they don't even know what you're talking about and can't prove anything one way or the other themselves and doesn't even know the mathematical principles behind phases.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Is there still an argument that greenhouse gases aren't real?

What is being accomplished exactly at this point in the thread?


Active member
im pretty sure the problem isnt with co2 but with chloroflourocarbons.
these are man made and used as refrigerants.
their release into the atmosphere is the problem.
carbon dioxide is increasing because there are less plants and trees in the world today partly but idk for certain.
people want more refrigeration in an increasingly warmer by the year world. nobody tracks the misuse of chloroflourocarbons but it is proven to be what is destroying our atmosphere.


The Tri Guy
MMM Methane is out of the air after 12 years, CO2 can last for up to 200 years.

PWF, cfc's are the destroyers of the ozone layer, thats diff than global warming.


Active member
Gmt. Don't make sense of things. Ppl get confused.

Holes are good. Let's out all the hot air! Bwahaha!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
no I am NOT but hurt. you are still the same person who thinks people play black ops don't know what is a real black ops situation would entail, but they do. still the same person and I will reiterate that

your logic of projection? Dumb. learn so much psychology instead of just trying to apply it .

that's the stupidest slapped together s*** I ever heard and I am NOT even thinking that why would you even go there what the hell are you talking about

I am a little displeased. you must learn about phase change and how heat is stored in vapor and how much heat is stored in ... the latent heat of vapor...........not the temperature its self.

Do a simple equation with water and you will see thermal energy is one thing, but it takes so much energy to make steam that when the steam finally turns to water it has so much heat in it that is released through the phase transition of a vapor to a liquid .

conical wobble is a mathematical descriptor has nothing to do with the earth physically wobbling. it has to do with a series of progressive integral harmonics.

and what the hell is it all this I fancy myself s*** ? really you couldn't see that I was trying to tell you that I can see the observable facts and form thoughts independently of dumbass web sites?

I'm done speaking and I guess it's because you're a troll that spins it one way or the other. but not based on logic based on your own internal autistic logic

if you don't think you're a troll in you think I'm afraid of the fact you're a troll

I just don't want a person spinning what they don't even know what you're talking about and can't prove anything one way or the other themselves and doesn't even know the mathematical principles behind phases.

Good, I'm glad we're done, I was never talking to you directly in here until you mistakenly thought I called someone a conspiracy theorist and then proceeded to have a little tirade about how calling someone a conspiracy theorist is rude and insulting. :rolleyes:


Unless you have a college degree or higher in biology, chemistry, geology, physics or another science, you shouldn't be commenting in this thread.

Based on most of what I've read, this thread has the intellectual capacity of a single wide trailer park.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You know what I like? I like seeing a bunch of people thinking. Thats what this thread is.

BUT since many are uninformed - unaware - or unsure of what the truth on the subject is there is a lot of calamity.

Its okay - no one is perfect and on the internet you don't need to pretend to be nice.

So fuck allllll of you who believe in global warming via co2, politely.

Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud

Chemtrails are the bigger problem. And I would say global warming is a MASSIVE distraction from more pressing matters like Monsanto and those pieces of shit in the district of columbia.

I like the 2 star rating - and all the fighting - goes to show the true colors of some here on ICMag. Its hard to respect stupid people just because they smoke/grow weed.


Well-known member
I came in here ready to argue with whichever fool thought co2 didn't affect yield when used correctly, then realised my indignation was misplaced. Awkward!

I do agree with the sentiment though, way more important aspects of environmental activism to concentrate on...


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
You know what I like? I like seeing a bunch of people thinking. Thats what this thread is.

BUT since many are uninformed - unaware - or unsure of what the truth on the subject is there is a lot of calamity.

Its okay - no one is perfect and on the internet you don't need to pretend to be nice.

So fuck allllll of you who believe in global warming via co2, politely.

Al Gore sued by over 30.000 Scientists for Global Warming fraud

Chemtrails are the bigger problem. And I would say global warming is a MASSIVE distraction from more pressing matters like Monsanto and those pieces of shit in the district of columbia.

I like the 2 star rating - and all the fighting - goes to show the true colors of some here on ICMag. Its hard to respect stupid people just because they smoke/grow weed.

I think I agree with this part, but why are they pieces of shit in the district of columbia again? I just want to make sure you mean the same thing, cause I def agree with you.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
In my opinion - washington DC is the core - source - and center of corruption that plagues humanity and earth.

District of columbia isn't even the united states of america and thats where we are governed from? And the United Nations role in a lot of things is extremely fishy.

I just used Monsanto and washington DC as examples of what are truly more important topics to focus, research, learn about - or just be informed of.

" Once the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. " Hendrix.

We should stop cutting down trees and start planting trees along with hemp. Use the hemp when its ready before you can even call the tree - a tree.

We should also take Germany's example of solar energy where they have exceeded their goal already and it was scheduled for 2022.

We should teach people about the biggest concern in the world - water. Why doesn't anyone care or understand how IMPORTANT water is? We take it for granted till one day we will have restrictions or it will be flammable because USA could careless about what fracking does.

The whole Co2 thing really got me into being environmental when it came about but now I am wiser and will not be fooled by their schemes for monetary gain and ultimately global control.

Maybe in my lifetime the whole world will have a toilet to shit in, water to drink, a library to read a book, a community that takes care of itself and food that they have grown, learned to understand and appreciate.

Ultimately everything we need can be summed up into one word - thee most powerful word in existence.


We need more of it - everywhere and always. Unfortunately we have been trained to forget what love is and our automated lives are building that gap between what we should know and what we actually know. So well, that I fear too soon will we have lost our most sacred and valuable asset. Emotion - the power to love and feel.

I'm rambling but thats where I come from speaking about Monsanto and DC - No love in or around those places,things,people.

lost in a sea

co2 has hit 400ppm apparently now which is causing some confusion because it has jumped fairly suddenly up well past what could have caused by man by anyone's estimates..

and the effects of methane may last less than co2 but the use and breakdown by natural systems are completely different because different factors make huge differences..

since normal (natural) climate change can alter the temperature in different areas enough to massively speed up the destabilisation of methane hydrates i think you will find that the scale of the effect of these massively outweighs anything that we can ever do with our terrible carbon footprint.. and it's all natural!

change is natural !!

not the Obummer change though lol

see the fasces?
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Active member
co2 has hit 400ppm apparently now which is causing some confusion because it has jumped fairly suddenly up well past what could have caused by man by anyone's estimates..

This isn't surprising at all. The oceans and polar ice are CO2 syncs. When certain levels are reached, the ocean can no longer absorb more CO2 and it is released rapidly.
This is a bad sign.

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