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City guerilla grow


Active member
rippers suck. thats why i dont grow outdoors in so cal.did both grows get ripped or just one.they must of been dumbasses as the buds were nowhere near done


bastard rippers, damn scum lowlife parasites. so depressing to see your hard work not just stolen stolen before it was even ready. was it just that one plant they stole? hope they don't keep coming back and stealing more. maybe set up a game camera so you can find out who is stealing it. best of luck.


Well-known member
They stolen one plant of Erdbeer, one Lowkiller and half of Thaifun Horizon. There is 16 other plants, wich start to flower in this time. These three flowers were early genetic...
I devised plan yesterday with my friend in the pub:), because they will come back! We will write a message to the rippers, that we poisoned onely some buds and onely we know wich are! Than I hope, that they will not risk...
I think it isnt bad plan, but they can be fuckers and destroy all field...

There is some litle up from second field. I wasnt there for more than month, because I hurt my ancle. I thought it is bad, but it was worst that I expect...
This year isnt so good!:)

Danny boy

Da Purps

White Russian



California orange

The Purps



get some game cameras, then at least you will get a pic sent to your phone when some one is there. seems like you guys have the skills to set that up cheap. game cameras will activate when there is movement, with some tinkering you can get the pic sent to your phone. it's like an alarm system and it gives a pic of the evil waste of air rippers, so you can track them down and get your trees back with any luck it's a few kids and you can really teach them a lesson.


Well-known member
I'm sorry that I did not finish this thread. Last year ended very badly, some kind of pervert kidnapped and murdered a little girl about 1 km from our field. Cops searched everything and found and destroyed our flowers ...
I was not in the mood that's tread finish...


DAMN dude, fucking perverts thats a brutal way to lose a crop. Hope that guy gets raped and killed in prison.

rocket high

Active member
sorry to hear that bad news Mightyka those plants were looking ace as well, Are you going to start a OD again this year ?

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