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Just a quick update to show the progress of the beans.

Just a quick update to show the progress of the beans.

They are doing well and as you see, I had to prop 'em up.
Also, a quick count would show that one frijole never broke the surface.
It cracked and had a tail:mad:
So it will be 17 to choose from.


grow nerd

Looking forward to the Schnazz #2 show. The lights are definitely too far away. I'd raise up those cups by putting 'em on something (upside-down plastic container, maybe).


Looking forward to the Schnazz #2 show. The lights are definitely too far away. I'd raise up those cups by putting 'em on something (upside-down plastic container, maybe).

2nd that! Those t5 don't produce much heat at all...get 'em close.
Looking nice man..like the prop up technique with the floss things..


make sure when your transplant them seedlings you burry them right up to the first set of true leaves..this will give you stronger growth and thicker stems. looking good


grow nerd ~ Thanks for stopping by & I think the pictures below will show that I have fixed the distance issue. :joint: Hopefully I'll Rock This Schnazzleberry Out! :woohoo:

orpanic ~ Right on! & Thanks for stoppin' in.
I thought the floss thing was pretty cool too....until;
My buddy came by & hit me with the clown hammer on 'em:bashhead:.....I think his technique of Bamboo Skewers(100 for $3) inserted then clipped of with wire cutters, was a little more efficient and the girls definitely appreciate it.
I got those lights 'bout as close as I can get 'em. :joint:

BIOJenn ~ :wave:The first set?:yoinks: DO TELL.
I have heard of burying the stem some.....but to there?
I will most definitely try that with some if not all....Elaborate if you would & Thanks. :joint:

...And for the quick update.
You can see that the light situation as well as the props have been changed, all for the better.
Also...in my other thread, I added pix of my first :dueling: which turns out to be...THRIPS!
After I shit my pants and cleaned myself properly, I came to IC and got the lowdown on 'em.
Acquired the recommended juice and them bitches have been dealt with. :joint:
However, you can see on some of the close-ups that they even went after the Babies!?!
Hope they enjoyed the Spinosad Salad, Fuckin' Pricks.







Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I am looking forward to the schnazz as well, have a pack myself in the fridge. Not alot of infor out there on here, but everything I have read is good.


to answer your question:
it only makes sense..you want your plants as strong and short/squat as poss, no reason to have tall and lanky when you can have strong,short,squat. the key to a sturdy foundation is what.? i have gone as far as the third set on seedling if they stretched to much do to heat or whats have you. trans a few a few ways and see what works best :kos:




OK...so I need to ask you for some advice here with this.
I think my picture will speak 1000 words.



Green Supreme

Looks like its reaching for light. Perhaps a little closer and maybe a fan on it lightly to make it build a stronger stalk. Good luck. Peace GS

ps. if ya use the fan be sure to monitor waterings more frequently, as they will dry out faster.


im not 100% sure here but that 5 bulb t5 should be fine for seedlings at 2' or 4" i think that maybe its in the genetics, might just be some super vigorous growth possibly something to consider seems strange because they dont seem to be lacking light (old bulbs in light?) also are you doing 18/6 or 24

and you can try what biojenn said to do also just transplant and bury some of stem and maybe they will stop stretching some and bulk up instead


Ummmm, yeah, that light issue has been addressed if you look back.
At this point in the thread, that was kinda indirectly aimed at BIOJenn.
And I should have been more specific with the post, My Apologies.

So....she stated that she would re-pot to the first node.
My picture would show that if I did that in the 1.5gal....it would essentially be burying the whole cup and just filling around the sides.
In the 3gal., it doesn't appear to be that much more of a difference IMO.

So, that would be the basis of the following:

Can I bend, curl, twist the stem or do I have to bury it straight?
If I "break the stem in the process, will I kill it?

Not to try and be a name dropper or nothing, but, CHIMERA has exchanged a couple of PM's with me and he told me, and I'm paraphrasing, that the stretch was not that bad. Looking at the overall size of the plant, a 3-4" stem to the first node is not bad at all.
(How fucking Cool is that, from THE MAN?)
So...I am not really too concerned about it TBPH.
I will re-pot some and I will bury some of the stem in the process...I just want to know, In The Event that I did a "first" or even a "THIRD":yoinks: node re-pot...
How would I go about doing it without killing the plant?


ahh i see what your saying now that picture makes more sense

wow talkin to chimera himself thats pretty cool

you absolutely can bend the stem so that its not so far down in the pot, i do that all the time but i use rapid rooters to sprout and so i simply wrap the extra stem around the rapid rooter some and this has never been a problem for me since your directly in the dirt i imagine you can still just bend the stem to your will anyway


Here's some pics from 20 minits ago...:joint:
8 of the 9 Schnazzleberry beans made it.

Side Shot.

9 of 9 Fighting Buddah :joint:

Side Shot.

Green Supreme

I fill the pot to the level that the old pot goes then pack the dirt around the old pot inside the new pot. The tricky part is obviously that stem sticking out. I put my hand around one half, then carefully pack the other side supporting the stem with the fingers of the hand in the pot. Once one side is packed the second side is easier ,once you have removed your hand. Just fill the other side carefully and you should be golden. Good luck man. Peace GS

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