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Cloning help please



I agree with PharmaCan. Pulling and tugging on clones to see if they have rooted yet is bad.

If clones are standing, green and moist, leave em alone, let em root.

You will know when you see roots.
well update tis been humm 17 days and they are a nice green....no dome no more misting.... but dont see roots thru the lil jiffy pots yet....tick tock tick tock just a note the clones are cheese blue dream master kush grape ape and another kush


the hell with all of this, just build yourself a bubblecloner and you can toss out the rest of your hormones and powders.

so far ive had 100% success rate with mine. as long as the mom plants are healthy then your clones will be healthy and have roots within the 2wk period that they should sprout.

when you take your cuts just make sure you have enough of a stem area to stick into the container and split/cut the bottom of the stem (about a 1/4 from the bottom), then trim the leaf tips and viola!!! no need for domes, poweders, hormones or the like! bubblecloners are about as "set it and forget it" as you can get!

only thing youll need is a pH tester, and the supplies to build one, but its a one time purchase. i dont even change my water just top it up as necessary and im on my third run of clones


well update tis been humm 17 days and they are a nice green....no dome no more misting.... but dont see roots thru the lil jiffy pots yet....tick tock tick tock just a note the clones are cheese blue dream master kush grape ape and another kush

I have the best rooting times when I put the clones into Jiffy pellets, and put them in a plastic see through tote with a lid on it.

Lots of people say to avoid light. I disagree.

I find that placing the tub of clones near a 400 watt bulb that is lit 24/7 makes the clones root faster, show less yellow leaves. I have had many clones grow as they are rooting.

works for me, hope your clones root soon.
well an update it looks as though everyone of my cuttings ahs rooted as ive seen new growth on all of them....i took bits and pieces of most of your advice next round i wont worry....thank you


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Nobody gets 100% on anything! As soon as someone says 100% you know they are exaggerating.

...when they say they've rooted clones in four-week-old, previously used water, you know they're flat out lying!


Other than experiments or dome weaning, I can't remember the last time I lost a clone. With the dome in the trash, I haven't lost any at all.

Just because 100% of my naked stem experiments ended in death all around, doesn't mean naked stems don't work. No other area of growing sees as disparate results from identical procedures. What makes my clones flourish may kill yours dead.

Domes are the perfect example. Many say it can't be done without domes. I say domes are death incarnate. Thing is, we're both right because we both got roots.


For anyone who cares... when a cutting is growing new roots, it has no way to intake any nutrients, so it eats itself. If it has damaged leaves (i.e. cut leaves), it will eat those leaves first. By trimming certain leaves on the cuttings, you are directing the plant which leaves to kill. Once the cutting has roots, cut the trimmed leaves off as they are no longer needed and most will die anyway. The plant can now concentrate on new growth but, more importantly, the newly trimmed plant is completely undamaged and will grow bigger faster. There are also the advantages that the trimmed leaves don't weigh down the cutting so much and there is less leaf to transpire (the cutting doesn't sweat as much).

Hey thanks much for that PC...I never made that observation about which leaves the plant will draw nutrients from. Quite useful.

On another note, after growing for longer then I can recall (over 30 years)...I bought my first container of cloning gel. Mostly used powder and occasionally I use willow water.

Been noticing I lose more clones to stem rot. I read somewhere to use lots of gel to sort-of seal up the hole...but I'm thinking that the gel is softening the stem wall and making it easier for fungus to grow. Any thoughts on that.

I'm definitely switching back to powder.
actually letme reupdate went to transaplnt today and maybe half or a tad bit more had roots...i just dont get it all looked like they had new growth but when i went to transplant no roots just the dried up powder on the stem




Cloning 101, Reservoir Style

= = = = For the
Cloning Impaired = = = =

Even a retarded baboon can clone.
That said, if you're having trouble, don’t feel bad-it can be tricky.
Here's a simple solution for
cloning that's cheap, easy, and actually works 100% of the time-as long as you follow the E-Z-Bake directions.
I'm only posting this once, so pay attention.

-Grab some 16 oz. beer cups, and drill drainage holes in the bottom.

-Fill cups with coco coir, dampened with 50/50, one-half strength GH-based veg formula.
(From "The Recipe" - 6ml micro,9ml bloom per gallon at 6.0 pH,cut in half with already-balanced 6.0 pH water @ as low PPM as possible or distilled/RO-)

-Cut clones 6"-8" long, let soak in rooting hormone for two minutes.

-Stick clones into cups, as deep as possible, tamp coco firmly.

-Mist all clones, ONCE, lightly, with 6.0 pH water.
Do not, not, not cover.
(No need, the stems hold more than enough moisture for rooting-)

-Set in trays under floros, keep room temps at 77f-81f, and your lighting direct>indirect is fine....

In about a week, (+/-,depending on environment) you'll have thick white roots, and some giant fucking clones, all rooted and ready for another week in the cups, then on to your main potting session before flower.
It saves time and money (which = more time!) by not having to transplant starter R/W cubes into cups, and not dicking with humidity domes and all that PITA ancillary shite.

You have now been enlightened on how to clone, Reservoir Style.

- - - - - - -

Like This???:booked:
clones are weird things. it is diff or impossible to get 100% success with em b/c they always have some surprise in the mix. kind of like a snowflake, no 2 are exactly alike. i had these 2 clones. both were tiny ones, under 3 inches. they both rooted, rooted like craaaaazy. but, they never ever grew. one was in peat pelllet, other in sytrofoam/mg organic. both had domes for 1st week. roots showed within 5 days. they stayed green for over 1 month, but never ever grew. i finally just tossed em away....i guess my point is, roots sometimes are the least of my worries when cloning.