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Clones: Age of Source


Was wondering if anyone had any info on this question. Basically, does the age of the source (mother plant) make a difference when taking clones? AND why would it make a difference if the source was 4 months old or 2 months old. The clone should be an exact genetic copy hence age should be irrelavent?

The reason I ask is that I have read in a few places that the potency of a clone taken from an older parent is of higher potency than one taken from a younger parent.

What are your experiences with this?

My second query (please answer the first even if you don't know the answer to this one) is if I was to start seeds on 12/12 and took clones when the plants were like a week into flowering, would those clones be viable or would they not be as potent as if I had waited longer...



Active member
there should be no difference in potency.

also do not wait longer in the flowering period to take clones, they can be more difficult to root and alot of them just seem to die. again.. potency not affected.

best thing to do when cloning is find the pheno you like the best and just keep using it.


what about clones that are cloned year after year and passed around? i have purple kush and it seems to grow slower than anything else ive done.


Active member
Was wondering if anyone had any info on this question. Basically, does the age of the source (mother plant) make a difference when taking clones? AND why would it make a difference if the source was 4 months old or 2 months old. The clone should be an exact genetic copy hence age should be irrelavent?

The reason I ask is that I have read in a few places that the potency of a clone taken from an older parent is of higher potency than one taken from a younger parent.

What are your experiences with this?

My second query (please answer the first even if you don't know the answer to this one) is if I was to start seeds on 12/12 and took clones when the plants were like a week into flowering, would those clones be viable or would they not be as potent as if I had waited longer...


It makes no difference if you take the clone from a 2 month old or a 4 month old - it is the same plant - potency does not change.

You can successfully take clones off of a flowering plant - I've taken them at 3 weeks into flower. It will take a little longer because the clone has to go into a reveg mode before it starts to grow in a vegetative stage again. It does not affect the potency. If you clone a flowering plant the clones will grow wierd - they will look like mutants with single leaves for a few weeks before they grow normal leaves.


in the Growers Bible it says not to take clones from a plant until it is at least 2 months old and it does state that a 6 MONTH old plant produces more cannabinoids than a two month old plant. i know for a fact it says that cause i know that book like the back of my hand. I dont have personal experiences because i have never kept a single clone that long but i have took clones from one species and recloned them enough to where it has aged long enough and it does seem more potent. Example: you take a clone from an original seed thats two months old then flower out the mother, you grow the clone for two months and take more clones and flower out the mother, grow those clones out for two months and it is now about 6 months old cause they continue to age and < that mother will be more potent that your original seed . hope that helps

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Many of the strains floating around Oregon's MMJ deal are several years old - in some cases over 12 years old.




what about clones that are cloned year after year and passed around? i have purple kush and it seems to grow slower than anything else ive done.

thats just how that girl grows.
my thunderfuck cut is over 25 years old... she's ready to flip fast.
some are jus a little 'faster' than others

gonzo`- a lot of folks take their cuts a week or 2 deep into 12/12 - works great. you can take cuts even later into 12/12 but you will have to allow the clones time to revert back to vegetative growth if they are too deep.

good luck


I've seen threads on here where buddy was taking clones off of seedlings, I believe it was dr bud.. having to wait 2 months is crap, I recently took clones off a plant that was 1 month old. I think I got the same bible :joint:


Active member
in the Growers Bible it says not to take clones from a plant until it is at least 2 months old and it does state that a 6 MONTH old plant produces more cannabinoids than a two month old plant. i know for a fact it says that cause i know that book like the back of my hand. I dont have personal experiences because i have never kept a single clone that long

lol i love posts like this. "I follow the cannabible or ____book word for word and it says...." blah blah blah

personal experience with bagseed > any book you'll read.

