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Clones: Age of Source


Active member
Ok there it is. I knew that I was going to get heat from it because it isn’t a well known fact, but it is fact. That guy has wrote like twenty books on weed that are translate into like ten different languages .

apparently that makes him an expert?

That is what I consider a reliable source .so sry ourcee you wont change my mind. hope this helps you gonzo dont let him rob you of good information. anyone who owns this book please turn to the bottom of pg 41 and second this^

lol I especially love the part where he says
Start new mothers from seed every year
k what about all these clone only strains out there?
and then
A six-month old plant produces more cannabiniods than a one month old plant.
ok but... can you show me some evidence in this? why isn't outdoor so much more potent than indoor?

you see, I'm not saying that "Damn GMax you suck at quoting the bible!"

no no no

I'm saying that the information in the bible may be what you believe, but from what I've EXPERIENCED is other options that work just as good but faster and without detrimental effects.

my questions werent answered at all lol.
Just tell me why 6 months is this magic cannabinoid number, and would a clone/seed straight to flower be less potent than? because neither is true in my experience.


Non Conformist
When you veg a plant from seed untill it grows alternating nodes, the plant has reached it's sexual peak and it's as mature as it's going to get. So it's not going to get any more potent from that point on. Each strain and even pheno will mature at a different rate though, jus like people.

Also, I think some slow growing clone only cuts are that way from being kept year after year as the same plant, instead of growing out a new clone from her to use as a new mother. Along with them being under flouros in slow growing shitty conditions. It stiffles the vigor after time.

Bonsi works well for keeping mother because yer always taking some off the top and bottom, keeping them activly growing..... I always flower the old and and use a new one though. It's all about the vigor..... BC


apparently that makes him an expert?

lol I especially love the part where he says

k what about all these clone only strains out there?
and then

ok but... can you show me some evidence in this? why isn't outdoor so much more potent than indoor?

you see, I'm not saying that "Damn GMax you suck at quoting the bible!"

no no no

I'm saying that the information in the bible may be what you believe, but from what I've EXPERIENCED is other options that work just as good but faster and without detrimental effects.

my questions werent answered at all lol.
Just tell me why 6 months is this magic cannabinoid number, and would a clone/seed straight to flower be less potent than? because neither is true in my experience.

6 months is a natural growing season. outdoor weed is subject to rain, fluctuating temps, wind, etc. unlike indoor weed which is grown in controlled enviroment to produce maximum crystal development. and besides how do you know that your very own plants havent gained in cannabiniod content over time, do you have a gas chromatograph machine ????


just don't molest my colas..
No, but I should take a look at that one. a friend has it. he mentioned something about that in this article too. i heard jerry garcia was a cia agent too and that there was a fake grateful dead concert held while he was away on a covert operation and the cia studied the crowd. but we all know thats not true. :noway: :joint:

did you read in treating yourself where they spell out samtheskunkman as cia?


tmb very curious to hear your thoughts on the subject
and must say i am very surprised to have not seen more of it on the boards... especially becasue its fairly recent publication.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
If you don't believe that the CIA was involved in 'drugs' in the 1960's and 1970's then check out the name 'Ronald Stark' who was associated, at one time, with the B.O.E.L. (Brotherhood of Eternal Love) out of Laguna Beach, California.

Interesting history if nothing else.




just don't molest my colas..
It was pretty mindblowing to me. I can see how everything is very commercialized and money driven on that end of the business, so I can see a lot of what was in the article being true. Of course these seed companies want you to keep buying seeds. They don't want you to find a clone you like and pass it out. So it's seems like a no brainer for them to look into genetic treatments that other crops use to alter future generations of plants. And you know something has value when all of the companies and people implicated in the article threaten to pull all advertising in skunk magazine (owned by the same people) if it ran in full there. I found the take on bubble bags being the ultimate fuck you to true hash lovers pretty interesting. And of course we've all known that bubbleman didn't develop the ice method. They just accuse him of and his financiers of preying on people that don't know any better to buy their pieces of vinyl. (which I have and love of course) but even the nicest Full Melt bubble that I make still is missing something that the imported lebanese and moroccan that I run into.

tmb very curious to hear your thoughts on the subject
and must say i am very surprised to have not seen more of it on the boards... especially becasue its fairly recent publication.


just don't molest my colas..
Of course they were. It's very well documented by many people. they were not that interested in marijuana though. neurosoup.com has an interesting list of all of the drugs ronald was given while under the CIA testing program. it's pretty insane. every substance you can think of.

If you don't believe that the CIA was involved in 'drugs' in the 1960's and 1970's then check out the name 'Ronald Stark' who was associated, at one time, with the B.O.E.L. (Brotherhood of Eternal Love) out of Laguna Beach, California.

Interesting history if nothing else.



Clackamas Coot

Active member

Stark was a factor in the whole BOEL deal - from the manufacturing of 'Orange Sunshine' to the distribution of 'black Afghani' hashish. He and Timothy Leary were a problem in Laguna Beach during 'the time' because of their government connections.

The night that Leary was busted in Laguna Canyon, there was literally a street party by people who were glad that this asshole was finally gone - good, bad or indifferent.

A complete and total clown.



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Has anyone read the article in Treating Yourself Magazine about Ed Rosenthal and others Cannabusinessmen intentionally spreading misinformation, selling products to "dumb stoners" all while trying to genetically modify seeds they produce to hermaphodites and less potent plants by the 4th generation of clones. It was pretty mind blowing. And that information above from the bible seems like bullshit.

{Cannabusinessmen intentionally spreading misinformation, selling products to "dumb stoners" }
this is what sells books
i wouldnt call all of it misinformation but i will call the ppl whom swear by the books not compleatly informed.


just don't molest my colas..
word. i was mixing up my people. i'll look up who that test subject was. he seemed to be pretty affected by the CIA work on his psyche. I do agree with some of the major psychedlic figures being detrimental to the movement at certain points in history though. definitely by like '68 things that leary was doing were questionable.


Stark was a factor in the whole BOEL deal - from the manufacturing of 'Orange Sunshine' to the distribution of 'black Afghani' hashish. He and Timothy Leary were a problem in Laguna Beach during 'the time' because of their government connections.

The night that Leary was busted in Laguna Canyon, there was literally a street party by people who were glad that this asshole was finally gone - good, bad or indifferent.

A complete and total clown.



just don't molest my colas..
{Cannabusinessmen intentionally spreading misinformation, selling products to "dumb stoners" }
this is what sells books
i wouldnt call all of it misinformation but i will call the ppl whom swear by the books not compleatly informed.

of course not. epsecially that book that was compiled by Mynamestitch first in her OG thread and then over here. I was pretty blown away when my friend handed me the book and I looked at it and said "holy shit, I know the woman who wrote this" Stitch is a wonderful and generous member of this community.


I cough up honey oil
That article tripped me OUT. honestly I kinda started giggling in between the confusion!?!?! I didn't know what to think. On one hand I was like.... thats fucked up shit! but then it's just business to these people and of coarse their gonna try some shit like that. The C.I.A. stuff is a little above my pay grade and I always take those kinda stories with a grain or two of salt. although I am completely convinced that they flooded the market with coke back in the day and all the other crazy shit they've got caught doing! But still , VERY VERY interesting! What shocked me most was the complete absence of any kind of mention on ICMAG!! I searched for daze but nothing came up, that I found? thanks for bringing it up guys.


Active member
I wonder why Sam hasn't taken legal action against Treating Yourself for publishing that article?

Oh wait, if it's true, he can't.

Interesting to know what Sam thinks of all this, but he has not said anything that I have been able to find.