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!!!!!! enlightenment !!!!!!

When I realized that faith is corporeal reality's sole manufacturer.

I create my own reality. As long as my faith is able to not doubt. Doubt is just a faith in failure. Your reality projector just creates what your last "Faithful Intention" was... If you do not believe that you create your own reality - you won't. At all. If you believe that you may create your own reality to a certain - limited extent, then, you will - to a certain extent. Fear is Faith that we do not doubt. That's why fears manifest. They don't need to be believed in - they aren't doubted. We only need to "believe" in things we "doubt".

"How'd you do that?"

"I didn't know I couldn't."

How do we recall that word that's right on the tip of your tongue - but can't be remembered? "Trying" (doubting) to force yourself to remembering can be frustrating. So we have a trick. An illogical and irrational little tidbit of advice we give each other - Stop forcing yourself to recall. Get your mind off of it entirely. Intend it to come to you - but drop it and move on to a new task or subject quickly. The moment your mind goes on to something else - your "doubt of access" automatically ceases and the last faith (intention) is acted upon. And the moment it does - we blurt it out loud - (even if it is no longer relevant in the current conversations) as if confirming to our self and others that, hey - that little "get your mind off it trick" does work - regardless of how illogical the process is.

It's as if we can understand that we can do a thing without actually doing it. We can be - without having to do the action of being. And to distract ourselves from doubting - do random chores. Get your "mind" off it. Go chop some fire wood and gather water.

Now, if you can replace that lost word that was forgotten - with ANY intention you seek to create in your life - it's the same little trick... Intend It - Send the intention out, and then go do something so to not have a doubt monkey wrench your results. When you can send out intentions of manifestation and get on to your day without remembering to doubt yourself (Bong rips help real well here) - you'll be rewarded with the results "when you least expect them." ("Salvation is by Faith - not by "works")

To get really freaky - do this "manifestation of intention" thing with friends. If you can successfully separate your ego (the insecure doubting part of us that requires "proof" of a thing) from the result expected - and do it in harmony with others you will notice a faster and stronger resultant. ("Two or more in my name and all things are possible.")

Some also call it The Placebo Effect. Go figure.


Active member
its great knowledge you bring ,but just like taoisim wich i whole heartedley beleive the doubting is just as valid as beleiving .... (if i understood you correctly).


Active member
i beleive everything is of mind, my understanding of philosiphies come in this order tibetan buddhisim ,chan buddhisim ,taoisim ,hinduisim,confucious .perhaps the I-ching but i havnt read it yet.(this is for reference not choosing sides).
It's the self-doubt that'll get ya.

Words like try, hope and wish seem effective on their surface - but they are inherently self limiting in their assertiveness.

Prefacing your addresses with "I intend..." are an open ended pro-action command to Universe.

Taoist precepts are know instinctively by everyone who walks the Earth. It is not learned. It is already known and understood. It's a simple code that is in everyone. It is Integrity. It is kindness and forgiveness by nature. It is an automatic compassion for the plight of sufferers. It's the thing in us that says kicking puppies is not acceptable and should not be. It is not a religion that serves any God or gods. Taoism is.

"He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened."


It's like being in a "pitch black cave in the pit of the earth" and then you turn the light switch on and realize it's just your bedroom. A little enlightenment goes a long way when you've lost the path of reality.


Active member
Lysergic Acid Diethylamide - 25

Gotta love that indole ring structure...

What is "enlightenment"? Realizing that here are 8 billion people EACH with their own hopes and dreams...EACH doing what they must to achieve their own goals and to stay alive. That society and religion are there to control you. That EVERYONE is a liar when the need arises. Enlightenment is realizing that you ARE alone and only YOU have your own best interests at heart.

Of course there are a very few exceptions...so don't tell me how you love your wife more than life itself...because THAT is not normal...nor enlightenment. Get accused of something heinous...and see how many friends you REALLY have. As long as your a winner you have friends.


3rd-Eye Jedi
enlightenment to means to me the understanding of ones conscience and its impact relative to the individual consciences around me and the manifestations of social conscience through the union of like minds both good and bad

our mind rationalizes the wind (naked to the human eye) as seagull glides on a air current so can our understanding of our own human potential and that which exists in others

seeing the unseen spirit of humanity is not as impossible as one would think but you need to seek it with your heart

without conscience we would be no different than the rest of the animals of the earth and this discussion would not exist

experiences growers learn to "see" inside the soil from cause and effect as do fisherman learn to read the depths in a like manner

the things born of our minds and things that stir our hearts are unseen but very powerful forces

when you see them as corporate things you are "enlightened"

,any are enlightened in some ways but not all


Madrus Rose

post 69
There's always the safe route wierd ....resistance is futile human , you will be assimilated into the collective ! ;)

One thing u can be sure of , what is called "Enlightenment" doesn't come
but thru major effort & discipline ...inner search and consistency is the key.

