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Chunky Cherry Malawi (REv's Cherry Malawi x Tom Hills Deep Chunk Male)

4 Dragons

Active member
Those are shaping up nice! I was afraid the DC would take over but it doesn't look that way. These should be special :)


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
cant wait to see how this comes out....a friend of mine has been talking about this cherry malawi for a couple years....making me drool! beautiful looking fingers on the leaves! keep us updated!


very nice plants but why you do not have any techniques?
So been very busy with things. I'm not sure what techniques your talking about bro. But I have grown for over 25 years. And have many techniques. I choose to use no technique when test running plants.

Sorry all about the lack of show and hopefully can catch you all up.

I took the plants at week 9, and here is mine and the REv's smoke reports.

Smoke report:

Malawi flavors and high, BUT 5x stronger came on fast and just kept coming for a good 30-45 min. Then mellowed with a energentic buzz to me, at least I can't stop fidgeting BUT I could barely open my eyes to see what I am doing. I will get samples over to the Master as soon as they are crispy. He has a much better knack at descriptions and flavors. I'm excited for him to try this.
The wife took 4 hits and 5 min. Later was starting to freak out about smoking too much, She went to bed. Such a light weight
But then I'm a little over half way done with the doob and I started smoking it 1 1/2 hours ago.

So I checked the plants today and SNAP. Hahahahaaha READY
3 plants have all had final trim and weighed. 1 to go.
Plant #5 = 38.4 gr topped once.
Plant #3 = 36.1 gr untopped
Plant #2 = 29.4 gr untopped
Plant #1 = 31.6 gr untopped

Also plants were 2.5'-3.5' tall, I stressed the hell out of them, Had a zipper leak major light on them for the first 4 weeks, before it was caught. Almost started them to reveg, But they hung tough. 1 and only 1 of the 5 popped a few bananas from it. So to me she is a hardy plant, and can take alot of stress without being too worried about anything. I only fed it 3 teas and the rest was all soil feeding the plant.
I just stuck 2 more into flower, 1 was 1.5' tall and is now 2.5' tall 2 weeks in. And the other just went in and is 12" tall right now. One is growing under a 400w MH again and 1 under the 600w MH conversion bulb.
I'm cleaning the cloner again today and cuts of these plants will be taken for the LED show (Coming soon) I will have at least 2 CCM in that show, one in the LED room and 1 in the 400w MH room. Well off to the last plant, back soon with the final weigh in.

Quote from the REV:

I'm glad you posted that about the light leak amigo, cuz I was going to say before I had to kill mine they were looking like damn decent yielding plants, and my 2' plants looked like they were going to yield a couple zips each.

The light poisoning will have taken both the yields and the resin production down a notch at least so we'll keep that in mind. If they are deadly potent now, they should be mind blowing without light poisoning.

- REv

After the REv sampling my Finished product:

Bad ass smoke, very creeper, very potent, and the individual female I tried so far (index 02) has a very sativa-ish leaning strong and complex hightype with extremely long legs. Very cool, and the smells and flavors are like nothing else and the only way I could describe them is like sickeningly sweet honeysuckle. I'm going to smoke this for a day or two here and really get a grip on her, try a few of the individual fems. I'll PoP some dried bud pics in this thread here tomorrow that should really show you how insane the resin production is on these. Whoa!

I'm bias for sure, but still, whoa!

- REvski ...The Baked

Definitely strong Malawi/Cherry Malawi flavor bases, and anyone who has smoked any real amount of real deal Malawi (or my Cherry Malawi) would recognize that unique Malawi flavor and smell influences. It's like if Cherry Malawi was a Starburst flavor, tangy like that and super sweetened; very unique, I know I have used that word a lot, but it is so truly that and yummy as all hell.

She does a *stunning* sativa creep, and is intensely potent like a sativa too.

- REv


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Shots of the plants during flowering.

Sorry folks I'm max out on photos it says. Can someone let me know how to put more photos on? Or do I have to delete my photos that are already here? :thank you:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
very nice g...like the report...too bad about the pics...im sure someone can help ya solve it..


New member
Day 4 above soil. Oh and these are being grown TLO style
wat up greenman ?i work w da boys at sleeping giant in montana .from what i hear whatever you guys come up with rocks!cant wait to put mt.on da map.an its tlo fo sho.thank you guys so much for what you do.you bruddas rock !!


wat up greenman ?i work w da boys at sleeping giant in montana .from what i hear whatever you guys come up with rocks!cant wait to put mt.on da map.an its tlo fo sho.thank you guys so much for what you do.you bruddas rock !!
Sleeping Giant?, Are you with BigSkyKush and crew? I just met 4 of the crew out west.
Thanks for the nice words, and we try hard for excellence.
Getting reports in now on the OD test with the CCMalawi and HOLY Crap these are great OD plants big time.
TLO all the way, everyday. :ying:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
great plants indeed! i cannot contribute any info on how they grow..i have not done them....yet...however...i can vouch that this is top shelf smoke...will have a lil bit more info over next couple days as i kinda get used to the smoke...but i can tell you this...sample i had tasted and smelled beautiful...super cleanOD herb...chunks of crystal as you break it up...soaring high....we hit it on top of a couple others and it absolutely....changed the altitude of the buzz...i was a lil confused as to which direction it took me...def hits ya in the head...but got just enough body to it also...anyways...badass strain and im looking forward to COB today so i can get home and hit a bit more...didnt wanna hit it before work...got the impression last night it wasnt that kind of herb!:)

Yankee Grower

Yeah Sub...looking forward to more detailed info. For sure nothing but rave reviews so far from peeps and very cool it finishes soooooo early outdoors yet packs a fantastic sat punch. Super durable and adaptable with those wild child African genes. Not many peeps have had African stuff so also tickling peeps melons in a different way. I've become a big fan of African hybrids...such a nice high type. Nice it cut through other stuff.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
it absolutely sliced thru it...and not just any buzz...cut thru chemd...which is the most medicinal strain i run...pure power...we had also hit some tahoe...which IME is the strongest of the og's we run...had also hit the valley...and the socal masterkush, which is very similiar to a bubba....so for it to be so noticeable is quite a feat...stoneyjoe took a seat IMMEDIATELY...haha...spicoli will be chiming in at some point also...very very impressive...
...and "tickling in a different way" is a very apt description...not a buzz you find very often...not even w all the elites in the cali scene...this WILL, without question make its rounds...

Yankee Grower

it absolutely sliced thru it...and not just any buzz...cut thru chemd...which is the most medicinal strain i run...pure power...we had also hit some tahoe...which IME is the strongest of the og's we run...had also hit the valley...and the socal masterkush, which is very similiar to a bubba....so for it to be so noticeable is quite a feat...stoneyjoe took a seat IMMEDIATELY...haha...spicoli will be chiming in at some point also...very very impressive...
...and "tickling in a different way" is a very apt description...not a buzz you find very often...not even w all the elites in the cali scene...this WILL, without question make its rounds...
Ha ha...you owe me a pizza...lol.


Some CCM Eye candy, aka Bud Porn. :wave:

Shoot sorry it says my attachments are full I can't upload anymore pics here for some reason. I would have to go back and delete other pics and I don't want to do that. Can anyone help??

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