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Clp's 1000W MH 5X5 Dr150 Indoor Grow - Sour60 & Skunkmans Haze X Skunk 1


Hello everyone,

This is now my OFFICIAL Grow Diary for Summer 2010

Prices are listed as the lowest price I could find. My growshop is well stocked AND the guy price matches online purchases. Therefor I went in, found everything I needed and recorded it. I then went home and found everything online (lowest possible price) and recorded that. I will be taking the links to the store to price match and get the lowest possible prices. Best of all - Its local! Close drive and I love to support the local economy and this guys family business.
As far as the actual strain goes. I will be growing the

Sour 60 Autoflowering strain by Mdanzig.
~ Click the link ~

I chose this strain for many reasons. Primarily I needed to be done by September first because of time constrictions. Secondly because it grows small and fast outdoors (my original plan) and third; because I've heard great things about the smoke reports and strains crossed to achieve Sour 60 (Joint Doctors "Lowryder", Dutch Passions "Master Kush", Dj Shorts "Original Blueberr
y", and BOG's "Sour Bubble"). I have 25 of these seeds (they threw in 5 extra - :thank you:).
Other Seeds
Okay! After some more research I've found out that my seeds I got as a freebie are
Sam the Skunkman's Original Haze X Skunk 1
~ Click the link then scroll down to seeds ~


This is awesome! I wasn't expecting to be able to grow these this year for multiple reasons (mainly time) but if I get this whole setup going in under 1 week (plausable?) I can harvest and be done with these seeds by early august. With both crops! Although the Sour 60's will be first to harvest which is good for time.

[FONT=&quot]Sacred Seeds created the original [FONT=&quot]Haze[/FONT] in the late 1970s. The [FONT=&quot]Skunk[/FONT] x [FONT=&quot]Haze[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]hybrid[/FONT], combines the excellent effect and taste of Original [FONT=&quot]Haze[/FONT] with the increased yield & shorter flowering period of [FONT=&quot]Skunk[/FONT] No. 1. It has a fruity, sweet taste with an energetic effect.[/FONT]

How am I going to run both an Autoflowering Strain and a Sativa at the same time?
My plan as of now is to start the Sour 60's first. Veg for 3 weeks under 24/0 or 20/4. I will then put the Skunk Haze in to veg with them. By this time the Sour 60's should be flowering and pretty big.
When they are ready to harvest it will be around the time to put the Skunk Haze's into flowering. I will then switch my light to 12/12. When they are ready I will harvest. Probably 13-16 weeks.
Any problems in this?
Seems fool-proof to me!

Materials List for 5 x 5 Dr 150 Grow
~Top of the Line Value~


Secret Jardin Dr 150
Instead of making my own box a Secret Jardin is really attracting my interest.

  1. Easy to store
  2. Quick to setup
  3. Long life - Plywood box = Destruction this fall
  4. Light proof - well almost can be DIY
  5. Great ventilation and reflective walls etc.
It is quite expensive (near $300) but will be paid off very quickly. I can also keep this for years and it will setup almost anywhere!
Large size for quite a few plants.
1000 W MH will fit perfect and there should be no air/heat problems.

I will be starting them off in these individual wrapped root cubes I found. After they are around Day 20 I think I'll put the Sour 60's in the 1/2 Gal grow bags. The others might go a bit later. I will then put them into the 3 gal grow bag. Maybe I should go with 5 gal for the skunks? Places say that they like a bigger root base. 3 gal will be perfect for the Sour 60's. From there they will grow the entire time in the 3 gal.

I unfortuantly can not have some 9 foot monsters. The Cab is around 7' tall so I do have some height restrictions. I am slightly worried about the Haze X Skunk. T

I'll be using the standard Fox Farm line. Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, and Grow big. I am just planning on following the directions and doing around 1/4 solution in the beginning and seeing how the plants react. This and my potting soil are my only nutes for the time. Is this fine? Do I need any others?

