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i am not sure but will this be ok. it wont stress them out to much will it. I hope i am not f....ing s..t up.... I still have a month or so to go. but they are dank smelling and packing on weight.


i mean 20 lbs in such a short amount of time??? Don't know guess that's why im asking i mean my nute regiment is nailed down and ph is fine. The plants will be fine just noticeable burn look on some fan leaves. I have co2 fixed now (not leaking) so im back on track but quite honestly i never even thought about co2 burn or even considered it happening until now


I am thinking i am going to be fine i turned down my co2 a little and i am going to see how well that works. I dont have a monitor right now so it is hard for me to tell what my ppms are in the room. I know i should have everything i need before i use co2 but i am just winging it. and i dont see to much of a problem with what i am doing.



here is one of the bubblisious. nice and sweet.

another bubblisious.

alpha diesel.

white widow. the top of the white widow here as you can see i know it is hard but the leaves are kinda curled and yellowing at the top. I am not sure if that was the light to close or ph problem or co2 burn. or if i have a deficiency. I know it is hard to tell from my photos. I am going to have to read up on my cam and get those clear photos coming out.


Exact same as mine, curled leave and yellowing, I know it resembles over fertilizing but im telling you. My nute program has worked for years so unless i did something real screwed up its more probable that 20lbs of co2 in 4 days lead to the prob

I mean the plant are thriving they just have the symptoms discussed and im anal when it comes to color i like my fans green until week 6-7 of flower


i hear you it jsut makes things look like shit when it has some yellow in the room. But what ever i am sure they are going to be fine. In the one pic with the alpha the reason why the leaves are curling up on the edges is before i moved them to there new home i was out of town for a couple of days and that one stretched between the lights. They all were the same height when i left and i had to have a friends raise the lights.


See the thing is when you nute burn the leaves dont reach and they pull right off my leaves are reaching for the light and dont want to come off the stem.....all will be good....good vibeees


Yellow leaves are a sign of nitrogen deficiency; a bad thing during the veg cycle but many growers prefer a bit of yellow during flowering as the plants flush out faster and easier (I like green myself, but still keep the N fairly low.) The burnt tips on the leaves look like a Ca deficiency; keep in mind that too much CO2 is toxic to the plants just as it is people) but the symptoms are going to appear varied as you will in effect be dealing with nute lockout. Get the CO2 levels properly adjusted and keep the pH balance in the proper range for the trace elements (this differs for soil and hydro.) I still call CO2 magic gas or happy gas, caused when used propery the plants will really show you some loving back.


thanks gobwats.... :smoker:I do like all green plants i just think is doesnt look as good when you have some yellowing. but from what i can see i dont have anything wrong with the way they are growing. I check ph last night and one of my buckets was down to like 4.0 and all the other ones were right around 5.8. so the one that was low i took some water out and put in fresh water to get the ph right where i need it. so if i have some sort of n deficiency will i be ok this far into flower or should i add something to take care of it. I turned down my flow in the co2 a little. I was hoping this would fix the problem. maybe to much co2. I know the tip burn on the leaves are from the nutes. of course we all know we use the max until we see tip burn then we know we are using the max. I was thinking about picking up some GRAVITY. has any one used it do it harden up your buds.:joint:
i am going to :smoweed: and not :fsu:


thanks gobwats.... :smoker:I do like all green plants i just think is doesnt look as good when you have some yellowing. but from what i can see i dont have anything wrong with the way they are growing. I check ph last night and one of my buckets was down to like 4.0 and all the other ones were right around 5.8. so the one that was low i took some water out and put in fresh water to get the ph right where i need it. so if i have some sort of n deficiency will i be ok this far into flower or should i add something to take care of it. I turned down my flow in the co2 a little. I was hoping this would fix the problem. maybe to much co2. I know the tip burn on the leaves are from the nutes. of course we all know we use the max until we see tip burn then we know we are using the max. I was thinking about picking up some GRAVITY. has any one used it do it harden up your buds.:joint:
i am going to :smoweed: and not :fsu:

What I do to correct lockout problems with the trace elements (it would not be a grow if something did not go wrong somewhere along the process, lol) is use some Earth Juice Microblast and give it to them as a foliar feed (be sure your lights are off anytime you spray the plants as the drops will act like little magnifying glasses and leave burns-I usually spray mine at the end of the photoperiod.) The stuff is organic (made from seaweed I do believe) and loaded with Ca, Mg, Mn, and most of the essential trace elements. As the guy who turned me on to the stuff put it, every grower should have some of this stuff on hand. As for the yellowing, you can bump your N up a bit, but that will cause some growth (veg, not flowers where you want to focus growth now with P & K) plus you will be flushing it all back out before harvest. I lower my N levels from what the BC Technaflora recipe for success calls for, but still manage to keep the plants mostly green until that final week or 2 when I want yellow.


I take it one day at a time. Just to make sure i am doing things alright. like you said there is always something to go wrong. my first grow i had white flies and the mother f....ers were impossible to get rid of. i even took a vacuum in there and suck a shit load out but the eggs were hatching as fast as i could kill them. so i know what you mean about something going wrong each grow. but this one i just have yellowing on the leaves. I would have to say that is much better then white flies.


If your like me they yellowed but all new growth is green so my buds will look frosty and green with only 3 weeks left in flower i know ill be just fine. A little late to add nitrogen and I already use earthjuice (make sure you watch your ph it lowers the shit out of it).....



So a friend of mine ordered some seeds today one was blueberry. You can bet your ass i will be growing that one for sure. I dont know what the other one that he got but i will have that one too. The order was placed today and we will have to see if all goes well a couple of months will have some dank bud.


Things are looking sweet as hell. They are packing on weight and crystals as well. I will have to take a couple of photos tomorrow and i will post them.


shit i woke up late and missed the dead line to take photos i will have to take later tonight and post them. I am on day 38 now I am on my sixth week and i was wanting to know what i should add to make the buds denser. I was going to get some GRAVITY has anyone used it. I have done a lot of reading about it and i am pretty sure i read that you are only suppose to run it for like three days then change out. I dont see what the purpose of changing out your water after that. Is it just to much for the plants to handle at once.