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Clean Dirt in the future? (Serious Discussion Only)


Active member
well peat comes from the outdoors too . wouldnt it get contaminated too just like everything else? am i missing something
Peat is "sorta" mined. They're old deposits of swamp/bog matter that's been around for quite some time.

The contamination would come from contaminated rain and from being outside and exposed to fallout while being processed. At this point the amount of contamination would be very low.

Tell em to plant plenty of weed: That's what the Russians did at Chernobyl.

Hemp has been shown to "eat" radioactivity at Chernobyl. Hemp is proving to be one of the best phyto-remediative plants in the world. These plants have the ability to decontaminate soil by absorbing and/or trapping pollutants ranging from radiation and pesticides to solvents and toxins leaching from landfills.

This is actually one of the main concerns in the coming years. Since cannabis IS such a massive bio accumulator of heavy metals it is extremely important that we keep our meds clean.
I'm almost looking at growing hemp in my dirt... before growing cannabis in it. Granted it will be a number of years before it will be this bad but..... this Fukushit isn't going away any time soon.


my suggestion is to keep growing in what you like, life is kinda short to be woried about metal particles of mass destruction
id be worried for the next generations tho..
what a crazy world to be born into people gettin cancer out the ass from our own damn sun that is some fuct up shit


nature is resilient, I'm not worried about the earth getting destroyed as much as I worry about the earth transforming into a place not suitable for human life anymore.

If that is the case, maybe it is appropriate to grow and smoke radioactive bud to clean the soil and maybe enough of it would mutate you in some way to help you adapt to the new environment while you smoke your radioactivity resistant strains of nuggets.


Active member
opened a can eh Hydro-Soil?

interesting.....i love how people can think yer overreacting.....

the bitch about this is, well folks.....it aint over. that ONE plant is gonna leak radiation for a long time. people dont understand that the situation gets worse every.single. day and will continue on that path for ....at the very least - weeks........let alone the other plant(s) in japan that are operating on backup power due to the aftershock which some 'experts' are saying could be coming around, at that intensity, for several months..

dont worry about it cuz there aint a friggin thing you can do about it. grow it and smoke it.:comfort:
the price you pay for living in the most advanced society the earth has ever seen....HAR!


weed fiend
people dont understand that the situation gets worse every.single. day and will continue on that path for ....at the very least - weeks........

Media is reporting months to contain and years to detoxify the site. After that we'll still have a legacy of radiation.

Thing is, we really don't know what's gonna happen, other than what's already taken place. Everything else is a guess, including doomsday scenarios. That's the understanding, as little as it may be.
Anyone with some useful information that actually knows a thing or two and understands the future we're facing?

Thanks for the negative rep.
I think its childish to start a thread asking for a serious discussion then when someone shares an opposing opinion you give them negative rep. If u want a discussion then you need to atleast allow people to share there opinions whether your open to them or not, is your choice. Sounds like you only want facts that support your opinion.
Well a little negative rep isnt gunna stop me from posting

You will gain more radiation on a 20 minute flight than you will living on the west coast of america after the nuclear meltdown

An MRI introduces you to levels of radiation at 2000% more than the nuclear meltdown radiation from japan while living on the west coast.

Even with the increasing levels of radiation, life expectancy will still continue to go up

Now im sure your going to dispute these facts, but dont worry im not gunna give you negative rep for sharing your opinion lol


3rd-Eye Jedi
its not totally inappropriate of a thought

not the peat bogs based in canada and us

but local pacific aquaculture used in gardening, kelp etc


Well-known member
Lets put some perspective on this

Between 1946 and 1958, the US detonated 67 nuclear devices in the Marshall Islands. One of these, codenamed Castle Bravo was the biggest device ever detonated by the US. 15 megatons, with a fireball roughly 4.5 miles across and visible from 250 miles away. It was 1000 times more powerful than either of the bombs dropped on Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

The largest nuclear bomb ever tested was a 50 megaton device tested by the Soviet Union in 1961. That one was roughly 4000 times larger than Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

These were mostly above ground or underwater tests. In 1963, major nuclear powers signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, which restricted tests to underground.

The US, China, Russia, France and the UK all did underground testing until the mid 90's.

And we can't forget what happened in Chernobyl.

What is leaking in Japan is miniscule in comparison to the amount of radiation we have released between the first bomb tested in 1945 and ending with the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty of 1996.

As a Welder, I am far more concerned with the amount of UV radiation I deal with daily, which can cause cataracts and cancer without the appropriate protection. Not to mention the daily dose we get every day when the sun rises. The magnetosphere and atmosphere does not protect us entirely from space radiation.
What is leaking in Japan is miniscule in comparison to the amount of radiation we have released between the first bomb tested in 1945 and ending with the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty of 1996.

Very True!

Cherenoble shows how wildlife adapts to situations, if anyones interested heres a great documentary on the cherenoble aftermath.

To the op, if your so worried about nuclear energy (and the negative aspects that come along with it) i suggest you stop adding to the energy demand problems with all your grow lights and start powering your grows by candle light, becuse anything else is just hypocritical. One Lumen per candle hehe
If radiation becomes a problem here in North America or world wide, I wouldn't be worried about what I'm smoking I would be worried about what I am eating. You will die way faster from ether no food or contaminated food & water.


