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Ciclo Outdoor Super Lemon Haze

Nice job taffy , can u gimme more details about your slh grow , i want to start this spring with slh from gh and i need to know how does the girls feel outside, how much you kept them indoor and what kind of nuts you used etc. I'm drooling now.:p


Active member
Nice job taffy , can u gimme more details about your slh grow , i want to start this spring with slh from gh and i need to know how does the girls feel outside, how much you kept them indoor and what kind of nuts you used etc. I'm drooling now.:p

Sorry for my rusty english anyway slh is a good strain that grow easy outdoor. If plant is in good health it don't need particular attention. I kept it indoor during germination (to be sure that birds don't kill it) and in the end of bloom because the weather was too wet (i did not want to find my baby moldy). I used only a good bio prefertilized substrate and a bit of bio bloom fertilizer (by Biocanna). It never showed problems during the vegetative stage and bloom too. Sorry here there's not fertilizers table for you, i don't like fertilizers so much (except for homemade), i want the plant as natural as possible . :)
Good luck for your grow and keep attenction about the dimensions of this strain, it grow very fast, it's a pleasure to see it shoot up! :wave:


mi puoi dare qualche consiglio?

mi puoi dare qualche consiglio?

ciao, volevo chiederti qualche consiglio visto che anche io volevo piantare la super Lemon Haze outdoor:
ma se una volta piantati nei vasi i semini li ricopro con una rete cottile? in modo da non farli beccare dagli uccelli?

p.s. visto che sono nuovo del sito come faccio ad aggiungerti tra i miei amici? e a mandarti messaggi privati? cosi magari mi potresti dare una mano, sia perché non ho mai piantato nulla sia perché il periodo della piantagione è alle porte.
ah un ultima cosa quanto viene alta la super lemon haze?


Scusate dove posso comprare i semi della super lemon haze?? nella maggior parte dei siti mi dice che è terminato

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