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Choking your plants?


So pretty much here's where you stand:

1. Anecdotal evidence is acceptable as long as it's knowledge achieved before scientific method existed. Of course let's go ahead and forget the fact that research on marijuana is limited due to it's current legality.

2. You do not need a side by side comparison or even a scientific journal as long as a professional grower would confirm that it works. This is another instance where your own personal opinion blinds you from the information you yourself requested. Cervantes is as professional a grower as anyone.

3. (Regarding your signature) You are against technology that strip us from identifying what is real. By googling around looking for information regarding stress and crop plants, you yourself are blinding yourself to something that is very real: Actual MARIJUANA growers who swear by stress. You're talking about guys who have dialed into a strain and noticed an increase in potency. It seems to me that you're letting a limited technological resource of information stopping you from seeing real results by real people

There's room to improve upon every creation known to man, including life itself. Why deny this? Why tell people that they're wrong because their findings don't fit into your comfortable little box?


**AWD** Aficianado
This whole concept of stress improving any type of stress is ridiculous, the whole aim of any grower is to minimize stress and to make the plants life easier.

I've tried some of these methods and they don't work, my mentors tried these methods and they don't work.

Do your own homework, I've read my share of books, spent plenty of time in labs and have got my degree and only on pot boards does BS like this fly.


You are against technology that strip us from identifying what is real. By googling around looking for information regarding stress and crop plants, you yourself are blinding yourself to something that is very real: Actual MARIJUANA growers who swear by stress. You're talking about guys who have dialed into a strain and noticed an increase in potency. It seems to me that you're letting a limited technological resource of information stopping you from seeing real results by real people

he wouldn't know an experienced farmer if he came into this thread and bitch slapped him upside his metaphorical head. lol

Cervantes rules btw.
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Shady Smoka

Active member
I agree with Hoosier 100%. You have no concrete evidence backing up your THEORY either.
Back to the subject....
I think this idea has some merit. The plant thinks its gonna die....which it is. Therefore making the plant go into overdrive.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I don't recall where I read, heard or saw this fact...however; apparently one of the functions of "resin" is to act like a protectant to the plant against the sun's heat and pests.
It stands to reason (I don't have evidence, but it appears to be logical) that if the plant requires "more protection", ie-pests, increased temperatures, etc.....it will respond by producing more of the things that protect it. If by stressing the plant you are simulating the effects of the things that would potentially increase resin formation....then it should in fact do just that.

Once again....not an "expert", don't have an article or reference....but I thought I'd put my 2 cents in.

As far as other types of plants, I would imagine that stressing them might make them produce more of whatever it is they produce to get rid of pests or protect themselves.

I believe that citrus fruits might be a more reasonable example, because they produce the citrus oil to deter pests. Not sure how it functions with regards to being a "sun protectant" which is analogous to resin.

It's hard to draw concrete conclusions by direct comparison to other species without knowing what their specific adaptations are against problems.

I think stressing "food" plants would not produce a similar effect, and would in fact be detrimental to them. You really have to critically look at the function of resin (besides getting you high) to understand what might influence production.


Active member
"This whole concept of stress improving any type of stress is ridiculous, the whole aim of any grower is to minimize stress and to make the plants life easier."

i am still a relative newcomer to the growing scene, but want to point out that this statement is not always true. commercial growers sell by weight, and if the reduced weight incurred by stressing the plant is not more than compensated for by higher prices due to visibly superior resin content, then the commercial grower will have no interest in such a procedure. personal growers grow to their own taste, are usually far less interested in weight, and are therefore more likely to risk a reduced/ruined crop by stressing in in a particular manner in an attempt to achieve a particular result.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
Suby, nearly everything we do in the horticulture of weed puts a certain amount of stress on the plant. And we all recognize that some of these stresses can have a dramatic effect on the plants behavior.
In fact, the MJ plant is one of the best at stress response. Almost everything we do, it will react to in some way.

I think you are way out of line by spouting off your pedigree, and calling any dissension to your position so much bullshit.
If you were really familiar with lab procedure, you certainly wouldn't use your weak presentation as any sort of validation of anything at all.

You have some opinion, mixed with an apparent anecdote of your own, and trying to speak for others anecdotes.
Not much of a list for a good study, IMO.

If you ask me, I think it would serve us all better to discuss this and perhaps dig into the thing deeper and maybe we can get to the bottom if it.
But for you to think anyone here is just going to concede that you are spot-on correct without a doubt, with what little you have provided, I think you mistaken.