* Always liked the phrase "Persistance of Vision " ...nice to be a sentient being
but carries with it great responsibility & constant effort like any school.

As one of the great Hindu Masters of the 20th century spoke of ,
"Life the Great Experience "...had the lovely chance to visit
with him in Kauai just a month before his passing.

This was one of the great ones, a life elegantly lived ...
who built one of the more remarkable Hindu temples there.
Understanding that there is no right or wrong, rhyme or reason.
This is just an experience created in our own minds. It only means
what you say it means. Being enlightened is the understanding
that you are in the holodeck.

The next step is learning to 'cause' your holodeck experience.
Operating the holodeck, if you will.

sac beh

The Ancient Greek had a concept of truth called aletheia. Aletheia meant unconcealment or the state of being revealed. This concept of truth was later translated in Latin as ratio, which is the more common definition of truth today. It means correct correspondence or true (as in logical) statement.

Enlightenment is more the Ancient Greek notion of truth, because it has to do with bringing light to something which was previously hidden. Its a more fundamental concept of truth because it implies that nature is naturally in a hidden or concealed state. Truth brings light to it, but the light only penetrates so far. Whereas truth as ratio assumes the whole reality of something can be captured in statements about it.

All of the religious and philosophical concepts of enlightenment have this idea of concealment coupled with the idea of unconcealment. They also almost always include principles of non-violence, because they recognize that in unconcealing something from its natural hidden state, violence is being done to it. The only way to give reparations for this violence is to respect the fact that despite all our efforts to unconceal it, in the end it remains in part or whole hidden and transcends our attempts to know it.

Enlightenment is our own transcendence through truth (as aletheia) as well as the recognition of the transcendent nature of the whole world around us. Its a respectful, non-violent relationship between us and the world.


Active member
If it were just so easy as flippin a switch ...

More often than not these days , the lights are on
but nobody is home :biggrin:

oh so true

You'd be surprised who that includes... :)

The Ancient Greek had a concept of truth called aletheia. Aletheia meant unconcealment or the state of being revealed. This concept of truth was later translated in Latin as ratio, which is the more common definition of truth today. It means correct correspondence or true (as in logical) statement.

Enlightenment is more the Ancient Greek notion of truth, because it has to do with bringing light to something which was previously hidden. Its a more fundamental concept of truth because it implies that nature is naturally in a hidden or concealed state. Truth brings light to it, but the light only penetrates so far. Whereas truth as ratio assumes the whole reality of something can be captured in statements about it.

All of the religious and philosophical concepts of enlightenment have this idea of concealment coupled with the idea of unconcealment. They also almost always include principles of non-violence, because they recognize that in unconcealing something from its natural hidden state, violence is being done to it. The only way to give reparations for this violence is to respect the fact that despite all our efforts to unconceal it, in the end it remains in part or whole hidden and transcends our attempts to know it.

Enlightenment is our own transcendence through truth (as aletheia) as well as the recognition of the transcendent nature of the whole world around us. Its a respectful, non-violent relationship between us and the world.

You have it BACKWARDS...nature is open and free...available to all to seek the truth...MAN conceals! Religion conceals! There ARE no "secrets". You're born, procreate, and die. Everything else is "fluff". Shit you do in-between. All this high and mighty, noble shit...is just that...shit. In 100 years NOTHING any of us did will matter besides procreating. Tell me about your great great grand grandparents...see...nobody will remember YOU either. All this shit we create...is just so we can have more and more offspring...it's what we do...our only necessary job.

Enlightenment is knowing how insignificant you really are...so better make the best of it while you can.

sac beh

All this high and mighty, noble shit...is just that...shit.

You don't have a charitable, agreeable bone in your body do you? You're starting arguments in a handful of threads this morning with very divisive comments.

You didn't understand what I was saying, but you jumped really fast to criticize it. Settle down and take a few deep breaths. I'm glad you've found an idea of enlightenment that works for you, but try to be a bit more understanding of others.