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ICE Cream eater
I love how the Sadhus who smoke Chillums look.

Much respect for the Chillum and those who can smoke one properly




I love the original Chillum but here is a piece a friend made for me few years back..they call it a "Chubbler" which is a chillum bubbler contraption. Red, Gold, Green & Black color scheme with silver/gold fume and Dichroic glass pyramid marble, diffused stem w/ corked carb. If I was to have them blow it differently I would have asked they made it longer and a little thinner at the base so we could hit it like a old school chillum.


for size this sweet girl is about 10-12"


little snap of kush to start the morning


now normally I would use a match or a lighter to smoke a chillum but lately it's been really nice out so I used the magnifying glass. takes a steady hand a little bit of skill to solar rip on a blind bowl..DONT BURN UR EYE OUT !! hahaa:tiphat:


and now we are shpongled


keep it going round dudes



New member
hey thougt i would join in here this tread seems abit dead :D

so lets get it started again :) here you go my alverman chillum :)



nexst up is my tony chillum



hope you liked it ! i enjoyed looking in this tread peace nindja

i wil be back whit more...


Well-known member
The best Chilum(s) i ever had the pleasure to smoke were:
In order of functionality:

In order of estethics:

I'll manage to get a picture of those cause i think it's stuff you can't see too often.
Manu has a website and sell from india.

In chilum here we smoke charas or killer drysift or iceolator. Never put in ganja or regular hash.
Toast and put inside one full cigarette with a 0.7g of hash.
Who put the hash decide who will light the chillum, and gain the second hit, wich is the best, then the chilum is passed strictly to the right. Never stop the round or jump in.
I think it's a great cerimony but i can't smoke always chilum cause it's really hard on the lungs...


an old friend/nindja

where did you guys get those chillums

an old friend (I am more asking about the marble chillum)

beautiful pieces

I love smoking a chillum

I had a lot of fun in goa..
smoking chillum here is not the same :)

alverman pieces are beautiful

the 120 Euro price is something else though..

why so expensive ?


Active member
Limey is back! After lost login problems, I have been reincarnated as Limegreenlimey!

Thanks for your contributions while I have been away. Some lovely pics, which I am glad to see.

Thought I would let you know of this online retailer - the only one I have found selling a range of top grade chillums online... http://www.serenitishop.com/index.php

Manu does also sell his chillums separately here... (and in Goa, of course) http://www.chillum.it/index.php


Ànyone know more about sadhus ?

I have read autobiography of a sadhu, and they do talk about what the naga babas are into and what not but I feel do not know much about them

I knew about sereniti shop
a bit expensive.. but I guess those are the prices for these chillums

now that I took a look again

150 Euros for a decorated little coconut bowl...

I guess it's an italian thing ?


Active member
Hi longearedfriend

There are all sorts of sadhu "real" and "fake" and no doubt many who fall somewhere between the two. The real ones are holy men ; the fake ones are tramps and junkies who disguise themselves to support their begging. For every fakir, a fucker.

Primarily they divide along the usual lines in India - shaivite and vaishnavite - followers of shiva and vishnu respectively. Though a generalisation, it's safe to say that the most enthusiastic chillum smokers are shaivite as Shiva has the links to the himalaya, charas, asceticism etc

Under this, the sadhus divide up across a plethora of differing sects of which the naga sadhu are one. They are not quite the most extreme of the bunch - that would be the aghora or aghori sadhu whose path is to participate in activities deemed unclean by other hindus - eating meat (even human flesh) sleeping in graveyards and burning ghats, smoking hash - mortification of the flesh, essentially. They are all supposed to eschew sex and links to their past lives, including contact with their families.

All sadhus should have a guru who passes on sacred knowledge. they have to work up to it and are given mantras, mudras etc as they develop their yoga. The most committed tend to spend less and less time in contact with other people and gravitate to the mountains and other remote places (forests) etc to meditate. They often spend years alone. If you go to a kumbh mela, you will see some of these guys, completely shell shocked by their exposure to other people. Even other sadhus freak them out ; they are not used to talking.

Shaivite sadhus smoke because Lord Shiva smokes during his stays in the mountains - he is supposed to reside on mount Kailash. Sadhus will smoke anything! - much of what they do smoke is simply bushweed and charas that they have collected themselve son their wanderings. In many parts of the himalayas (including some cities like Haridwar), you'll see ganja plants everywhere, wild and uncultivated. Of course, some sadhus probably indulge in a bit of cultivation if they have found themselves a nice remote patch and a cave. they are almost always grateful for a smoke. If you get to know them you'll discover that much of "chillum lore" as espoused by western hippies is bullshit. Sadhus tend to smoke small, curved-wall chillums, sometimes weed, sometimes with tobacco and chars, sometimes weed and charas. They dont often toast their cigarettes if they use tobacco; they dont tend to grind the tobacco in their palm. They dont care about "two matches" (though they tend not to use lighters). They DO smoke like chimneys. best charas I have smoked in recent years was in a small, indescript ashram (some sheds by the river - not some big temple complex yoga school, cash generating thing). A bunch of - for want of a better description - good ol' boys sitting around playing an unfathomable game of cards, chain smoking chillums. Incredible raw, fresh, buttery charas. Knocked me flat.

Are they holders of secret knowledge? yes. is that knowledge useful? Who knows? It's a secret! They can certainly do some pretty odd things and put up with insane hardship. Their yoga is very strong.

Channel 4 did an excellent 3 part documentary about 15 years ago about them and I have not seen better since. May be on youtube somewhere!

Go to India when the next kumbh mela is in Haridwar (about 10 years time). It wil blow your mind. So will the chillums!



Thanks for sharing that information limey

I am in the market trying to find a nice chillum


Active member
Wooooo. Great thread. Learned a lot.

I have a glass piece I was incorrectly calling a chillum. I know now it is not a chillum cause the bowl tapers down to a finer point. Shucks. Im gonna call it a straight shooter then.

And now I'm on the hunt to find a real chillum.

Thanks for the thread and info limey. And thanks to everyone else who posted pics / info


Smile Vs Cry
The best Chilum(s) i ever had the pleasure to smoke were:
In order of functionality:

In order of estethics:

I'll manage to get a picture of those cause i think it's stuff you can't see too often.
Manu has a website and sell from india.

In chilum here we smoke charas or killer drysift or iceolator. Never put in ganja or regular hash.
Toast and put inside one full cigarette with a 0.7g of hash.
Who put the hash decide who will light the chillum, and gain the second hit, wich is the best, then the chilum is passed strictly to the right. Never stop the round or jump in.
I think it's a great cerimony but i can't smoke always chilum cause it's really hard on the lungs...

yeah fratello this is right, im a real fan of chilum, i go in parvaty valley (india, mountain himalaya) every year and smoke a tons of charas(primo quality) with chilum, i no the best coming from dan , renzo and someone else that i forget name maybe sweden guy..anyway cost of chilum is high cos its not simple make and cook this amazing toys fellaw..


200 euros for an alverman chillum (with shipping)

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New member
Where I lived (E. India) they used to sell little ready-loaded chillums made from rolled up palm leaves at the cigarette/paan stands.
Those expensive "Italian chillums" are beautiful objects, but the little 50 pice clay ones that the locals use have all the street cred (in my eyes).


New member
I also remember something of a minor craze for "rock crystal" chillums at one point.
And I also remember being at smoking sessions at some tourist spot or other, and the guy who shyly pulls out the big "Italian chillum", looking a total "newb" like the kid at school with the big sparkly new trainers!