Well-known member
if it worked everybody would have been doing it for years by now, open your eyes people. there are hundreds of thousands of people on online forums
dont you think if it worked the word would have gotten around?

suby is right and btw Jorge is a fucking chump

jebus man

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most people aren't good enuf growers to stress, cuz their plants are already stressed due to whatever the amateur grower is doing.

sheesh. haven't u grown enough crops of the same pheno to be able to tell a difference in the time it finishes, whether it was "stressed" or "unstressed" ?? have you never manipulated a plants environment to produce a result?

i have an 10 year pheno. that's right 10 years. the thing is a champ. i've had almost a 100 crops with the strain and same method of growing. you can get it to finish with potency in under 5 weeks. THE ONLY WAY TO DO THAT IS TO STRESS THE PLANT!!! otherwise it is a 10 week plant UNSTRESSED.


Custom User Title
bighogg said:
it's Procreate. the plant needs to reproduce and ensure its own survival. it needs to create seeds.

those resin glands are there to ensure that those seeds survive. they are there to protect the plant from being eaten by other insects. it's a protective mechanism that goes into overdrive when the plant feels threatened and that it's life may be at the end.

I don't see how so many people don't understand this. Why do buds grow and get bigger throughout flower? Because we don't let them get pollinated. Don't take out the males, and see what happens. They stop trying to get pollinated, and concentrate on making seeds.

The reason they fatten up the last few weeks is because they know their time is coming to an end, and you really don't think the plants will try harder if they're stressed than if they're in a perfect environment?

The final product of stress would be turning hermie, but if you can get to know the plant enough to stress just before that line, there's no doubt in my mind it'd benefit.

(As mentioned before, trichomes are there to help the plant reproduce. Whether it be to protect from temperature, humidity, or pests to keep them healthy or to catch pollen easier to help procreate, more trichomes = better chance at success.)
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There has been many opinions and speculation thrown about

A) Scientific method requires more than speculation to prove or disprove a theory

B) Not all strains respond to the same environmental conditions

Now I would like to quote Frank Zappa

Progress is not possible without deviation

With that said, any concept can be tested for its validity and since the plant doesnt have a central core of intelligence and a nervous system it would stand to reason that the whole plant does not need to be "choked".

the real test is to chock one lead and harvest the whole plant at the same time and test the chocked lead vs the non choked leads

I have personally experienced things that I have read "dont exist"

for example. Flowering from seed sounds great, but one afghani strain I had, if not matured in vegitative period long enough was a bunk high.

Let it veg long enough and it was more potent than 95% of the best weed out there

in that instance a varietal difference coudl skew results, so if majority of stock grows fine from seed it doesnt mean its all inclusive

Itss huge for this community to nuture deviance and variances in growing

thinking out fo the box has made vertical growing come to age. If we encourage all typess of experimentation the net result will be more progressive gardesn for everyone. As teh data becomes available, we all benefit.

Couple that with the lack of research because its illegal in most parts, the average grower should be enthused to know people are doing their own research with grow methods and show support in some manner
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Huggie bear

Active member
I read an article like 10 or 15 years ago about how growers would use scarification to promote higher resin production.
the grower would take a razor blade to the stalk and make several slices down the stalk causing the the plant to go in to a defense state much like its battle against UV rays.

No it would not do anything to the buds over all composition at all it would simply make it ooze resin just like it already does to protect itself from the UV radiation but at an increased rate.
I can not for the life of me find anything online rite now to back it up or even reference it so you can of course draw your own conclusions I mean if it was something that was played around with through out the years yet its not widely adopted by todays growers I can only assume it was proven or deemed pointless.
I have no plans on slicing up my lady's but it does seem like it could have something to it.


only thing I would be choking lil man is your lil man :) sorry man I had to... but that being said, I would love to see some pics of poeple who try this, sounds like it might work..


Active member
Wow this thread really took off.

First of all lets not put each other's opinions down; we have absolutely no proof from either side ATM and there's no use making points off of speculation.

bounty29 said:
I don't see how so many people don't understand this. Why do buds grow and get bigger throughout flower? Because we don't let them get pollinated. Don't take out the males, and see what happens. They stop trying to get pollinated, and concentrate on making seeds.

The reason they fatten up the last few weeks is because they know their time is coming to an end, and you really don't think the plants will try harder if they're stressed than if they're in a perfect environment?

The final product of stress would be turning hermie, but if you can get to know the plant enough to stress just before that line, there's no doubt in my mind it'd benefit.

(As mentioned before, trichomes are there to help the plant reproduce. Whether it be to protect from temperature, humidity, or pests to keep them healthy or to catch pollen easier to help procreate, more trichomes = better chance at success.)

I do believe this is the right direction to be looking in. I think the doubters of this idea believe too much in babying a plant for the best results. I spoke with my dad about it again and he elaborated further. The actual term for the damaging of the plant is called the Wound Response. I did some research online and since none of it pertained to cannabis the best explanation I can give is that at the site of a wound, plants secrete different chemicals, some in the form of resins, to help the healing process to be quicker.

