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Clp's 1000W MH 5X5 Dr150 Indoor Grow - Sour60 & Skunkmans Haze X Skunk 1


Oh don't even worry about those! those were some test dummies that were put under a cfl on a desk for a couple of weeks.. Doesn't matter to much anymore, we have some high quality genetics to run in the tent. Only what it deserves :p
They're going to die sometime anyways, we're not keeping them in the tent due to germ/bacterial issues, already bleached the whole thing

Updates tomorrow?


Grats on the first signs of life. :good: I post in newbie section for individual questions, seems to get quick feedback. Got some pics coming?


Okay will try that :) I'll keep this more for updates I think and refer people to here for help about my setup.j
Pics should be coming tomorrow maybe? I mean there aren't too many updates yet. I'll post some up when we see some sprouts!


First sprout came up today, nice and bendy but I'm glad to finally see some green! Hopefully the rest come up soon!

Update: Three loops are now out of the root cubes :)
Question: When should I turn the 1000W MH on again? I think temps should be controlled with our A/C and venting, when should I start the beast up again?


I vegged under the T5's for about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks then turned on the MH's. I hear ya on the pics...I have been too "update happy" with my thread. So instead I just made an album. I would like to see some set-up pics if you have any. Glad to hear you are seeing green bro! :dance013:


Hmm.. Don't have/want to buy any t-5's Right now; I am just germinating them under a small cfl (not even sure how big - friend was using it before). Once I start seeing a few more should I start using the MH? I'm going to keep it a few feet away (probably as far as it will go) as they should get a ton of light anyways.

Unfortunately I don't really have any setup pics :/ If I'd built something I would for sure have done a DIY but for this I basically just followed the instructions for most of the products. I was a bit too hurried/excited to take pics at the time haha. Pretty sure we got the whole thing setup in record time. I don't think I thought about anything else for about 3 days haha my brain was fried after.


Okay guys got some updates!
Woke up this morning to a bunch of sprouts (about half have sprouted).
Here are a couple of macro shots and shots of the setup ;)

Also included are shots of the new A/C. We are thinking of adding a second intake vent straight from the A/C into the tent. Would it be best to add a second one or just take off the first and replace it with the A/C intake? The square patch of mesh is where we would put the intake. We'd rig up something to hold the ducting to that mesh.
Would it be best to have just the cold air from the A/C going into the tent or a mix or the cold air (one intake) and the warm air (other from the room)
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated and hope you enjoy the shots.

Got to run before the pics could finish uploading..
Will upload them later!


Trying to have a good day
I read your whole thread and you have set your tent up very nice.I want to offer you a piece of advice though before it becomes a problem for you though.Be careful that you dont love your plants to death.With everything but light,"less is more".

Doing too many things to your plants is usually what causes them problems.


Yea, that's what I've heard and witnessed in other grow threads.. It's really hard to not care for every little thing but I know it has to be done.. I dont think I'll have the common problem of overwatering though b/c of my moisture meter and I'm going to go light on the nutes the entire time most likely.
Wish me luck :)


Well after having ALOT of problems with ventilation I think we finally have it figured out.
Our new strain plan is - Mandala #1 - Original Haze X Skunk $1 - Whatever other freebies we get from the Bou :)

Will post a new grow journal when we get things moving more..
Back in '99 I bought my first HID, a 250mh with Argosun Gold bulb. It worked great for flowering when back then everyone said you needed hps for flowering.

I have been using Hortilux Super HPS for the last five years now but I am very interested in going back to MH. I had excellent results with the Argosun Gold.


Thanks a ton man!
My new thread should be a big improvement! I will have some pics up in the next couple days.

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