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Closed loop explosion, with video


Severe road rash and getting badly burnt. I've had all kinds of injuries and nothing holds a candle to those two types of pain. Those chemicals burn so friggin hot when they ignite also.

I have a mechanic friend who has worked on cars for 30 years and is just really knowledgeable about most things in general. When I showed him my buddies blasting set up he wouldn't even go in the room. We both were kinda like whats wrong man?? He just kinda gave a look from outside the shop door and said "You guys have no fucking clue how dangerous that room is. You use a cordless drill in there right now and there a good chance you'll say night night for good." This was when bho first became popular years back and people not many explosions had happened yet.
Yep... Not a CLS explosion, an explosion of built up off gassed vapors due to poor ventilation, ignited by placing the red hot element of a heat gun inches away from a solvent rich solution. These individuals might as well have been open blasting in a garage, with candles to set the mood. as other have noted the machine is open, the ignition clearly starts at the heat gun (over a patty that ripples = liquid,) and the flames travel throughout the room indicating poor ventilation. Very sad if that poor individual's burns were fatal. No one deserves to burn alive for stupid mistakes. Get it together New Mexico.


Active member
Why in the world would you put your machine in front of the only exit! That was a death trap not a extraction lab. Fuck liquid pours, having your face melted is not worth it.


you wouldnt I wouldnt errl wouldnt the folks who posted here wouldnt

just because our species and society attempts to thwart Darwinism, it still reigns its ugly snapping jaws...

go charles!


Active member
Why in the world would you put your machine in front of the only exit! That was a death trap not a extraction lab. Fuck liquid pours, having your face melted is not worth it.

I agree, that no setup should ever be placed between you and a door.

The other things is that if you watch the video again is that the tower falls over.
Fire, explosion, etc. anything used with flammable solvents that is not stationed
properly (aka sturdy and immovable) is at a risk of falling down and breaking.


I agree, that no setup should ever be placed between you and a door.

The other things is that if you watch the video again is that the tower falls over.
Fire, explosion, etc. anything used with flammable solvents that is not stationed
properly (aka sturdy and immovable) is at a risk of falling down and breaking.

And they said the system was moved frequently too...... why?!

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