Example: you take a clone from an original seed thats two months old

what if it wasn't grown from seed, i.e. its a clone only strain?

then flower out the mother, you grow the clone for two months and take more clones and flower out the mother, grow those clones out for two months and it is now about 6 months old cause they continue to age and < that mother will be more potent that your original seed . hope that helps

ok so using the clone theory I had. obviously that plant came from a seed at one point in time. possibly decades ago. yet if it has been growing in clone only form for 12 years or 15 years or whatever, (following your theory that the older the parent plant genetics, the more potent it will be) it should be the most amazing one hit quit strain that would absolutely destroy anything that was grown 12/12 from seed right?


its the same genetics no matter how old it is. there ARE mutations that occur in nature, so if you clone a plant after a genetic mutation there is a possibility to get something vastly different, however this is completely independent of the age of the plant.

you could take a clone every 2 months to renew your "mother being flowered" idea and it will be the same plant on that clone as it would be 10 years of cloning down the line (assuming no mutations).

you can take a clone from a plant as soon as its big enough to cut something that will root.

I prefer to wait about a month after the first set of leaves just so that after I take 10+ clones off the plant it will still have plenty of vegetation to rebound and stay alive as a mother.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
in the Growers Bible it says not to take clones from a plant until it is at least 2 months old and it does state that a 6 MONTH old plant produces more cannabinoids than a two month old plant. i know for a fact it says that cause i know that book like the back of my hand. I dont have personal experiences because i have never kept a single clone that long but i have took clones from one species and recloned them enough to where it has aged long enough and it does seem more potent. Example: you take a clone from an original seed thats two months old then flower out the mother, you grow the clone for two months and take more clones and flower out the mother, grow those clones out for two months and it is now about 6 months old cause they continue to age and < that mother will be more potent that your original seed . hope that helps

{in the Growers Bible it says not to take clones from a plant until it is at least 2 months old and it does state that a 6 MONTH old plant produces more cannabinoids than a two month old plant. i know for a fact it says that cause i know that book like the back of my hand.}

why thats very nice dose the book say why it's best to wait this long would it be because most plants have showen sex by 2months old. when i take clone's from usnexed plants from seed i mark plants {1-2-3-4/a-b-c-d} type thing and mark clones from each plant as such. if the plant from seed is potent the clone from it will also be no matter if took at 1 month 2 month or 6 months. you can take clone from clone from clone from clone so on so forth and not loose potentancy and it dosent get any more potent. if anything the more runs under your belt with the strain the more you get it dialed in and recieve its full benifits. i prefer to keep bonsai mother plants of strains i wish to have more then 1-2 cuts of

My second query (please answer the first even if you don't know the answer to this one) is if I was to start seeds on 12/12 and took clones when the plants were like a week into flowering, would those clones be viable or would they not be as potent as if I had waited longer...

yes you can take clones 1 wk into 12/12 i've taken them 3wks into flower n/p, if you go to long into flower reveg any plant you wish to try n keep around http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=26290


lol i love posts like this. "I follow the cannabible or ____book word for word and it says...." blah blah blah

personal experience with bagseed > any book you'll read.

what if it wasn't grown from seed, i.e. its a clone only strain?

ok so using the clone theory I had. obviously that plant came from a seed at one point in time. possibly decades ago. yet if it has been growing in clone only form for 12 years or 15 years or whatever, (following your theory that the older the parent plant genetics, the more potent it will be) it should be the most amazing one hit quit strain that would absolutely destroy anything that was grown 12/12 from seed right?


its the same genetics no matter how old it is. there ARE mutations that occur in nature, so if you clone a plant after a genetic mutation there is a possibility to get something vastly different, however this is completely independent of the age of the plant.

you could take a clone every 2 months to renew your "mother being flowered" idea and it will be the same plant on that clone as it would be 10 years of cloning down the line (assuming no mutations).

you can take a clone from a plant as soon as its big enough to cut something that will root.

