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Let's see your frostiest bud!!

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Am I seeing things or are those hairs all white with yellow leaves?

She went 70+ days and still had quite a few whites but there were alot of brown that had retracted. Her feed was cut premature due to other shorter flowering plants on the same drip system. She is a great smoke and ime alot of plants have white pist at harvest. I dont go by pistil color to harvest btw. So no your not seeing things....





vStagger Leev

Blue Heron is looking great! How is the smell on that bad girl?

Smells like a synthetic berry drink or somthin... with some musk, real delicious, while we were clipping her last night my partner and I couldnt stop taking giant whiffs of the nuggets, i'll definately be keeping this girl around for a while, I know there's lots of room for improvement! She was just starting to get into her purple/blue phase when I chopped her, I gave her a bit to much "N" in mid-flower and that was the result. All in all i'm stoked on her, and cant wait to run her a bunch more times, much love and thanks for the kind words! SL :joint:

vStagger Leev

I wanna see pics of the other pheno's man i can't wait to pop these great job bro

Thanks bro!! Batteries are chargin, then i'll take some photo's of the other pheno that's outside, she's getting pulled on friday, the rains are coming.... but she is one trich'd out lady for some outdoor!! :yay: Much love brothers! SL :shooty:
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