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This Summers Outdoor Plans - GUERILLA BOG!!!! Feedback appreciated!!


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Hey everybody, its been awhile since I've started a thread now and I thought now would be a great time!! I have some plans for the outdoor season in my area this summer (43°N lat). I have 2 seperate possible locations picked out, and I plan on doing a Guerrilla-style grow in both, and I'm starting from seed. :D
.....These strains are a definate:

- BOG's BLUSH (aka Blue Kush, aka BlueMoonRocks X SourBubble)
- Random Blueberyy : I'm also currently germinating 3 bagseeds from a superrrr good bag of BlueBerry.. Buds were very fruity/juicy smelling, tasted sweet/hashy, bright green dense buds with lots of chrystals, got me stoned as hell
- Reg-Grade : Also germinating about 15 bagseeds from bags of midis and other regular-grade bud I've built up over the months, these will mostly be testers for fun, don't expect a lot from them but maybe a nice surprise :)

....These strains are a maybe, (if I have the funds and ability to pick them up soon enough):

- BOG's SOUR LIFESAVER (aka Sour Saver, aka Lifesaver X SourBubble?)
- BOG's SourBubble (a favorite)
- BOG's Lifesaver

As you can see, I'm a big fan of BOG genetics and have had some luck with them outdoors before!! :)
.........Both locations I have in mind are pretty "woodsy" with lots of trees but theres a lot of clearings, some if which I hope to use. My idea is to put about 3-5 plants in each individual spot (leaving at least 3 yards between each plant). And I'm thinking I'll do up to 8 spots in each seperate location, so at the most I'll start with about 75 plants..

But more realistically, I'd like to have about 40 plants scattered in groups of 3 or 4 throughout my 2 locations I have in mind. I want to aim towards 20 females to harvest in the fall, so I'll start with about 50 plants from seed. :joint:

...I'm going to keep it real cheap and simple. :D
For each plant, I plan to dig a hole about 2foot deep, and about 1x1.5ft length X width. I plan to use a mix of about 60% light potting soil, 10-25% natural soil from grow site, 15-30% PERLITE for drainage, but this is subject to change a little bit.
I will figure out my actual ratios later, but the NUTRIENTS I plan to use in addition are:

- Bloodmeal: added to soil for the holes outside, (Nitrogen)
- Bonemeal: added to the soil in the holes
- Superthrive: added to water, (throughout veg, early flower)
- Wormcastings: added to soil
- I will figure out more nutrients for FLOWERING when the time comes.

I'm starting from SEED and most likely germinating with paper towels, than putting them in a light soil mix in plastic cups til there big enough to put outside. I won't start putting them outside until they are 2 weeks old, and will be putting them outside in incriments begining somewhere in Mid-May, with the last plants going out in Mid-June at the very latest. :bump:
........... I will wait untill the plants are at least 2 weeks old from the time I see the first leaves, or until they have enough growth and are stable enough to go outside in their holes. They will have at LEAST a month to vegetate outdoors before they will start showing sex, sometime in mid-August. I'm planning for a harvest sometime in October.

That's all I can think of for now!! I have the 3 BlueBerry seeds germinating (one already showing a tail), and about 15 of the various bagseeds germinating.. BOG's BLUSH is on its way, and other strains are a possibility!! :bump:
...................................... I can use all the advice I can get from anybody as its been awhile and I'm a bit rusty!! Wish me luck, and thanks in advance!! :D :D
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I'll have pics soon but right now theres not much to see, besides germinating seeds. Of the 18 seeds I have germinating after 24 hours, 1 of the 3 blueberry seeds has a tail twice the length of the seed (this one has the most progress haha), and 3 of the 15 other bagseeds have cracked but the tails aren't popping out yet. :)

And to clear up a few things, I think I'm going to do each plant in a hole about 14x14inches. And I obviously won't put them in the holes until the seedlings have grown into small plants and are well established in their plastic cups, growing in my windowsill/under CFLs/outside in the sun, until I put them in their holes with nutrients.

I'm gonna go buy some regular light potting soil and perlite tommorow to start my plants off in their plastic cups.. Wheres the good cheap stuff????
......I'm also gonna pick up some superthrive to start the plants in early veg and some blood meal for Nitrogen, which will be mixed in with the soil for the ground holes. Will probably grab some bone meal and other nutrients later on. I'm thinking about copper wire to keep away slugs. But tommorow I'm probably only grabbing soil and superthrive to start, low on cash..