Lamp Choice
Agrosun Gold 1000W MH Universal
~ Click the link ~

I chose this because it's a big enough wattage for my 5 X 5 tent. It's also a great value bulb competing with the Hortilux Blue which is MUCH more expensive.

Math Expenses + Income?
First of all of this is against the rules then please, I can delete it ASAP or a mod can just do it. I'm just not sure where else to ask about this stuff. I don't have a mentor on it.
Does my math in the spread sheet seem like a good estimate? I think an OZ for every healthy female is a good call. If I have too many then I can kill the sick or small ones. Too little isn't a huge problem as long as I don't end up in the black.

I'm going top value because I know I can get the best value out of the best equipment. I feel that this is a good motto for growing marijuana.

Awesome Book Recomendation!

Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible (Paperback)
~ Click the link ~

On Amazon (cheapest and most reliable place for me) I picked it up and have learned a great deal in only a couple days. Although ICmag and other sites will provide you with all the needed necesities and knowledge having a simple, one piece, book is a great way to start. Its good for quick reference or learning the basics. Better than any online post in my opinion.

Useful Links I have Used

I may have more questions and will either edit them in or create separate replies. I am very free to helping others with a setup like this once I get it working and operational. This is actually my first grow, but I am trying to go about it in a top of the line, professional, business manner. I hope it can be of some help to people and newbies in similar situations to me. All of these supplies could be applicable to most closet grows also! Any size for 2X3 to 4X4 I think should be good. Just need to have the right tent lights and vents. I hope that my upcoming grow journal and more specific measurements etc can be of great help to any other upcoming connoisseurs.

Please throw me ANY and ALL critiques as they are very helpful to me.


  • Supplies Pic - Updated to 1000W MH DR 150.jpg
    Supplies Pic - Updated to 1000W MH DR 150.jpg
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Active member
I'm gonna watch this one. Looks like your did your research. And I am mad jealous of your sour bubble seeds.


Ya man, been reading my ass off. The book really helped with the basics and ICmag has helped tremendously with the rest. Members here are very friendly!
I hope this can help others in the future. I've tried to be extremely detailed.
I will hopefully be taking quality pictures in the future too!

Edit: Just uploaded the updated materials list!
This is exactly what I'm going to buy I believe. Hopefully half of it tomorrow


We are Farmers
WOW clp you are expanding fast and have not even started :)

You don't say what specific ballast you are looking at, I would suggest a switchable ballast so you can swap out the MH bulb for an HPS one when you switch to 12/12 light cycle.

You might want to look at getting a cool tube type reflector like they show in the picture for the tent instead of the Super Sun 2.

Some small things I did not see on your list, watering can, container to mix nutes in, a small measuring cup marked in ml, a 6" flange for carbon filter and I was wondering what the Hydroton on your list was for.

I am using a Can50 carbon filter for a 10' x 7' room but it is pretty big and heavy, actually read recently that the number in the Can series is how much they weigh so a Can50 is 50 pounds, something to keep in mind if you plan to hang it inside the tent.

I am running Skunkman's O Haze x Skunk #1 right now and they do get tall, I just mangled mine down from 36" to 26", the post for that is here. From what I have read it may take 20 weeks to finish, some say 100 days, I even saw a couple people say it took 26 weeks. One good thing about Sam's H/S#1 is there are lots of threads on IC about it. I have just started reading them and if I find a really good thread I will shoot it your way.

Not to be a negative nelly but I noticed the numbers at the bottom of your spreadsheet and it made me curious, do you need to make money back on this grow? If so it just adds another level of stress to an already stressful endeavor. There are so so many things that can go wrong that will negatively effect your yield. I do not want to discourage you from growing but count on having nothing at the end and you will be better off. Damn I sound like my father, uhg.


