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Clever way to ditch all my bud in an emergency.

Hey everyone!, I'm in an unusual situation this year and need ideas of how to quickly dispose of all bud in the event of a raid. This would be during the drying ,curing phase. I don't have equipment at this location to worry about , just the buds hanging in cardboard boxes. Other than keeping a constant fire going in the fireplace ( it's still too hot) or a vat of acid (joking) does anyone have an idea , how to destroy it all in a matter of a couple of minutes? I realize this sounds paranoid, but I absolutely cannot risk losing my property over this.:hide:

Guest 315072

lets see.. first off.. if this is ur first time drying in the area.. and ur using something to cover up the smell. ur just paranoid... not to mention.. y not rent a hotel.. or motel for a couple weeks.. bring a can fan.. and a carbon filter with u .. and put it in the bathroom.. and relax and not worry about your property!? or stop being paranoid.. keep the smell down . dont act suspiscous and ull be ok man
Smell is not the issue, and I could dry inside or outside. I'm in a remote area that is fenced and gated, i guess im just worried about someone turning me in.

Al Botross

Active member
ICMag Donor
call all your stoner buddys, and say "Free Weed just get it Out of Here."

Problem solved!


I absolutely cannot risk losing my property over this.

Regardless of WHAT you do, as long as your buds are on your property, you are taking a risk. So, if risk is not an option, don't dry your buds on your property. Period.

Risk is something every cannabis cultivator must come to grips with, as it is still a controlled substance as far as the feds are concerned. The ONLY way to eliminate the risk is to avoid the cannabis, however, that's not practical, so the focus becomes risk reduction, rather than elimination.

Do what you can to reduce the risk, and you'll be fine. There's a lot of truth in the security mantra that goes:

NO tell........
NO smell.............
NO sell...............

Abide by those 3 alone and your chances of getting nicked decrease substantially.

Luck to you.



Lil skunk, honestly, the only way to really protect yourself on such short notice is to not have the product there at all.


Was reading this thread and saw the balloon idea....LOL! man helium -good quality- balloon...you could let a P fly with no lawyer fee's!

ABSOLUTE GENIUS! honestly, I have a helium tank and balloons that I keep on hand because I like to launch balloons on holidays....I know it sounds peculiar but I really do. I'm gonna test with pine cones to see how much weight the balloons can carry... I can fill prob 5 balloons in about 90 seconds. if they can carry a couple of lbs, I,m set! but I would still like more suggestions from y'all in case this doesn't work!...I just knew I could count on the ingenuity of icmag readers!:dance013:

bench warmer

Dry ice it.
Pulverize into fine powder.
Mix it with plaster.
Make a life sized statue of a cop getting corn-holed by a giant pig.
Seal in the aroma with a sealant.
Paint it.
Set it in your living room.
Tell cops they can have their turn with the pig if they sign a MJ legalization petition.
:thank you:mcfly420........you are just awesome

if it happens at night , they won't even see the ballons fly away!
if it happens at day, they can't hardly fly after them
only bad , if it's raining , cuz balloons won't fly


Active member
burn barrel. make a few holes in bottom . have flammable liquid nearbye. if your seen you will be charged with tampering \destroying evidence or some bullshit.you would need alot of helium and baloons . a woodstove inside works too. but you will reek up the neighborhood is the wind is blowing the right way.maybe hy acid in the bathtub like a body.


Freedom Fighter
Out of all the raids I have personally been in, and the many I have talked with friends who have been through...none have had more than 15 or 20 seconds to do anything...mostly just the sound of the door being kicked in--
It is not like they will call you, and say, "We will be there in 5 minutes!!"
They will sneak up, and come crashing in-- Very, very seldom will you have a minute or 2 to get rid of stuff--
Sorry to be a bummer...just being real--:tiphat:


Destruction of evidence is a felony.

I'm not saying don't destroy evidence, but try not to get caught destroying evidence.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I agree you wont have time to do anything if there coming after you.. KNOCK KNOCK ITS THE SHERIF WE HAVE A SEARCH WARRENT BANG THE DOOR GETS KICKED IN 30 SEC MAX...IF YOU HAVE A DOG THEY WILL KILL IT....