Obviously, my name brand BOG strains have the best outdoor spots reserved for their presence!! I wish time could speed up, I'm so eager to really get this going!! :D
......I could really use alllllllllll the advice, suggestions, tips, tricks, and anything I can get!! All the help is appreciated :joint:


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BOG genetics outdoors

BOG genetics outdoors

Here's a few pics from a SourBubbleBX3 I had outdoors a few years ago.. She EXPLODED when she hit the dirt and got some real sun!! Hoping for similar results this year on a larger scale.. :blowbubbles:

It seems like my best pics from late flower in that grow aren't showing up in my gallery. These are all obviously from very early flower, and you can see bugs/slugs were feeding on those huge SB leaves


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Does Anybody Have ANYTHING to say?? I'm seeing a lot of views but no replys :eek: :(

The Random BLUEBERRY and 2 random bagseeds had tails long enough, so about an hour ago I planted them in a mixture of seed starter and natural native soil from my garden. There at least 7 other sprouts but the tails aren't long enough to where I'd want to plant them in soil, I'll probably plant 5 more tommorow. :D
....Due to limited space and the random unknown genetics I'm starting right now, after a few weeks of growth I'll mostly likely kill off the runts and stunted plants and keep the good, strong, indica looking plants to go outside. But when my BOG genetics come in, they will ALL be going outside for sure!! I'll start a new thread when that happens.. :joint:

Pics coming soon!!!! I'm surprised I haven't gotten any feedback yet..... ;(
.... Anybody have any comments, suggestions, questions on my plan, or any feedback of any kind????
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*Stoned User*
Hey marcellas... Ill be lurking for sure. :lurk: That is a killer variety of seeds. :good:

AS far as soil goes I like to go garden centers because they have the best selection although not necessarily the cheapest. If you want some cheap soil then I would check the area for people either giving away or selling dirt. There are lots of farms around here that I always see that give free dirt away. And it is usually really good, fertile soil... at least better than what I can get at the garden centers for a fraction of the price. :)

Perlite, EWC, kelp, and bone/blood meals are the only things you really need imo. Mix in the soil, make teas, topdress and youll have everything there for a successful harvest. Maybe some guano teas as well. I try to stay away from pre-bottled ferts as they just are not needed if you have fertile native soil and some good amendments.

So Im tuned in for this one. :canabis:



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thanks for the input guys.. im still working out what im going to do for a soil mix, and its gonna be tough as ive been very limited on cash lately. im going to have to try to do something affordable but effective.

i have 3 germinated seeds with small roots planted in a mix of my native soil and a seed-starter soil (1 of the BLUEBERRY bagseed, and 2 other random bagseed), in plastic cups in my window sill. 5 of my other random bagseeds have germinated and will probably be planted tommorow, but no more Blueberry's have germinated..

I'll be switching the plastic cups between my windowsill and CFLs until their big enough in a few weeks to go in there holes outside. Hopefully I'll be getting my BLUE KUSH in the mail sometime this week and can get started on those :D

pics and updates coming soon!! :joint:


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I just added 2 seeds into my moist paper towels to germinate!! They came from a bag of some reallllly bomb homegrown stuff, bright green buds with a sweet, almost bitter/piney smell and taste with a great stoney high!! Hopefully they grow into nice indica females outdoors with some nice big frosty buds :D

Still waiting on BOG's BLUSH in the mail so I can start germinating those.. I think I see a tail about to pop out on another Blueberry and a bunch of the random mixed bagseeds are showing long tails and are ready to plant.
..... So with the Blueberry and 2 random bagseeds in soil waiting to pop out, and another Blueberry and 2 New High-Quality Seeds possibly germinating, and the other 7 or so random bagseeds ready to plant and other random bagseeds still germinating, I have about 15 possible plants to get ready for the outdoors so far!! And I'm aiming to get 40 plants in the ground :joint:

......Still waiting on some more feedback!! I know this thread is lacking pics, is a lot to read, and my project is just beginning; but pics and progress are coming soon and some comments, advice, tips, suggestions, or anything would be awesome!! :eek: :D


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8 seedlings in the native soil/seed-starter mix in seperate plastic cups under low CFL light!! And I will be switching them between CFLs and my window to get used to natural outdoor sunlight. 3 more seeds with roots ready to plant, and 7 more still waiting to germinate :)

Still waiting on my BOG seeds.. If I don't get any more feedback from anybody I'm just going to use this thread for my personal use to document all my plants growth for this summer. Cheers!! :joint:


