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Farmers Market for Clones in Clearlake..

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Might be slightly off topic but I heard rumors of a plant count limit change in lake county. Anyone else hear anything of the sort?


Registered Med User
I gotta say, after visiting Good Karma, Im ruined for all other clubs. Yall the nicest folks I ever met in a collective, most relaxed and smoothest club visit too. Thanks Rowdy! Oh yeah, and 15 dollar seeded 1/8ths? Not no bullshit bushweed either, more like this....



and heres what I got from it...

Good Karma Seeds!
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttt? UUUUUUUUUhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :woohoo:

That's some shit right there mang.... lol

Pretty Sick spot ehy? i dig too...peace


Active member
As a collector, it would be nice to see anything there that is unique or rare, especially sativas. I couldn't make it out this Saturday but hope to next week and should have a handful of chem4s I could bring to the table for anyone that may have been looking for it. Tho I've never been out there I check the list a lot to see if there is anything interesting and there has been from time to time but I live a decent drive away and would love to see more non-purple strains on the list. thanks for all you are doing keep up the solid work.

i would love to drop off a very special sativa to the folks up there in the future for others to try.is that doable or does one need to make an appointment with rowdy?


Registered Med User
Nice score. Do you know what they are?

No Clue! She said it was a mixed bag, some smelt a lil more skunky or diesely and some smelt like some strait up berry flavored alcohol/champagne, and one nug smelt like some purple.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Dank..You come by anytime we are there.. Thur Fri Sat or Sun. We gladly accept donations to pass along and we would be happy to pass along great genetics as well.
Great to meet getmo and friends and hope to see ya again real soon!


Rowdy there was one Green Crack clone I dug out from the lot when I was there. She was such a little runt no one wanted her. You gave her to me.

I thank you in so many ways, the most for being the best example of a proper collective I have yet to encounter. There are many of us who think you are the example everyone else should be following.

Thank you for doing what you do. Hope this gives you a grin. It makes me have a shit eating grin 24-7
My runt green crack at 47 days



That's not green crack I am sorry to say but I am happy to say that is way frostier than GC.
got a couple cuttings of the ATF from the market? is she danks? any grow her out yet,or have some pix of her,flower time/hows she feeds? any info on herplease chime in... thanks in advance.
That's not green crack I am sorry to say but I am happy to say that is way frostier than GC.

I was thinking the same thing bro, it really looks and reminds me of Either ATF or Mr Magoo....

But i am always shy to say that to people man, i don't like to Burst folks bubble, but on the other hand, it is better to say it so the wrong plant isn't named differently and spread around... No pun Intended...

SHe is beautiful though, Very frosty.....Peace and Harmony please!:yeahthats


Active member
Green Crack is always super frosty for me. i think its one of my best strains as far as bag appeal .My opinion is its lacking a little potency( maybe not lacking but you build a quick tolerance to it). I dont want to confuse anyone, that isn't my green crack cut at the market (that i know about) looks like mine tho....


I 'aint gonna get upset over anything, lmao. It had a tag on it that said GC in it when i got it. You all know how that goes. If its just cause of frostyness, all my girls have it! I dunno what I'm doin' but gotta love that frosty dankness! The smell of this girl is unique to me. Smells friggin terrible! Like a toxic sludge dump, first herb I smelled that made me choke! I LOVE it, lol.

Can't wait to smoke her!!! Gonna let her go 60 days.
Me and Try will smoke her and give a report


Active member
yeah, i can pull myself away from the counter of chemmart to do a test smoke..Get Mo finished mine already , qualifies him as a tester(lol)......maybe at one of our meets
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