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Citizens To Be Imprisoned Without Charge Or Trial

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Mayor Bloomberg says he has "his own army" here:


I guess the Mayor never read the US Constitution which states:

ONLY CONGRESS HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DECLARE WAR and money for standing armies may not be appropriated for more than two years: U.S. Constitution Article. I. Section. 8. I.e. The U.S. Constitution clearly dictates that there will be no standing army in the U.S. other than when Congress declares war which shall not be for more than two years.


Damn those fuckers :moon: I surely hope it does get vetoed! This country is becoming a totalitarian state quick. Minority report isn't that far fetched anymore :dunno:
Obama is the Black Face for the New World Order. Our Gobment is very smart. During bush they knew Americans were fed up. On the verge of a revolution. So what did they do? They tricked every dumb ass that things were changing cause there is a "Black Man" running for president. Every brain dead american who was up in arms, all relaxed after Obama the savior was elected. In the begining I felt Obama was going to be used as a tool. They would let him fail to implement race wars. Use the race card to divide our country even farther. I laugh to myself every time I see young people wearing Obama shirts. Americans cannot see past race. They are blinded and cannot see who he really is. Just look at who he looks up to.


Active member
Exactly right, as they prepare another stooge to elect and serve their interests.....Obama was a 'mole' (Republican) from day one;
Democrats aint smart enough for that....

Obama is the Black Face for the New World Order. Our Gobment is very smart. During bush they knew Americans were fed up. On the verge of a revolution. So what did they do? They tricked every dumb ass that things were changing cause there is a "Black Man" running for president. Every brain dead american who was up in arms, all relaxed after Obama the savior was elected. In the begining I felt Obama was going to be used as a tool. They would let him fail to implement race wars. Use the race card to divide our country even farther. I laugh to myself every time I see young people wearing Obama shirts. Americans cannot see past race. They are blinded and cannot see who he really is. Just look at who he looks up to.


Active member
Since the Constitution says this:

ONLY CONGRESS HAS THE AUTHORITY TO DECLARE WAR and money for standing armies may not be appropriated for more than two years: U.S. Constitution Article. I. Section. 8. I.e. The U.S. Constitution clearly dictates that there will be no standing army in the U.S. other than when Congress declares war which shall not be for more than two years.


Since there can be no 'standing army'
How can the army hold us in "indefinite detention" ?

EDIT: Proves their laws mean nothing; just like every

Treaty they broke with native amerikans

& the World treaty (won't destroy chemical weapons)

One last thing I would like to ay. There will never be justice on stolen land!


Active member

Top members of Congress are secretly meeting now to try to figure out how to jam through a dangerous bill before Christmas.

Their main focus? Legislation authorizing this president and all future presidents to order the U.S. military to pick up and imprison people, including U.S. citizens — without charging them or putting them on trial.

We need you to take immediate action to prevent our country from becoming a place where the military can throw a person in jail and let him or her waste away without charge or trial. (Do not forward: This link will open a page with your information already filled in.)

Let's be clear about what this proposal really is: no due process, no trial, and no proof beyond a reasonable doubt — and indefinite military imprisonment based on suspicion alone.

A handful of senators secretly came up with this outrageous indefinite detention provision and attached it to the National Defense Authorization Act. And an even smaller group of House members forced through the House of Representatives a law for worldwide war, and worldwide imprisonment, in virtually any country where a terrorism suspect lives, even here in America itself.

The House and the Senate are now rushing to come up with a joint version of the bill and ram it through Congress within the next two weeks.

We know Congress is starting to hear from people who are outraged by this proposal. And if we continue to keep the pressure on, we can stop this. But it's going to take all of us.

Contact your members of Congress right now. Urge them to vote against indefinite detention and unlimited worldwide war authority legislation.

The Secretary of Defense, the Directors of the FBI and CIA, and national security experts from both Democratic and Republican administrations have argued against this extreme measure. But, as you read this, secret talks in Congress to force it quickly to final passage continue unabated.

Only a huge public outcry can prevent Congress from crossing a dangerous line that is a direct affront to everything we believe in.

