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Clones arrived large and beautiful, then dead within 18 hours

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Received 2 beautiful, rare, large clones, that were in shipping about 48 hours with daily temps around 95F. Both looked great on arrival. Put off to side under florescent grow light next to others and sprayed with RO water. 6 hours later one competely drooped. They were in 4 inch pots with perlite. One was in 2 inch rockwool and other 3/4 inch root riot (peat). Soaked in tap water while prepping coco. Moved to small airpot with coco. Watered with 300 PPM GH flora series, and misted. At this point one completely drooping and other looked fine. 12 hours later, both heavily drooping. Wound up cutting off almost all growth and hoping for some growth to salvage, while spraying with 250 PPM.

Any idea what could have happened??? Only other rooted clone I ever lost was 1 of 5 I was told to feed all at 500 PPM and all burned, with the chemdawg #4 dying.

These were huge clones, almost a foot (with 4" pot) and over a dozen leaves each.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You did not acclimate your plants. Thye died from the difference in humidity and heat while in shipping. Always slowly acclimate. This can take 48hrs.

Plants will be 100% rh and very hot when shipped.. You must !!!! lower those values to match your environment slowly over time.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Thanks for the replies. I am screwed. The first that showed signs was dead by morning. Tried cutting off most growth to see if any would come back, just to get a cut. The second plant might come back enough to get a cut. Were allegedly 40+% THC.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies. I am screwed. The first that showed signs was dead by morning. Tried cutting off most growth to see if any would come back, just to get a cut. The second plant might come back enough to get a cut. Were allegedly 40+% THC.
Damn.... that sucks. I hope the one comes back, or I hope you can get more.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I am wondering if them raising them so long, most likely in flood and drain setup, that they were used to regular large feedings. Any clones I ever got before were plain rockwool, fed very lightly to prevent growth and just establish roots. These were heavily rooted into perlite with base heavily wrapped in plastic. Anyone familiar with copycat genetics strains??? They sell seeds for more than elite clones. Seeds are S1's of their best. From GG4 group, I thought no one ever got an S1 as good as original.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The simple answer is no. The feed had nothing to do with what happened here. After transplanting you water only(no food) and bag up the plant parts to keep the humidity high. Leave a small opening to let in air. Ea day make that opening larger. After a few days, the humidity will stabilize.,
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New member
I grow different Copycat Genetics strains. And they are fire. Some years ago there where problem with the genetics but actually it seems like pure fire. Actually i test the Dips and Dotz from Copycat Genetics BW1


The Tri Guy
I think it was the combination of too many leaves generating too much requirement from an insufficient root mass due to the sudden appearance of light to process. Cut the larger clones into smaller ones, remove most of the leaves, and leave in very low lighting until they start to grow roots in that environment. Don't increase the light until there's new top growth.
Works for me, may not work for all.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
They were all dead within 12 hours. One at 6 and other at 12. If they shipped when I paid, probably would not have been an issue, but waited till following Monday and was almost 100 the 2 days of shipping. They sent out replacement a couple of weeks later when temps dipped for free, which are fine. Only concern was I mentioned a member here grew out same strain seeds earlier this year, and got all hermies which he dumped. The replacements do not look the same, and wondering if they are what they said they were. They had never flowered the females since greenhouse growers and started the this year, around when SG did. They picked fastest grower out of forty. They stopped advertising shortly after I mentioned hermie issue.

Just ordered Chimera #3 Beleaf Cut, MAC1, and Fatso.
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Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
I would love to see a legit 40+% thc test.
What strain is supposedly that high up there?
Checkout copycat genetics site. It was their Oreo Big Stuff. The 3 I just ordered are way up there, and elite clones. The OBS was an S1 that the seller has never flowered. Also that is their advertised level, and very controversial source, especially for price of seeds.


Well-known member
That's why I don't mess with clones unless they come off my own plants. When you take a clone from an outside source you have to be able to match the exact growing environment because the plants have adapted to the growing condition. Once a plant has developed adaptation and is growing well and moved into another environment the plant will lack adaptation. The best way to grow clones is the match the exact growing condition of the mother. If the mother is in peat, you should put the clone in peat or if the mother is in Rockwool and Flora series is being used you need to match the same growing media. If you switch the clones will have problems like the above. 😎

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Whomever you are buying clones from the 1st question you should ask is are they testing for viruses/viroids?.. If they're not that should be a hard pass. Finding clone sellers testing their stock is not hard..
They all claim they are, and claim have no mites, but who knows. Hard to know if they are legit cuts also, especially on arrival. Another I bought from a Chedawg #4 came with 2 spot spider mites and said must have picked up in transit. Looked at their feedback and the only negative they had was someone else who bought chemdawg #4 and had 2 spot spider mites. I have had the a few times, but solid dark backs are native to my area.

Is there anywhere to get cheap test kits?? I saw some that were $5 a piece, but for over a hundred of them.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They all claim they are, and claim have no mites, but who knows. Hard to know if they are legit cuts also, especially on arrival. Another I bought from a Chedawg #4 came with 2 spot spider mites and said must have picked up in transit. Looked at their feedback and the only negative they had was someone else who bought chemdawg #4 and had 2 spot spider mites. I have had the a few times, but solid dark backs are native to my area.

Is there anywhere to get cheap test kits?? I saw some that were $5 a piece, but for over a hundred of them.

It's not a claim when there is documentation. If there are any pests you should find someone else. The only thing that can't be verified is the cut you get is what it's supposed to be so unless its from the original person.