Heading to the store right now!
Will update this thread when I'm back :)
See your response Maj but gotta run!
excited ha


To address the money thing real quick:
I'm a business man, I've been a successful entrepreneur in numerous areas. Some in the whiter areas of business and some in the darker areas. I have capital saved up for this investment but I just like to do the math and see how things should theoretically return.
Even if this all burns down somehow I can cover everything.
Just wanted to clarify that :)
It is a risk.. But one I'm willing to take


Defitinly did your homework bro..can't wait to see how it turns out for ya. + rep for the research effort!

Subscribed :canabis:


We are Farmers
To address the money thing real quick:
I'm a business man, I've been a successful entrepreneur in numerous areas. Some in the whiter areas of business and some in the darker areas. I have capital saved up for this investment but I just like to do the math and see how things should theoretically return.
Even if this all burns down somehow I can cover everything.
Just wanted to clarify that :)
It is a risk.. But one I'm willing to take

That is exactly what I was hoping to hear :)


Defitinly did your homework bro..can't wait to see how it turns out for ya. + rep for the research effort!

Subscribed :canabis:
:thank you:
I put alot of time intro researching and feel like I did it very systematically. Only thing I still need to learn more about is pruning and how I want to grow my plants. What method would you guys recommend for this space + 25 plants? 1 per square foot (ish - Not going to be that exact but will kill the smallest plants if I have 25+)

I also see this as a HUGE investment. Its expensive yes but i figured that I'm going to upgrade to a nice ass setup one day so why not make my first one the best it can be for my value needs :artist:
Thats me plannin my masterpiece :)

I went ahead with $750 dollars today.
Got the tent, hood, ducting, Can carbon filter, and a few other things
will be buying the rest tomorrow
I Will Update With New Pics!


Yup saw and bookmarked that :)
I also have my bible to read, they are pretty detailed in the pruning etc section.
Any specific recomendations though?
I'll probably research them all. Only one I know wouldn't be good is SOG for this grow. I want all individual bags


Got second part of supplies. I now have EVERYTHING I need I believe.
Will have updated pics of the entire grow room/tent
and possibly seedling germination etc tonight.
Should be a good day :)


Got almost everything up and running!
Will have pics by tonight

Light Intake: For light trap we are going to use S-shape ducting. I think that I need to spray paint the inside non-glossy black and make sure no light comes out. This is the best way to do it on a DR150 grow tent I'm assuming.. Any suggestions

HEAT PROBLEM: We have been running everything for the last couple hours to get shit warmed up.
Our average temp right now is around 85 which is a bit too high.
I'm running a passive intake (6" ducting light trap - still need to make so right now is just a hole). My general setup is can carbon filter to 6" can fan to air cooled sun-system 2 hood then out the tent. There are a couple bends in the ducting but it seems to be exghausting heat just fine. We also have a small oscilating fan blowing over the light/test plants. The room is really hot though. What could be done to cool this tent? Best value method
Possible Options?

  • Frozen Two Litres inside the tent - Seems to be kind of rough and may be on-off cooling which isnt the best
  • Buying a cheap portable A/C used off CL - Any recomendations/prices?
  • Getting an intake fan blowing air into the tent.
Thanks for the help!
I'll have pics up ASAP


We are Farmers
Is the ballast inside the tent? Anyway to move it outside if is? If not can you put it close to the carbon filter so the heat is drawn off it? Short of ac that's all I got.


It was a venting problem with the exhaust we are now running it into the attic/out the roof.
Problem solved
heading to home depot for more ducting

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Home de Pot how apt.
Good Luck clp - somehow think you'll have that covered too :D


We are Farmers
Good to hear clp, I just got done moving the two ballasts for my CMH bulbs to the attic next to the ballast for the HPS so I am hoping to drop my temps also.



Yea, my ballast actually isn't running too hot. Its more the 1000W HUGE MH bulb haha. That thing puts out heat!
Im smokin a bowl - gotta chill haha too much thinkin
then we'll take some pics and show you guys the progress