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Choking your plants?


bounty29 said:
This is exactly what we're talking about. It's all about getting to know the strain you're working with. Good luck doing it successfully your first run with anything, get to know the plant before you try pushing it too far.

Suby, I've always respected your opinion, but I'm really at a loss for words for your posts here. :badday:

To everyone who thinks it's bullshit - You've stated your opinion, stop cluttering the thread. Nobody is forcing you to choke your plants, so why are you getting so worked up? If a few growers want to set a few plants aside to do some tests and see what the results are, who's it going to hurt?


I dont see why people get so aggressive.

All the OP did was post about something his dad told him. He asked if anyone knows anything about it....he didn't come here touting this as the new fangled technique of the Millennium like people seem to think he did.

Stop Hating mine and start livin' yours, as they say.


i find it so funny there is only one or two people who have commented that have expereinced the results.

for epic stoner debate I will add epic stoner logic

Someone else chocking their plants doesnt choke mine

There are many strains, some have different prefered enviromental dispostitions so one plants stress is another plants tweak

This is generaly an outlawed substance and there is little if any real research. We are the body of scientists who create the body of information for the scientific community. Without documented cause and effect its all hypothesis, not real.

im not a commercial dude but I got plenty of plants with plenty of leads to test this theory on. It doesnt threaten me to consider doing something different. Why is everyone so negatively reactive to finding out if you could have better or more weed? Why does someone else cahnging things up start sucha spark for you?

Failure guarentees your data. For free!

(growing my own breeds since 97) however I still consider myself a neophyte (its a weed hard to fvck that up), so I cant tell you if there is creedence is every factor of stress

I stress my plants with a fan, so the stems are rigid, i consider it positive stress

I lost lights for 5 days(plants wre showing deficeny) 1 week into flowering in a week I will take it down and weigh it. Do I wish the lights stayed on?yeah

are results worse than I imagined? no much better, but I cant say better than a perfect plant, I can tell you soon

what doesnt kill you make you stronger?

mayeb, I know for sure there is no hard scientific evidence

I like to think that there is some mystery in the world dont want to discourage progress


Active member
All of these theories are quite interesting. But nothing productive will arise from this thread until a legit test grow is done; just more I'm right, your wrong BS.

Maybe if we could get some opinions from other experienced growers; Rez, JoeShmoe, Lou, etc?

The opinions from PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED STRESSING point in the direction of a positive effect. So instead of shooting this down, why not try to work with it?




Active member
LilMan72003 said:
All of these theories are quite interesting. But nothing productive will arise from this thread until a legit test grow is done; just more I'm right, your wrong BS.

Maybe if we could get some opinions from other experienced growers; Rez, JoeShmoe, Lou, etc?

The opinions from PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED STRESSING point in the direction of a positive effect. So instead of shooting this down, why not try to work with it?



really? because i saw nothing positive and nor did someone else who posted in this thread.
how about you go try it?


Active member
Jesus dude. Please relax. Why are you only trying to stir up problems. You come into my thread and flame the living shit out of it.

I would try if I was growing herb.
I will when my situation allows.


Is there any research that doesn't relate to letting plants go very/over dry? I have experienced this with certain cuts, different properties when grown in different conditions. I think that nature has droughts for a reason, thus the plant's built in ability to adjust in less than optimal wet/dry conditions. Nature doesn't have a natural equivalent of a piece of chicken wire beneath the cola, so I am skeptical, but open to the idea.

Has anyone volunteered? Not it lol.


LilMan72003 said:
All of these theories are quite interesting. But nothing productive will arise from this thread until a legit test grow is done; just more I'm right, your wrong BS.

Maybe if we could get some opinions from other experienced growers; Rez, JoeShmoe, Lou, etc?