I prefer to wait about a month after the first set of leaves just so that after I take 10+ clones off the plant it will still have plenty of vegetation to rebound and stay alive as a mother.

you got to word your words carefully you always know that someone will take your words and twist them. So i will rephrase. the original question was whether a plants age matters when taking clones and the answer is yes. If you take a clone from a one month old plant compared to a two month the one month old plant would still have to be vegetated a little while longer while the 2 month old should already have shown sex and can go immeidiately into flower. so in that situation the age of source DOES matter. as for the difference in potency from a 2 month old to a 6 month old.listen carefully, A CANNABIS PLANT DOES NOT REACH ITS FULL CANNABINIOD POTENTIAL UNTIL IT IS SIX MONTHS OLD , but will not continue to increase in potency with age after that , meaning if you keep it for ten+ years it is not going to be one hit quit like stated ^ i qoute this from the bible, ( which i dont follow religiously, i learned more firsthand than i ever did out of the book) because it is a RELIABLE source and better than quoting something outta someone elses post who can claim to know what they are talking about but could also be posting something they saw in another post which is a problem here, the passing around of heresay. hope this helps good luck


Active member
you got to word your words carefully you always know that someone will take your words and twist them. So i will rephrase. the original question was whether a plants age matters when taking clones and the answer is yes. If you take a clone from a one month old plant compared to a two month the one month old plant would still have to be vegetated a little while longer while the 2 month old should already have shown sex and can go immeidiately into flower.

wrong again.

showing sex is just that... the sex of the plant. you can flower a plant 12/12 from seed without knowing the sex, its just that you MAY get a male in there that you have to cull.... the difference between the 1 month and two month is just the vegetation size of the plant... thats all...

so yes a 2 month vegged plant will yield more than a 1 month vegged plant of the same genetics.... but thats obvious and has nothing to do with the clones and cannabinoid content.

so in that situation the age of source DOES matter. as for the difference in potency from a 2 month old to a 6 month old.listen carefully, A CANNABIS PLANT DOES NOT REACH ITS FULL CANNABINIOD POTENTIAL UNTIL IT IS SIX MONTHS OLD ,

lol says who? the cannabible? so whats up with the plants that are grown from clone straight to 12/12? does it lack in potency if compared to the exact same plant thats been vegged for 6 months?

but will not continue to increase in potency with age after that , meaning if you keep it for ten+ years it is not going to be one hit quit like stated ^
so why is 6 months the magic number? obviously if cannabinoid production increases in this time, why does it stop? there must be a logical scientific explanation. What does the Growers Bible say about why it stops after 6 months?

i qoute this from the bible, ( which i dont follow religiously, i learned more firsthand than i ever did out of the book) because it is a RELIABLE source and better than quoting something outta someone elses post who can claim to know what they are talking about but could also be posting something they saw in another post which is a problem here, the passing around of heresay. hope this helps good luck

huh? you made that about as confusing to read as possible, I digress.

hearsay is when you get info from someone (growers bible), unverified by you, then tell people here that it is true as fact... THAT is where mis-information comes from.

I've taken THOUSANDS of clones, replenished mothers as I see fit, and STILL have the exact same nugs as an end result product.

oh and I didnt twist your words, I quoted you word for word. :yes:


OK I dusted of the old bible here is a quote from the Vegetative Growth Section of the Marijuana Horticulture Indoor/Outdoor Growers Bible. I type the whole mother section so it easier to understand it kinda long but this should answer your question.