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My Threads are VERY UN-POPULAR in these forums :(

My Threads are VERY UN-POPULAR in these forums :(

I'm calling the seeds from the bag of really good homegrown chronic, "Drake", because its the best pot I've ever had with seeds in it. I planted a Drake and another random bagseed today, bringing the total # of seedlings planted to 10. Theres another Drake seed that sprouted and almost ready to be planted with the rest.. :moon:

I'm really bummed that I'm not getting any posts on this thread :dunno:


*Stoned User*
Hey Marcellas! :wave:

Im still here checkin in on things. Its the early stages which is painfully boring to watch. Just not much happening.:clock watch: But keep this thread going because itll get interesting soon and people will show more interest, guaranteed! :good: If one person learns something for your grow then youve done something good. So keep on keepiin' on!!!


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thanks for the encouragement brother. i really hope im not just wasting my time and effort with so many seeds from bags of mids and other regular-grade bud


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A few of the random bagseeds died off. Not too worried, I only plan on keeping the strongest and most indica-leaning of these plants to put outside since the random genetics are so risky to deal with.. Plus I should still be getting some BOG seeds :)

But yesterday I scored another eighth of that reallllly great homegrown that I call "DRAKE", I found one big nug that was loaded with seeds!! So I have 17 more DRAKE seeds for the season and 6 more are germinating!
.. So my total seedling count is:
- 1 BLUEBERRY, 2 DRAKE's, 8 RANDOM bagseeds (from mids and other reg-grade bud), for a total of 11 seedlings right now. With possibly 6 more DRAKE's too come and my BOG genetics :woohoo:

I plan to start digging holes and mixing nutrients soon and should start putting plants in the ground by around May 20th.. The latest plants will be going out towards the end of june. Most plants start flowering around here about mid-August.

Pics coming soon!! :D


Active member
Just purchased some goodies for the grow!! Some SUPERTHRIVE and 3 separate quarts of FOX FARM soil nutrients: Grow Big (6-4-4 NPK), Big Bloom (.01-.3-.7) , and Tiger Bloom (2-8-4)! :D

I think I'm going to keep it pretty simple for this grow as far as soil mix goes. Just a simple mix of light potting SOIL, native soil from the ground where I'm planting, about 20% PERLITE, and MAYBE a small addition of some Earth Worm Castings and/or Blood/Bone Meal.

Pics coming soon when the seedlings really get going.. What do you guys think so far?? :joint:
hey there brotha , dont get discouraged ,, u have sum hot ass genetics , i was thinking on getting that sour lifesaver u cnt go wrong with those parents ... keep ur head up and make it a epic year ...........drelow51\50


Active member
If I were wanting good soil for cheap, then I'd be building a compost pile made up of kitchen scraps, lawn clippings, leaves, and horse manure. All of these things are free. Buy a big bale of sphagnum peat moss and some perlite. These are light weight and easy to carry to the site. Do you have a water source near the site? Hauling water will be a pain in the ass.
i use a big rubbermaid tote and raise red wigglers in it and feed and vege scraps newspaper all kinds of stuff u wood normally throw to the landfill ,,,, manure really gets them rocking that and expresso grounds from the local STARBUCKS...i can get a trashbag full every day or 2 just gotta pick it up ....... all chopped bup to free nutrients....drelow51\50


New member
:tiphat: hey man good luck with everything. we got real similar plans for our gardens, just different genetics. i really wanted to snag some of bog's lifesaver and bmr but im broke and waiting for that head gear to drop..had my eye on casey jones for too long.
but as far as your soil mix goes it looks good just make sure ya keep your microlife thriving.
i think it's gonna be a good season. best of luck

edit.. check out some good tea mixes. one for veg and one for flower. every other watering. cheap and simple


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thanks for the feedback everybody!!! just got word that my BOG seeds are going in the mail tommorow!! :woohoo:

my 10 seedlings are looking great, a little stretch though. the areas im growing in are almost swampy and only need to be watered once or twice a season :)


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Just gave all 10 seedlings a watering with a very lose dose of SUPERTHRIVE. I noticed one of my bagseed seedlings has sprouted cotyledons but no leaves!! Has anybody seed this before?? I'll probably have to kill it off in a few days..

I'm expecting BOG's BLUSH within the next week, I'll be cracking them as soon as I get them :woohoo:
They'll be starting a bit late but it shouldnt make a difference.. The weather is gettin better! :D