My dad asked his college botany professor if this principle would carry over to cannabis, and the response was yes, and my dad abused his plants and got pounds of resin drenched bud every year.

I don't see why people are scared of "nute lock" and stunting their plants growth. The beating is to only be done the last two weeks of flowering, when nutes aren't supposed to be being used, and plants are at their tallest. And in addition, no damage is being done to the actual cola, just the stem underneath.

If I had a grow setup, I'd give it a run, but unfortunately I do not. I invite anyone who has the capability to please give it a try, because I really think there is something to this.

Take for example bighogg . You know the ins and outs of your pheno down and the fact that you know STRESSING the plant makes it finish 5 weeks faster is a testament to the technique of stressing.

-LilMan :joint:


Active member
ElGato said:
if it worked everybody would have been doing it for years by now, open your eyes people. there are hundreds of thousands of people on online forums
dont you think if it worked the word would have gotten around?

suby is right and btw Jorge is a fucking chump

jebus man


sorry, but if we follow this train of thought we come to the conclusion that we already know everything there is to know about growing cannabis and that further experimentation is futile.


Custom User Title
green_grow said:
sorry, but if we follow this train of thought we come to the conclusion that we already know everything there is to know about growing cannabis and that further experimentation is futile.

and to believe that would just be ignorant. :rasta::wave:


I'm agreeing with bighogg through and through here.

These people who are saying stressing is bad and ONLY bad, have clearly never experimented with there plants!

And who the f**k said MJ is like a tomato plant!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Now THAT is as fukn old wives tale! ... They're nothing a like, nothing ... They require similar nutrient requirements - So does 10,000 other plants! and every plant requires some level of N-P-K - it doesn't make them similar! ... For a plant to be similar, they have to b in the same FAMILY, cannabis and tomatoes aren't even in the same ORDER let alone family, Tomato goes: Order: Solanales, Family: Solanaceae, Genus: Solanum, Species: S. lycopersicum
Cannabis go: Order: Rosales, Family: Cannabaceae, Genus: Cannabis, Species: Sativa L. (Even indica's are botanically under sativa)
Yea they're both in the Class: Magnoliopsida, but thats the class for EVERY plant the produces flowers, so what you must be saying is Cannabis is similar to EVERY plant that FLOWERS.

Ok why don't we stick to it like this, the people who think this is a myth, don't do it and go piss people off in another thread. The people who like to experiment or who come under the ADVANCED GROWERS title, keep experimenting and producing kick-ass bud that everybody loves, i mean hey, if u wana sell some for cash its a lot easier when other people cant grow anything that even comes close to what ur putting out, people like shit with a difference.

Cheers all!
P.S - If people are going to contradict this, at least do ur research first, or try it for urself. If you don't want to do that, fine, but take ur shit somewhere else.
I hate it when people say; Where's ur proof this works? .. Um, where's ur proof it doesn't? hahaha, like i said on first page, i TRIED something it WORKED for ME, yay for ME! never mentioned you! ;)


ElGato - Sorry jsut read this hahaha, couldn't resist commenting ... Do u have ANY clue how long MJ was cultivated for (as well as other plants) before people discovered propagation through cuttings (wat we call 'cloning') and that a plants exact genetic make-up will b exactly the same ... To say that there r a million people online, everyone would b using this by now if it worked is like saying computers were as advanced as they'd ever get 20 years ago (maybe not best comparison bt still hahaha) .. And not EVERYONE would b uses this technique coz for a start, there's people who are too close minded to even give it a try for themselves, and secondly, commercial growers wouldn't use it coz they don't care bout quality so there's no reason for them to put in the extra effort.

O and for those who are saying "no trichs are produced in the last weeks of flowering" u've obviously neva seen a plant turn WHITE in the last 1-2 weeks of flowering ... WAIT A MINUTE! - MAYBE TRY STRESSING THEM AND SEE IF IT DOESN'T TRIGGER THE PLANT TO REVERT TO PRODUCING TRICHS AS A LAST DITCH ATTEMPT TO GET POLLINATED ... If u've never even tried this, I can tell u now, u've never seen the full potential of a 'white strain'

Sorry to bitch guys and girls hahaha


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Trichomes have nothing to do with pollination though. Trichomes in fact would probably inhibit pollination, as a sticky substance is not going to allow the pollen to move freely around the pistils...

The resin is more likely a defensive mechanism against UV, insects, cold..

The resin amounts on the plants today are due to many years of selection though, and it it isn't entirely natural (in the sense that we've selected the plants that do so as more worthy).


Custom User Title
Bighogg - What techniques specifically do you employ to make a 10 week strain finish in 5? What's the drop in yield like? Does it smoke the same as if you'd let it go 10 weeks, or is it lower yield, faster finish, better high?
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