Mother Plants
Any plant can be cloned, regardless of age or growth stage. Take clones from mother plants that are at least two months old. Plants cloned before they are two months old may develop unevenly and grow slowly. Clones taken from flowering plants root quickly but require a month or longer to revert back to vegetative growth. Such rejuvenated clones occasionally flower prematurely, and buds are more prone to pest and disease attacks.
Any female can become a mother. She can be grown from seed or be a clone of a clone of clones more than 20 times ! That is, Clones (C-1) were taken from the original female grown from seed. These clones were grown in the vegetative stage, and clones (C-2) weretaken from first clones (C-1). Blooming was induced in (C-1) two weeks later and (c-2) grown in the vegetative stage. Then, clones (c-3) were taken from the second clones (C-2). This same growing technique is still going on with clones of clones well past (C-20) and there has been no apparent breakdown in the potency or vigor of the clones. However, If mothers suffer stress, they produce weak clones. Mothers that are forced to flower and revert back to vegetative growth not only yield less, they are stressed and confused. Clones that grow poorly are generally the result of poor, unsanitary cloning practices.
A clone is an exact genetic replica of the mother plant. Each mother’s cells carries a DNA blueprint of itself . Radiation, chemicals, and poor cultural practices can damage the DNA. Unless damaged, the DNA remains intact.
A female plant will produce 100 percent females, all exactly like the mother. When grown in the exact same environment, clones from the same mother look alike. But the same clones subjected to distinct environments in different growrooms will often look different.
A six-month old plant produces more cannabiniods than a one month old plant. By cloning, a horticulturist is planting THC-potent plant that will continue to grow in potency at a very rapid rate. A month –old rooted clone acts exactly like a four monthg old plant and can be induced easily to flower with a 12-hour photperiod.
Keep several mother plants in the vegetative stage for a consistent source of cloning stock. Start new mothers from seed every year. Give mother plants 18-24 hours of light per day to maintain fast growth. For best results, give mothers about ten percent less nitrogen, because less nitrogen promotes rooting in clones.

End Qoute

Ok there it is. I knew that I was going to get heat from it because it isn’t a well known fact, but it is fact. That guy has wrote like twenty books on weed that are translate into like ten different languages . That is what I consider a reliable source .so sry ourcee you wont change my mind. hope this helps you gonzo dont let him rob you of good information. anyone who owns this book please turn to the bottom of pg 41 and second this^


stone fool
OK, first the 2, 6 month thing. Many strains will be more potent in the clone crop after the seed crop, not all, but some do. I attribute this to maturity, but I have only my own testing to go on. Also some will flower quicker than they did from seed, again maturity.

Clone mother age does not matter, but health and metabolism at the time of cloning does. The metabolism thing is why many of us have come to take clones after a week in flower, they are kicking into growth. Or that is what I think after many crops of observation and testing, and trying to understand what I see.

Also, rarely, a strain will kick up potency a notch after a year or two, I think it is a combination of genetics and stress from some minor plant disease, this may be wrong, have only seen it happen once.


just don't molest my colas..
Has anyone read the article in Treating Yourself Magazine about Ed Rosenthal and others Cannabusinessmen intentionally spreading misinformation, selling products to "dumb stoners" all while trying to genetically modify seeds they produce to hermaphodites and less potent plants by the 4th generation of clones. It was pretty mind blowing. And that information above from the bible seems like bullshit.


did you read in treating yourself where they spell out samtheskunkman as cia?


what about clones that are cloned year after year and passed around? i have purple kush and it seems to grow slower than anything else ive done.

the uk cheese is 21 years old and its one of the fastest growing plants ive seen.


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Sometimes the stretch in the first 7-10 days of flower is the only thing that gets me clonable bottom branches; depends on the strain. Nice thing I've found to be true... that far in, those lowest branches aren't really 'flowering' yet - I don't experience reveg symptoms at all. (Once I cut at 17, though, and that time I sure did.) I note all my clones' rooting times and have observed no difference whatsoever in the 10-day'ers vs. clones cut in veg.

As for potency... well, my clone runs come out better than my seedplants. Of course, my second run with a 3-year-old clone was better than the first one, too, so the dial-in is a major factor.

That said, I do feel intuitively that maturity - at least the first 6 months which represent a 'natural' growing season - likely plays a role. There's too much anecdotal evidence to just dismiss offhand, anyhow. But once the plant is a full-blown 'adult' I would be skeptical that anything changes.



Active member
yes some plants will increase in potency after being genetically 6 months olds, some people on here are saying well my CLONE isnt 6 months old from being a clone, but a clone is the same age as the mother plant, rez recommended that if you arent exactly happy with the first run of the seed plant to try and run clones before ditching it and buying more seeds for a keeper, clones generally flower faster and can produce optimal yield under good conditions, why does trainwreck flower so fast but not in alot of crosses? because trainwreck is a really old clone, even pseudo trainwreck seeds wont flower as fast