Well we have definately passed the point of no return. In my opinion what we have been doing for the pass couple hundred years has been fucking shit up.

Instead of being one with the planet we rape and pillage it.

In the end the Earth will be fine and mankind will be lost, that really is the final conclusion.
Whether in 2012 or 20,000 years from now.

It makes me laugh when I see people saying we are killing are planet, when really we are slowly comminting suicide, one papercut at a time.
so may things are fucked that we havent got word of. i so wish man would get rid of imaginary friends for adults(gods) and just grow n take responsibility n enjoy the life.

anybody into grounding? we sit infront of a pc for hours a day while are feet are off the earth and not getting free electrons that are negatively charged, thats bascially a recipe for cancer, never been kids who used the internet since age 7 and were checked out at 30 yet, will see what happens in the coming decades from over use of computers as well.


Kiss My Ring
how the hell did this happen?

soon the pc police will be around to confiscate your cancer causing components.
how the hell did this happen?

soon the pc police will be around to confiscate your cancer causing components.

the pseudo terror threats are going to move to the online community in the coming years, expect the atempt to shut it down n control coming to a town near u any day now, the boogie man is going digital.


weed fiend
On point (with) parallel analogy...

On point (with) parallel analogy...

I've always heard (from one particularly special lobby) that guns don't kill people, people kill people. Also - in responsible hands, even a loaded gun is safe. Profit has so corrupted that fundamental philosophy that the same lobby works to allow (concealed) guns in church, college campuses, national parks and other public locations.

The responsible gun owner is included with the mentally ill and several other categories that suggest background checks are necessary. This same lobby seeks to blur the lines by resisting all but the minimal checks at gun shows. Not to mention untold numbers of weapons being transferred to Mexico.

I'd like to know the gun lobbies' reaction to stiffer regulation of international trafficking where guns are primarily used to commit large-scale crime.

I'm neither gun nut nor anti-firearms. I personally own firearms. IMO, the gun industry has a responsibility to actively protect the rest of us from the bad element of their profit base. IMO, if and when industry falls into neglect, regulation is necessary. We can't do this in retroactive piece-meal fashion like the Gulf disaster.

More and more, we've allowed big oil executives to handle their own safety interests. This is in direct conflict of profit.

In responsible hands, the nuclear-energy industry is like the responsibly handled gun. Like the gun, nuclear can also kill people, given the circumstances.

We not only have nuclear advocacy from national and local governments, we also have the lobbies that work to affect nuclear cost controls. The same motivation for profits compels the nuclear industry to cut similar corners that keeps guns in irresponsible hands. These cut corners are motivated by profit, in the form of resistance to government regulation.

I'm neither pro nor anti-nuclear. I recognize that over the decades, infinitesimal amounts of power have been generated from nuclear energy. By and large, safety is in responsible hands. But the compromises made in the quest for profits ultimately water down the regulation necessary to minimize accidental fallout.

Good thing we have the google to quickly and easily observe statistical data that suggests far less people die from guns when guns aren't as prolific. I reserve the word saturated for the US.

Three-Mile Island isn't the only nuclear accident suffered in the US. We've had multiple radiation leaks that for unknown reasons never got national, much less global attention as TMI. I wouldn't consider it a stretch to suggest that the nuclear industry has worked to squelch coverage of post-TMI accidents.

IMO, it's the industry that perpetuates Japan's jeopardy. Even if the expertise lies within the industry, government needs to advent it's own experts to step in where industry fails.

If you hate government but love your quality of life, I hope you're not imagining that Japanese government, even global-agency intervention is against your best interests. It's about the only alternative available should TEPCO fail to react responsibly and expediently.

We saw what BP did when their blowout-preventer didn't prevent their blowout. We watched while the same industry reinvented the band aid that stopped the disaster. We can't react in the same fashion with deadly radiation.

When government seeks to protect the safety and welfare of it's people, profits are (unfortunately) affected. So much, the pro-gun lobbies vow that government ultimately wants a gun-free populous. The pro-nuclear lobbies declare that w/o subsidies, nuclear energy would be too expensive an alternative. Regulation has been watered down to the point that we have reactors built along fault lines. Not to mention that state-of-the-art designs aren't implemented because it "costs too much". In addition, the less-than ridged protocols necessary to prevent accidents that are preventable.

IMO, the nuclear industry has the best of both worlds. The industry enjoys subsidy while lobbying to allow more self-checks than government checks for profit.

The home inspector makes sure your own home passes code so the contractor doesn't cut unsafe corners. When it comes to nuclear, cutting unsafe corners affects the home and the globe.

I can understand there are some of us here that feel disaster is eminent. I also understand some of us mistrust government. What's hard to fathom is the idea that fallout is intentional and but one form of euthanasia. IMO, we have am radio to thank for the endless conspiracies. IMO, even if the crisis in Japan turns out better than expected, conspiracy theorists will go on to the next so-called abomination.

If one is peaceful, I can fathom even the most-extreme views. I know that some of us hate government. We have elements of government that don't make sense in the macro but have underlying micro reasons. In some cases, even micro aspects aren't justified.

IMO, we would all benefit by recognizing that compromise has to be effective in order to best serve us all. IMO, government isn't the enemy any more than business. It's the human element that compromises each and thus, us. Positive compromise, (aspect oriented) has been hijacked by negative compromise, (personally oriented.) Rant off.
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