The opinions from PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED STRESSING point in the direction of a positive effect. So instead of shooting this down, why not try to work with it?


as i have said in the past abput whethere someone shoudl pH their water or not, add something to their something to their soil/water or not, to each his own!!!

no one here has the exact same plants and so many plants come in so many phenos and even change over time its rediculous. one persons tap water runs at a pH of 7.0 or 5.5 while some people have tap water running at 9 (like myself) or even higher!!!

take a plant or two, mark them bast you can, and bend, poke , spike, prod, juice them how ever you want to , if YOU as THE GROWER wants to see if it works or not. whether you grow commercial or personal, anyone of us can take atleast one plant and give it a shot. i mean what would it take to cut a clone or two for the next harvest and see if it works.

me im gonna try it. some people have said that transplanting late in flowering wont put on any extra wieght on the plants. . . now for me, i took teh measurements, i saw the side branches reach a little farther out of the cab, i measured my main colla and saw it grow and extra three inches and widen out, so can some one tell me that is doesnt work?!?!? HELL NO!! why? cause I saw it for MYSELF and did the test MYSELF and proved it to myself.

my :2cents: . . . do it FOR YOURSELF AND SEE IF IT WORKS FOR YOURSELF. if it does then you can tell the rest to go to hell and YOU would know for a fact that the nay sayers are wrong. if it doesnt, then you know who is right.

now i have to say that when i bent the bottom buds so that they could fill out a lil more and get soem light, i did notice that they fattened up a lil bit. they went from 1gr buds to 2 and 3gr buds, so FOR ME and what i remember with my last grow, i do plan do give this a try especially with those smaller popcorn buds.
you never know unless you try and because of that fact, no one can say yay or nay to the theory of it.



Active member
Way to go FRIENDinDEED.

bigtime props to you for doing this in the furthering the collective knowledge on grow techniques!


I'm still gonna try it too. And post here.

Not that I have a big enough population to draw any really conclusive results from, nor am I an advanced grower, but I don't think I'll ever stop experimenting with my grows.
You will never know what works and what doesn't if you don't try for yourself.



the Revenant
I will add to this experiment of "stressing your plants". I have some girls in flower day 38 and i have no smoke so here and there once a day i clip smallish buds from the bottom. Of course i am doing this to become high but at the same time it must put a little stress on the girl. So lets see if her cola/top buds swell to a very lareg size.
So if stress causes auxins to rush to a 'wound', logically, it COULD put on weight. Smaller stresses caused by mites however would more logically impact levels of active compounds, possibly terpenoids?
Am I thinkin' in the right direction?


From a botanists point of view this technique DOES have some merit and seems very logical. Some plants when stressed sucrete hormone's to attract predator bugs but since cannabis uses its resin coating to protect it from the elements this sounds 100% feasible. ( I said feasible not true) To be honest I wouldn't bet against it.


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
not sure if im gonna try it on the main stem cola
but will def try it on 1 lower branch bud, there is no correct place to clamp?

i think any one who is gonna try this,should first observe there strain
as we all know theres strains out there that will throw male at you at first signs of any unsettlement


ive done the pin or small finiching nail through the stem w eek bfore harvest on a plant last round with the speed queens, i also gave then 24 hours of darkness and the last two days i let them dry to the point of wiltingsalsmost. it seems stickier than the other plants but the smoke was identicall. becasue once again the little bit of resin that gets produced in the last week ot less of flower will not be mature enough to even really have any type of cannabinoid porfile in the gland heads becasue they just begun to form a stalk and a little deflated head and them gland that are resluting front the torture/strees fotn have time to mature enough to contribute to the high. if any thing, if youvan even noticed that "extra resin" compared to the plant that didnt get the treatmetnt/torture/stress, it might make the stressed buds a little more bag apealing but its all "paint" as the extras are very very immature to say the least.


Registered Med User
I just stabbed 2 tiny nails through the stalk of my mandala #1, finna harvest probly on sunday, nothing to judge or compare by, fuck it...
GET MO said:
I just stabbed 2 tiny nails through the stalk of my mandala #1, finna harvest probly on sunday, nothing to judge or compare by, fuck it...

I just stabbed several tacks into the base of my penis.....Keep your fingers crossed! :headbange


Stoned Cold said:
I just stabbed several tacks into the base of my penis.....Keep your fingers crossed! :headbange

:muahaha: :laughing:

Nice, make sure you post pics. :D
But, I'm been choking it for years, and it doesn't seem to get any bigger. :redface:

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