Final action on this bill could come at any moment. Whether you've acted on this issue before or not, we need you to speak up now. Please contact your members of Congress immediately.

With urgency,

Chris Anders, ACLU
Senior Legislative Counsel


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You're a tool. Like a shovel.

You provide no input of your own, you do what the wielder dictates. A shovel doesn't care if it damages soil, gravel, snow or the head of your child (though I doubt you're old enough to have any yet.)

You're a tool in the same way with the socialist drivel you're sucking up and spewing out without any processing going on.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
You r ignorant and hijacking an important thread.

Please go back to your sandbox......

You have nothing to offer but flames.....nothing to offer;

that makes YOU their tool.


Active member
You r ignorant and hijacking an important thread.

Please go back to your sandbox......

You have nothing to offer but flames.....nothing to offer;

that makes YOU their tool.

The only thing you have to offer is pressing Ctrl and C, then pasting by pressing Ctrl and V.

Silly kid, take a shower


Rubbing my glands together
Just relax folks. Keep on voting for your favorite Dem or Repub and everything will be alright.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Obama is a socialist... he won't veto this.

he really isn't to the left as most people think... they just wanna say that cuz they are unhappy he is president...

here's a pic that shows where he falls on a political compass. he really is a moderate conservative....

take the test yourself and compare... google 'political compass'



Active member
charts to show we're he 'stands'?

seriously, one of the oldest plays in the books, and obviously still quite effective; divide*conquer

i havent been perusing the icmag forearms ina while, but i must say it surprises me to see people talking about "left/right"........and "socialists"

is obama a socialist? who really cares? do you think you(anybody)really knows what a socialist is? the "socialists" hold the conch a few years, then the "conservatives" hold it.....two sides of the same flattened out cowpie/coin.

no such thing. there are people with money and power. to keep such titles and baubles, they present us with oxygen thieves to vote for, various "revolutions" to get behind to make us feel worthy. bush/obama/mitt are all the same face, always has been....and always will be until the wheels come off the trackl(soonish)

so please, no more talk about the left/right fantasy dichotomies PLEASE.......

wanna make your vote count? dont vote.

or, if'n they want ron paul to be in the (s)elections, vote for him. that way, when you see how ineffectual he will/would be in office, more people will understand the total buffoonery our .gov is.

im not an RP basher, just sayin if he gets in office itsa big red herring. you think the bankers can let somebody in that'll curtail profits? not a chance


Active member
Another 'mole' troll with nothing to offer on the subject..

you b crying 4 mommy in the GULAG;

oh wait u work 4 them........

EDIT: I don't see you post ANYTHING important.

The only thing you have to offer is pressing Ctrl and C, then pasting by pressing Ctrl and V.

Silly kid, take a shower


Active member
The only thing you have to offer is pressing Ctrl and C, then pasting by pressing Ctrl and V.

Silly kid, take a shower

ResinRyder said:
Just relax folks. Keep on voting for your favorite Dem or Repub and everything will be alright.

:laughing: That made my morning. :D

Here's a great primer video that illustrates what's been happening to our country for a LONG time. Better to know what's happening at present... when you're more aware of what was happening in the past.


Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:



I thought new lows were sunk to when prisoners of war became enemy combatants...

POWS have rights, can't be tortured, etc. - ec's are screwed...

Guess what US enemies are gonna call ones THEY take prisoner now - they aren't, because they WON'T take prisoners now, they're gonna shoot 'em, and say NOTHING...

Jeez, guys - wtf are your leaders thinkin'???

Sad shit - scary times - sad, shitty, scary times...


Active member

I thought new lows were sunk to when prisoners of war became enemy combatants...

POWS have rights, can't be tortured, etc. - ec's are screwed...

Guess what US enemies are gonna call ones THEY take prisoner now - they aren't, because they WON'T take prisoners now, they're gonna shoot 'em, and say NOTHING...

Jeez, guys - wtf are your leaders thinkin'???

Sad shit - scary times - sad, shitty, scary times...



May your race always be in your favor
The gubmint is not going to allow any dissent, and pot smokers are already terrorists in some minds in Washington.
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