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Co2 Bucket


i wouldn't spend the cash on a co2 set up unless you know you have your room dialed in. i never used any of those easy co2 set ups but i have a tank and controller. if you don't have your room sealed up completely then you'll just be going threw the co2 like crazy. i have a 6x6 tent that's sealed up pretty nice and i go threw a big tank every couple weeks. if i have any little exhaust leaks going threw my cool tubes or any of old vents aren't seal up rite, i can burn a tank out in a week. plus you mite want to start running your temps a lil higher with it to, so if you down have all that dialed in too you won't be seeing the max benefits from running anyways.


... instead of smaller bottles, can maybe use 3 or 5 gal bucket, w/ *small* hole drilled in lid... add sugar once or twice per week.... if dont want to add sugar for ^reasons, can also substitute sugar for rice & potatoes (sahkey, voddcah...) starch foodstuffs that convert to sugar...

...tabs/pucks maybe work ok... but, maybe dissolve quickly if entire puck put in water... maybe crumble into powder & sprinkle onto thin layer of water in pan...

other possibilities... no sugar to starch conversion, carbonated water is c02 gas pressurized into water, can be applied as *foliar feed*... if use regular sparkling water, check for *no sodium* type... hope this helps, cheers



Another possibility is to wick vinegar into a small tub of baking soda. Safe, clever, no fermentation mess. See bugman52's posts at https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=249824&page=2#23

I'm starting a micro grow, and we make our own soda water at home. I was thinking of just putting in a fresh liter of soda water in the grow space every morning and letting it go flat, then using the water for nutes. Once it's flat, the ph returns to normal (no more cabonic acid) and also the chloramine from the tap will have evaporated over the course of the day. Probably just enough CO2 in there to act as a placebo lol.

Once caution about feeding with carbonated water - the carbonation makes it acidic. Maybe that's a good thing, because it would discourage mold/mildew formation, but something to keep in mind. It stops being acidic as soon as the CO2 bubbles out, so don't try to up the ph to compensate, you'll just end up with overly basic water.


New member
These CO2 buckets are really a waste of money when they are so easy to replicate. A beginners knowledge of how to cultivate mushrooms is a must. But other than that, the materials required to make one would be minimal cost. A 5 gallon bucket, some wood pellets, an air pump, and oyster mushroom spawn. Thats about 20$ if not less in supplies.


New member
I tested the exhale CO2 bags, and have had good results.Ambient air read at 3-400ppm before, and 900-1100 after.. saw immediate results.. I had been using the buckets before that and hated them. I can get 3-4 exhale bags for the same cost as one bucket system and they last twice as long, plus not using any electricity.